Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 6

‎"Shit shit shit" Caly cursed under her breath. She was just walking like an average teenager would, at the local bus station, and the next thing she knew, she was being chased by a giant mutant bird. The injured boy she had seen earlier, was down on the ground, clicking away at a...light up pen? Whatever it was, it was definitely not doing him any good. Quickly,Caly dove to the side as the beast, tackled her, and got up on her feet, swinging a wooden stick she found on the ground. Hey, you gotta do what ya gotta do when your being attacked by a mutated big bird from seseme street. Except with giantass claws. And a huge, HUGE beak. Caly keeping her voice calm as possible as she spoke, "Come at me you sick bastard...bird...thing...ok WHATEVER THE HELL YOU ARE!" She gripped the wooden stick (Not the weapon of her choice obviously) tightly, and held her ground. Just when she was ready to swing at it, the light haired boy, came with a huge sword, slashing at the monster's head, completely knocking it off. Damn, she thought. Exhausted, she dropped the weapon(if you would even call it that) that she had been holding, and wiped her blood stained hands on her jeans, and knelt down to the boy. He had passed out right when the monster disinagrated. "This can't be happening, this can't be happening." She whispered over and over again. Apparently, nobody else can see this?! A giant tweety was trying to kill 2 teenage kids. Yup. Completely normal. "Please be alive, please please please." She begged, even though the boy couldn't hear her. She brushed a peice of bloodstained hair away from his face, and saw that he was actually pretty cute. Think, Calysta. What would your dad do? "Dammit." She looked around helplessly, wondering if she should go get help, or call someone, but then suddenly a man with a goatee, and heavy set eyebrows came after them. Did he have horns?? "Who the he-" Afraid, it was another monster, Caly stood up defensively. But instead, the hairy man with hoo- hooves?! Ok. Maybe she should've listend to her dad when he wanted to put her in a mental hospital. He was joking but still. "bleeee! Oh dear gods. Oh no no no no thi-" Caly couldn't hear what he muttered last, but it sounded like it was in another language. "hey hey hey! it doesn't help if you just stand there panicing buddy" Caly interuppted his ranting, and got him to calm down a bit. "Alright." He said, looking at her. Well then. He was part goat. Awesome. "Help me take him back to camp Calysta! we must hurry!" How the hell did he know her name? Without a second thought, Caly nodded and took the boy by the arm, while the goatman took the other. She went the entire way quietly, without asking any questions( She thought it would be best), until they arrive to Camp Half-Blood. At least that's what the sign said. She helped goatboy take the blonde kid, into the infirmary, not really taking notice of her surroundings. Trust me, if she looked around her she would've faint right on the spot. She just had about enough surprises that day. Caly sighed, and slumped down on the ground, as goatboy fixed up the other kid. She was absolutely exhausted.