Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 55

”What the HELL was that?” Leo said as he rests his hands above his head, watching Derek fix the band that held the sails to the engine core. Derek just shrugged his shoulders. Everything was back to the way it was before the man-eating grandma flew down on them. Derek wanted to forget about it, but he knew he couldn’t. There is gonna be even more monsters till they reach their destination. More horrible, ugly, smelly, possibly hungry monsters out to get them. Gods, this is gonna be a long trip, he thought to himself. He wound the band around the top gear twice as best he could with his hands still shaking. To be honest, Derek felt dead. Or well half-dead at least. He had definitely overused his strength, shooting all of those flames but he couldn’t let his team down. Leo didn’t look any better but they both were gonna have to suck it up. The weapon Derek had recieved from his dad was helpful in some cases, but he couldn’t get a good hit with the Sybaris flying around, dodging every single time. And when Caly hit the thing straight on, he had to admit he was jealous. Big time. But she didn’t seem proud of it though. She just looked like she caused a big crime or something, and for that he felt really bad for her. With a huff, Derek climbed out from under the cramped engine space and nodded when Leo asked if he was done. “Aight. Inspection time then, young grasshopper.” His half-brother said with a grin, as he climbs into the area Derek was in just a few seconds ago. Derek looked down at his hands. ‘So the only way I can summon the spear is through fire huh?’ he mentally stated. ‘Better than nothing.’ And then there was Andria. When she popped up, he did about 5 double-takes thinking that the freakshow got HIM under a trance too or something. There was no way she couldve snuck on without them noticing! But then again the Argo III was huge. So there are countless possibilities but still. And ohhhh gods, when Caly locked eyes with her…Derek could’ve sworn world war 3 was about to happen. But to his surprise Caly didn’t even acknowledge her. Deep in his thoughts, Derek leaned against the side of the ship, and looked out across the sky, which is now a clear blue. Its hard to imagine just 15 minutes ago, it had been thunder storming. Maybe Zeus was playing tricks on them. Or maybe monsters had scary storm powers too like he sometime sees in animated movies. Whatever the case, he doesn’t wanna meet up with another Sybaris. Anything else he can take but…ugly, flying screwballs who only eats dudes are a whole ‘nother story.