Status: Work in progress. :)



Oh my gosh! What had happened to her? She looked mauled, barely recognizable. “What happened here?” Kayla’s voice shouted from the porch. I swallowed hard. Sarah was Kayla’s one and only friend beside me. When she saw her she would break down in hysterics. I looked up from my bare feet and accidentally met Deric’s eyes. His face was one of sadness, and . . . remorse? Kayla approached us, slowly, picking her own way through the deep snow. When she saw her she dropped the lantern she had been carrying and fell to her knees. Sarah’s boyfriend, Spencer, kneeled down to talk to her.

The same moment that Kayla broke down was the same time I let every one of my tears fall. Because I knew, deep down inside that Kayla would never be the same and that I may have just lost the last person that I had left to call family. Warm arms wrapped around my waist and I turned around sobbed into that person’s shoulder. I didn’t care who saw me, or who heard, heck I didn’t even care who the person comforting me was. All I knew was that I would rather be dead than to see my sister suffer. I felt myself being picked up and I let them. Normally I would have protested, and called that person every name there was in the book. But this wasn’t normally, and I was much too scared and much too heartbroken to care. I fell asleep in that person’s arms before we had even made it back to the house.

In the morning I awoke in an unfamiliar bed, and an unfamiliar room. On top of that, someone had their arms wrapped around me. I sat up panicked. “Where is my sister, where am I where—“ I was shushed suddenly by something alien, and strange. I wasn’t sure if I liked it, but I shut my month long enough for them to pull away. “Shut up and I’ll tell you. First, Kayla is not here, she left last night to make funeral arrangements with Sarah’s parent’s and Spencer, and she told me to stay behind and bring you back later because she didn’t want to wake you up. Debra accidentally stabbed herself, so Marvin had to take her to the hospital—“ I interrupted him. “How do you accidentally stab yourself?” I didn’t mean to voice my question out loud and upon realization of my little outburst, I blushed profusely. “I don’t know. Anyway everyone else went home since without Kayla there isn’t a party. After you eat and get dressed I’ll take you to meet up with Kayla.”

“And she left you to do all of this? Why not Liam, or Victoria? They could’ve taken me. And this all happened last night while I was asleep?” he glared at me for a second before speaking. “Yes, she did. She trusts me not to hurt you unlike the others. And no they could not have, since the only car left is mine. And, yes, it all did. Does that answer all of your questions?”I nodded. “For now,” and yanked my body free of his grip. I went downstairs and opened the front door to the cabin, intending to get my snow boots that I left outside. But I hit a small, miniscule obstacle. Rubbing my forehead, I looked up to see what had prevented me from leaving as I had planned.

Oh hell freaking no.
“Deric!” I screamed. “What?” he yelled from upstairs. “We have a small problem.” “What now?” his annoyed voice sounded closer this time, like he had come from near the stairs. “You might want to come see this.” Now he stood next to me, and apparently he hadn’t seen it yet. “What? You on the floor? I hardly classify that as a problem.” He laughed lightly. I shook my head and pointed. “No, that.” His laughter faded as he glanced over and saw what I was pointing at.

“What the hell?”
♠ ♠ ♠
So what do you think is happening? Leave me a comment telling me what you think.