Status: Work in progress. :)



“No Deric! Please don’t do it!”

I ran out the door, eyes widened in panic and fright, my long black hair flying in a tangled mess. This is me. I am chasing my friend; well he’s not really my friend more like my enemy, or reluctant acquaintance. Anyway, I am chasing said enemy because he has my most prized possession in his murderous hands. Okay so he isn’t really a murderer, but the way he acts, he would be capable of it. I can sense you are starting to get confused, so let me start at the beginning.

My best friend and sister Kayla was inviting a few friends over with their boyfriends and girlfriends. They are all girls except their boyfriends of course, but we had one gay couple tagging along with us, and don’t mention it to Chase, he doesn’t like to talk about it. Avery on the other hand, is proud of being gay. Personally, I prefer being straight. But I’m cool with gays, bisexuals, and lesbians too. They’re no different than those that are straight. Like I was saying, we were preparing to go on a trip out to Kayla’s mothers’ winter cabin, (we had the same dad see? But we considered ourselves to full-blooded sisters, even though we weren’t) but an unexpected guest showed up, unexpected guest being Deric, and decided to self-invite themselves along for the ride too.

I being the very small-brained idiot that I am, left my secret journal downstairs. Not even Kayla knows that it exists or what is in it. And nor did I want anyone to find out. So here we are, chasing each other around like a pair of mad, diseased dogs. Well, more like me trying to chase him, and Deric not even running at full speed. Pathetic really, I know. But what I lacked in stamina, I gained in intellectual intelligence, including my favourite: sarcasm. “Get back here, and give me that! Now!” I hissed, adding the last part in on afterthought. Deric ran backwards so he could face me. “In your dreams Skye!” he yelled, before falling in a hole I had dug the other day, for the sapling I wanted to plant. Luckily, my journal had landed on the ground and not in the hole with him. Thank God. “Yeah, and my dreams just came true.” He looked at me through the curtains of his wet dark hair. No not looked, glared. Did I forget to mention that I had already added the compost for fertilizer and water not much more than half an hour ago? Well, I did now.

I just smirked, blew him a kiss, and walked away. Not before gabbing my journal of course. I could feel his eyes burning holes in my back so I just flipped him the bird and opened the screen door to the farmhouse then rushed upstairs and tucked the prized book safely into my partly packed suitcase. I turned to leave, but something caught my attention. I approached the object slowly, quietly, like I was afraid to wake a sleeping baby. Not that that’s what it was, because it wasn’t. I picked up the small rectangular piece of glass, carefully holding its fragile contents in my fingers. Inside the case was a tiny, baby clam, and in the back was a picture of my biological father in his Navy Seal uniform, hugging a fourteen year old version of the older me. In the background was the beach we went to that year, just me and him. I was so happy at the time, but that was before I found out six months after our happy reunion that he—

“Skyylar!” A voice yelled shaking me from my thoughts and making me jump about a foot in the air, which almost resulted in a lot of broken glass that would have been scattered all over my bedroom floor. “Are you ready to go yet?” I stood there mulling over my previous thoughts, and then the new ones I had to supply an answer to. “Yeah, be right there!” I replied my voice nearly cracking at the end. Sneaking one last look at the picture, I placed it back on the desk and grabbed my stuffed suitcases before heading down to go join the others.


“So this is the place? Wow it’s huge!” Kayla’s friends’ voices echoed in the small enclosed space of her 2004 Tundra. I think that is what she owned, unless it was the 2006 model. Kayla nodded before telling them all the details. I had been here once before for a couple of weeks, but never for a two month stay. It was beautiful though. Soon our caravan of three cars pulled up to the door and we all piled out. “It’s even prettier up close.” Sarah Meguiley, Kayla’s roommate, said in a quiet voice, her boyfriend Spencer nodding his silent agreement. The girls murmered about the beauty of it while the guys got their suitcases as well as the girls, while I got my own. I didn’t want any help. I was strong and independent, and I wanted to stay that way thanks.

I trudged up to the room I was going to share with Sarah and Kayla. It was our room last year and I was informed that this year nothing had changed. However, everyone else who hadn’t been here last year had to struggle to find their rooms, Deric included and that in itself was a happy, happy sight. I chuckled to myself as I began to unpack my belongings and get myself settled in. It has been years since I’d last set foot in here, a month before dad died actually. I had just finished unpacking when my photo of dad was ripped from my hands. “Aw, it’s a little version of our fierce Skyylar. You seemed nice back then. It’s a shame you didn’t stay that way.” I whirled around and glared at him. “Give it back.” I demanded.

Deric smirked. “I don’t think so princess. Besides it’s not like a tiny little thing like you could hurt me.” He looked too smug. I had to wipe that look of off his face. Boy, he was so wrong. So I socked him one. I didn’t even put most of my strength into it. Deric flew back and hit the wall. “Do not, I repeat, do not, call me little ever again.” He looked genuinely shocked for a moment but quickly masked it with his usual Deric Ford smirk. “Or else what? What will you do?” He stood up and put his face in front of mine. I smiled a fake smile and said in a deadly calm voice: “I will cut off all of your toenails and fingernails and shove them down your throat.” “Oh boo, that’s hardly threatening. Think of something better babe, for example me and you getting together sometime. I’m sure you are just as feisty if not more, in bed as you are to me right now. How does that sound?” he whispered seductively in my ear. Or what he thought was seductive. However, I wasn’t a slut and it did not work on me.

I punched him again, and this time I heard a crack. I probably broke his nose. Oops. Oh well. “Is that clear enough for you? Besides, I might get some kind of . . . disease.” I said the last part with a disgusted look on my face. I took some rope from my suitcase and tied his hands and feet while he was still in shock. I grabbed his leg and hauled him out of my room, down the stairs and outside all the way to the curb. I dropped his leg, not caring what happened to it, and brushed off my hands. “There we go. Wait, something’s missing.” I glancing around and my eyes landed on the snow. Perfect. I opened up his shirt and his eyes lit up in excitement, clearly thinking something fun was going to happen to him. And something was about to happen, only, not to his enjoyment. I threw the snow at his face after shoving some down his throat and then dropped a whole bunch on his stomach. I smiled looking at my handiwork. “You look as pretty as a picture.” I then pulled out my camera and snapped the Kodak moment. I grinned at the sight. “Thanks for the blackmail. Bye Deric.” I saucily shook my hips because I knew he was watching me, and that it would just be more torture to him.

I went inside to see everyone’s shocked expressions and stunned faces. “What?” I asked. They just stared at me like I had three heads. “What?” I asked again. They shrugged and went back to whatever they were doing before like nothing had happened. I glanced around the crowded room for Kayla for a few minutes before finally finding her. “Hey sister.” She flashed a smile at me then went back to drinking her coffee. We chatted for a while then stopped when a few of Kayla friends walked over. “Hey Josh, Bennet, Stacy, what’s up?” they all smiled nervously except for Stacy, she looked like she was about to puke.

“Well Stacy isn’t feeling too well, and Josh isn’t really interested in staying, he just wanted to see the place, and since he’s leaving, he offered us a ride home. Kevin is coming with us. I don’t want my brother staying here alone.” Kayla nodded. “Its okay, I understand. You guys go.” They smiled relieved that they were free from having to party. “Keep warm!” she called after the forms of their retreating backs. She sighed. “Well that’s five gone out of the thirteen people that came.” I gave her a hesitant smile. “Everything will be alright okay?” she nodded. “I know. Go have fun.” I nodded then said, “Actually, I think I am going to go to bed. I’m really tired.” I left her standing there before she could even give me a reply. I dragged my wary form up the stairs.

Once I saw my bedroom door, I entered, didn’t even bother to change and fell asleep. In the middle of the night though is where everything went downhill. I heard someone scream, “Help me!” but, who was it? I shot up out of bed and ran downstairs and noticed that the noise was coming from outside. I ran barefoot through the snow where I saw a small group of people huddled around something. Or rather, someone. I looked closer and saw that it was . . . Sarah?
♠ ♠ ♠
So . . . what'dya think? I have another chapter ready to post if you want more to read, Leave a comment to let me know, thanks and enjoy! :)