When You're Feeling Alone

It Goes On For So Long

“Jacky Vincent!” I screamed as Jacky whirled past me, black jeans, skulls scarf, Misfits shirt and all. I don’t know what he was planning to do, but he had my diary that I’ve kept ever since I was 7. Truth is, I’ve been in love with Jacky ever since we were 8, but he had no right to know that.

It was still freezing outside and there was still snow piled on the ground, so it would be hard to catch him when he was already a few miles ahead. I waited in the same spot I stood in before, for a few seconds, but then realization struck me. What if he reads my diary? This made me panic as I raced after him, screaming his name multiple times, as if that would signal him to stop running and drop the diary already, but it didn’t happen. He was still far out ahead of me, his long legs pushing him farther and farther away from me.

I frantically followed, still wrapped up in his thick coat he had made me wear just days before. “Jacky!” I screamed over and over again, still, it didn’t stop him. As I kept running after him, I soon realized where he was going. The Harbor. “Jacky!” Again, it still didn’t stop him.

As he kept running towards the docks of the harbor, I followed in pursuit. “Jacky Vincent!” I called again, still no stopping him, I gave up with calling his name, but just continued to push my own legs faster than they would normally go. No wonder why I wasn’t in running in high school.

Then, all of a sudden, he stopped and turned back, so I was faced with him, just another few miles away. He turned back around, so that his back was facing me once again now. His feet backed up and I saw that he still had my diary gripped in his right hand. “Jack-” before I could shout at him again, he ran off the edge of the dock, into the now freezing harbor water. I shrieked and ran faster than ever before as I, dumb wittedly, jumped in after him.

The cold water hit my skin like needles piercing through my flesh. I saw Jacky surface as I swam the best I could, still with his thick jacket on, over to him. “Jacky Vincent, why the hell did you jump in the harbor? You know how cold it is!” I shivered as my teeth continuously chattered. I saw him nod, as he pushed away the hair out of his eyes.

“I-I h-have something f-for y-you.” His teeth chattered as well, as brought his left hand above the water, only to dunk it back in, but then resurfaced it moment later. He showed me the third finger of his left hand. There was a ring on it. My heart stopped. He was married?

Once I studied the ring, I looked at him puzzled. The ring looks like it’s for a girl. Even though he was shivering, I could see his cheeks turning red, despite the condition that we were in. “Marry me?” he asked, his voice slightly cracking as he rose up his right hand, which held my diary, placed the ring on it and handed it to me.

Of course I said yes. I mean, he jumped in a harbor just to ask me to marry him, with knowing that we could freeze to death because of the cold temperatures in the water. Of course I said yes.

I smiled and nodded as he placed the ring on my finger. “Now let’s get out of here, it’s fucking freezing!”

With that, we spent our last day together in England before he went back to America.
“I’ll miss you Jacky.” I cried as I hugged his fur coat to myself. I felt him kiss my forehead as he went to board the plane.

“I’ll wait for you!” I called.

Jacky, with one last turn of the head, smiled his ever so charming smile back at me. “I’ll wait for you too.” I felt like we were kids again back in high school.

And I still miss him terribly.

I’ll wait for you too.

The words rang in my head continuously as I waited up for his calls that he always made to me every night, the same words that rang in my head since the day we even started our relationship, “Annabella, I love you.”
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Kinda depressed, so I felt like I had to write about it. I was origonally going to end up having them married and Jacky leaving her the next day or something depressing like that, but I decided, "Fuck it, I'll just write something." and so I came up with this. Read and Review please? Feedback is always appriciated.