Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 61

Aj lay in his bunk, now wide awake, after having the ship heave to one side then the other, it made it hard on a son of Poseidon to sleep. He couldnt’ve slept long anyways, not with his mind rushing like it was. Andria,Caly. Andria, Caly. To be entirely honest, he hated Andria. He didn’t know why she’d snuck onto the ship, or why she’d bothered to save his worthless piece of shit life, because it seemed that according to her, he wasn’t worth being told a thing. He was worth shit. It hurt. Aj wouldn’t lie, because he couldn’t, at least not to himself. He had never been with a girl in his life, and he wasn’t good with them, but after finding out he was a demigod, a son of Poseidon much less, he’d gained a certain strength, but any strength he’d gained from that had just been snapped like a small twig between two huge boulders, from Andria’s lack of…response. He didn’t know what else to call it. He didn’t much care either. With a sigh, suddenly very tired of tracing circles on the mattress of the upper bunk above him, Aj sat up on the edge of his bunk bed, and wanted nothing more at that moment, than to be home, with his mom, living a normal life, doing normal stupid homework, hanging out with his normal nerdy friends, but he knew it wouldn’t ever be that way again, because he was a demigod, a mistake that wasn’t supposed to happen twice, but did, and his mother was gone. Mom. Aj whimpered slightly, and swallowed back the lump forming in his throat, upon thinking about his mother. It had been nearly a week since she’d…disappeared, but to Aj it felt like years. Stop thinking about it you’re just making it worse. He told himself. Aj slowly unclenched his fists, and loosened his jaw, deciding the thing now he needed more than anything was some fresh air, which there was no lack of considering they were some 15,000 odd Ft off the ground. Aj sat up, and took a deep breath before walking out the door, to find a scene infront of him he’d never had expected in a million years. Caly stood infront of Andria with her arm extended, fingers together, as Andria stood holding her now red cheek. The others looked on in worry, curiousity, and a bit of amusement from Derek and Leo. Aj was proud. You’ll sure as Zeus go to the underworld for that one. He thought to himself. He shouldn’t be happy Andria had been slapped, but he couldn’t help feeling proud of Caly for doing so. He knew he’d be punished for it later, but for the moment, he was going to bathe in his glorly. And by that, it meant he was going to get the hell out of there as fast as he could. Aj walked quickly, pulling the hood of his sweatshirt over his long hair, and shoving his hands in his pockets as he walked, making his way to the far end of the ship, behind the cabin quarters, and sitting down on the rough, wooden ship deck, and leaning back against the railing, feeling fine now seeing as though the Argo was sailing low on the horizon, just over the ocean, making Aj feel right at home. Aj sat still, breathing evenly into the cool night air, the wind whoosing around him as they flew over the moonlit ocean waters. He watched the moons reflection off the water, in awe, wondering how something so simple, could be so beautiful. How two simple things, oh so very different could come together, and create something breath taking. Aj sighed, and closed his eyes against the constant soft wind off the moving vessel, and breathed in the fresh ocean breeze, his mind completely at ease for once in a long time, or so it seemed.