Status: Comment to join :) [active]

Studio Madness

New people? Again?

Luke Moretti held a cigarette between his fingers and looked off to the ocean horizon. He took a long drag as the sound of clicking heels walked toward him. He heard the footsteps stop behind him and he dropped the cigarette and stepped on it while he turned around.

“I thought I asked you to quit,” His mother, Eva Moretti, said to him.

“I never said I would,” He replied exhaling. She studied him.

“Ready?” She asked.

“Yeah,” He said and they began to walk back toward their house.


The car pulled up to a small studio. Luke pushed up his Ray-Bans and stepped out of the car. He walked around and opened the door for his mother and then went to take their bags out of the trunk. He then handed his mother hers and they walked up the steps and into the suddenly bigger inside of the studio.

“Hello!” Boomed a voice when they stopped walking. Luke looked at his mother before looking around the lobby.

“Eva Moretti, it is a pleasure to have you join the staff here!” The director, Mr. Stains, said appearing from a door way and pulling her hand into his.

“I’m glad to be aboard,” she said in a velvety voice.

“You must be Luke, I’ve heard much about you from your mother,” He said with a grin. He shook Luke’s hand too. Luke nodded and shook his hand back.

“Just like the other students here, you’ll be in the single dorm room,” He said pulling out a ruler from his blazer and rapping the wall with it. Luke looked at his mother with a smug smile.

This is going to be awesome,” He said to her sarcastically in perfect Italian. She looked at him and rolled her eyes before turning back to Mr. Stains.

“Where are the staff rooms?” She asked.

“I will give you two a quick tour and introduce you to the other students and staff,” He said and turned to walk down a hallway. As they walked they passed another hallway and they stopped.

“Down there is where you, Luke, will be staying. The room is the first door on the left and the bathrooms are across from it,” Mr. Stains said and they began to walk again. They went down a flight of stairs and found themselves in a large theater.

“This is where most of the final performances will be and a lot of rehearsing happens here too,” He said.

“Could I double it as a classroom?” Eva asked. Stains looked at her with a quizzical look.

“The art easels take some space and the stage would be perfect. Plus the lighting would do the students good,” She replied brushing her hair behind her ear.

“That never came to mind, I’m glad to have hired you. You obviously know your art,” He replied, “And yes, you may use it as much as you want. Unless other instructors need it.”

“Sounds about right,” She said and soon they were going down another hallway.

“This is where you will be, Eva. This is the staff hallway and the other instructors have rooms here also. Each room has their own bathrooms for your privacy,” He said with a smile.

“This is a very nice facility you have here Mr. Stains,” Eva replied.

“Larrie’s Magical Studio’s is the best facility in the country Ms. Moretti, and our staff needs the best,” He replied.

“And not you’re students,” Luke grumbled from behind them. Stains came to a stop and turned to look at Luke. He looked him over and smirked.

“Our students get the best instructors in the country; therefore they get the best instruction in our main courses. Our students have come to become famous actors, singers, dancers and models. And soon, artists,” He replied before turning and walking again.

Would you watch what you say?” Eva whispered to him in Italian.

He’s an asshole and you know it,” He snapped back. She stared a hole in his face, and by golly, if looks could kill.

Quit,” She said before picking up her pace and walking beside Stains.

“And this is our kitchen or cafeteria. And if I timed it right, everyone should be here,” He said opening the door and letting Eva go in before following her and leaving Luke to open the door for himself.

The kitchen was filled with the current students and staff at LMS. Stains cleared his throat and the room quieted.

“Children and coaches, I would like to introduce you to Eva and Luke Moretti. Eva will be introducing a new art class and will also be taking on some of the acting classes. Ms. Moretti is one of the best art and acting instructors in the country and you should all be honored to have her here teaching you,” Stains said showing the two off.

“I’ll leave you here, Luke, and Eva, if you could follow me, we can talk about your contract,” He said and they left the room.

Luke stayed where he was standing and all eyes were on him. He looked over all of the students and found that there was only one other guy there. He studied all of the girls and took note of their hair color and the way they dressed.

“Dude, your mom is hot!” The other male in the room said. Luke felt himself chuckle and let his bag by the door.

“Yeah, I get that a lot,” He spoke as he pulled off his Rays and set them on the table. His eyes flickered up to the group and the male stood up and held out his hand.

“Steve Anderson, it’s nice not being the only guy here now,” He said and Luke took his and they did a little bro hug thing.

“Luke,” he replied and he took a seat. His eyes fell on the girl with the brilliant red hair who was looking at him back. He winked and watched as she blushed and looked away. He chuckled to himself and walked to the fridge and pulled out a soda.

He cracked it open and took a quick swig and set the can on the counter.

“Why don’t we get to know each other?” He said with a sly grin on his mouth.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is my first chapter!! How do you like it??

Comment please? :D
