Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 7

"Ok, kid. You know the drill. Now go get dressed in your new t-shirt!" The head counselor of the Hermes cabin grinned as he said that, but Derek was only half listening. Derek had only arrived at this camp half-blood place, only last night, when he stumbled in, being dragged by a crazy goat. At least, give him SOME time to get used to things! He nodded and smiled politely, as the dude(Collin?) leaves, heading off towards the strawberry feilds, to address other important matters. The last 24 hours have been complete hell. Its not because, random strangers, were trying to shoot him, or run him over with a car, but because they weren't people. Ever since he was little, he always been around his mom, no matter WHERE he goes. Now he understands why. Don't judge a book by its cover, his mom always warned him, and now he definitely got what she meant. When he returned home the day before, he found his apartment in complete chaos. His little sister was under a massive paw, that belonged to a half lion, half lizard creature. And right when he entered, the damn thing attacked him. He ran around the apartment grabbing things as he goes, like matches, an old plaid button up shirt, a pair of jeans, and his old backpack that he had when he was in 3rd grade, while his mom bravely distracted the thing, recieving some pretty gross scars from it. Withint a minute, he came to his mom's rescue, swinging his backpack at the...lion/lizard thingymabob and definitely got its attention. That quick? Anywho, he didn't know what happend then. He woke up with his mom and sister nowhere in sight, but a hairy, smelly, goat standing over him. He wasn't very nice either. But Humphred(the goat dude's name), told him his family was safe, and that the beast was taken care of thanks to the goddess(oh god...Derek thought he was going crazy) Isis, and her golden coins. He made a wish and got them to Camp Half-blood's grounds was what he basically said. Joy. Now, he was in his cabin(for now), putting on that orange tee-shirt he had gotten yesterday night, and went out to find 2 other campers with his goat dude. What the fuck? He decided to go check it out.
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First POV from Derek? Likey? No likey? Haha hope you're enjoyin it :D!