Status: Waiting

I Will Not Kiss You.


"Bacon for me and Gee. And fake bacon for the vegetable." I announced, setting the plates of food at the table as Gerard made his way into the kitchen.

"I resent that! I am not a vegetable!" Frank said defensively. "If I was, I would be a cannibal... Could you imagine a vegetable eating another vegetable? That would be weird." He rambled.

"Frank, shut up." Gerard laughed, slapping Frank on the back of his head. Frank pouted and he looked cute Frank-like.

"Gerard, don't hit Frank!" I found myself defending. Odd, I've never defended him before. I normally just laugh at who ever hit him.

Gerard grumbled something about 'how I never stick up for him' but I ignored it.

"So, are we meeting with Bob and Ray today?" I asked, to fill the gap of silence.

"Maybe, we have to think about tour dates, and stuff." Gerard said around his mouth full of bacon, delightful. "We should probably call Brian down as well." He finished, after swallowing the mushed up meat.

I was about to reply when Frank's phone started ringing. He groaned and dropped his head to the table with a loud thump. "That'll be Jamia shouting about me spending too much time with you lot, again" He sat up and got his phone out of his pocket before leaving the room to talk to his wife, the wife that doesn't appreciate his beautiful face. Stupid thoughts, go away.

"What's up with him?" Gerard asked, mouth full of bacon again.

"Jamia's annoyed because he spends to much time with us... Apparently." I shrugged, moving the bacon around my plate, suddenly not hungry.

"Meh, she should suck it up. Lindsey and Christa do." Gerard shrugged. "So anyway, text Ray, Bob and Brian and tell them the stuffs."


"Shut up, little one."

"I'm taller than you."
♠ ♠ ♠
By the way, Mikey is single in this...

I'm sorry it's short... I didn't want to drag it on or have you wait any longer :3

Geezy - Merci!