Only the Good Die Young

I Love You

[Frank PoV]

“Soooo…What’s in the bag?” I ask Caitlyn curiously.

“Oh nothing.” She singsongs. “Just a present for this guy I know.”

“What guy?” I ask hiding my anger behind more curiosity.

“Curiosity killed the cat Frankie.” She scolds playfully.

“Well sorry for wanting to know who my girlfriends buying gifts for.” I reply sulking.

“Well if you must know he’s kinda short, completely adorable and unbelievably sexy.”

I look at her in shock and she laughs.

“It’s you doofus.” I blush in embarrassment.

“Oh. Well what did you get me?”

“I’m not telling, you have to wait and see.”

“We’re here so you might as well tell me.” I say pulling up in front of her house.

“Fine.” She says sighing, “it’s an…anniversary present.”

She gets out of the car and runs inside laughing and I chase after her.

“You’re not getting away that easy.” I say grabbing her around the waist.

I manage to trip and we both fall over onto the floor.

“Real smooth Frank.” She laughs.

“Sorry.” I say sheepishly blushing.

“C’mon I want you to open your gift.”

Sit on the sofa or torsos twisted slightly to face each other and hand over the gifts.

I open mine and I start giggling immediately. I glance over at Caitlyn and motion for her to open hers, ignoring the confusion I feel radiating off of her.

She starts laughing and we hold our matching jackets up together.

“Great minds think alike ‘eh?” she questions jokingly.

“I guess so.” I reply through a fit of giggles.

“Happy anniversary.” I kiss her in response then I remember something.

“Oh shit!” I fly to the kitchen (not literally pfft I wish!) and open the oven door to reveal the coal black steaks.

“This is why you’re not allowed to cook.”Caitlyn says giggling.

“What are you talking about? It’s Cajun!”

“Cajun steaks?”

“Maybe.” I reply my bottom lip jutting out.

“How’s about a pizza?”

“Fine just rem-“

“No meat I know.” She smiles and leaves the kitchen phone in hand.

~ * ~ * ~

We’re sitting on the couch watching Insidious , Caitlyn’s head on my shoulder. The pizza is long gone and it’s dark, so I decide to make a move.

“Hey Caitlyn?”


“You know- Well- I love you.” I stammer nervously.

“Awww I love you too Frank!” she exclaims attaching her lips to mine.

I smile into the kiss bringing one hand to rest on her waist.

Then it hits me. I have no idea what I’m doing and I don’t wanna mess this up. I mean your first time with someone you love is a big deal.

I probably should’ve thought this through.
♠ ♠ ♠
title the Barney song xD
you can hate me i know its been a while but comment please?