Status: Comment to join :) [active]

Studio Madness

Japan, Baby!


I immediately jumped onto Hikaru's back.

"How's mummy's little boy?" I cooed.

"Is okay," he said, answering like a toddler. I licked his neck then jumped off. "We're back baby," I said, punching the air.

"Calm down," Fuyu said, as calm as ever.

"How can we?" Kyo said, speaking up. "It's been forever since we were in Japan."

"I see Taku-kun got her cheeks pierced," Madoka noted, observing my cheeks.

"Yep," I said, proudly. "That's now 29 piercings in total!"

"Whatever," Kyo rolled his eyes. "Let's go to the house. Remember, we have a comeback concert tonight."


"Fuyu, what're you planning to wear?" Arisa asked, going through her and Fuyu's walk-in wardrobe.

"Goth Loli. You?"

"The usual," she said, taking down random pieces of clothing.

While they were doing that, Madoka and I were doing our hair and make-up, while the boys were in their room, getting ready as well. You know, putting their make-up on and so forth.

Fuyu emerged, wearing a bondage skirt, a purple corset, socks with holes, purple and black platform stilettos and her favourite top hat.

A few moments later, Arisa came out in distressed leggings, a white work shirt, a lace-up vest, her favourite pair of boots and her favourite glove-like bracelet.

"Wow," Madoka said, staring at them both. "You almost look human now."

"Shut up," Arisa said, coming up to us and slapping the back of her head. I finished the last of my make-up. Instead of my usual scene hair, my hair was completely straight, with the top couple of layers dyed blue. The fringe was done so that my left eyes was completely hidden, and I had a small piece of hair next to my right eye. The rest of my hair was tied in a high ponytail from the top of my head. The blue bits were curled, and the black bits were straight. My make-up was thick black eyeliner, surrounded by ocean blue eyeshadow, and my lips were black, with a blue line down the middle.

Madoka looked the most girliest out of all of us. Her naturally wavy brown hair was in two high pigtails, and in tight ringlets. Her usually-olive complexion was fair (which only came from avoiding the sun for three weeks for her) and she had her emerald green contacts in. Her eyes were outlined very thinly by black eyeliner, and her lids were baby blue, and around the eye - in a ring - was a faint baby pink colour. Her lips were pink as well, and so were her cheeks. She had even changed her nose stud to the one with the blue gem in it.

We headed to the wardrobe and allowed Fuyu and Arisa to sit down and have their turn.

We headed right to the end, Madoka taking the right, and me taking the left.

I skimmed through the clothes, then went through them more thoroughly, carefully picking out my clothes. I finally decided on a wa lolita yukata, white stockings, black visual kei heels, one of my many lace chokers, geisha fan earrings and a gothic bonnet. I quickly got changed, making sure not to mess up my hair. I turned around to see what Madoka was wearing.

She had chosen a Victorian lolita dress, pink punk boots, white fingerless lace gloves and pink bow hairclip.

"Ready?" she asked, excited.

"Ready," I nodded.


It was really noisy as we were approaching backstage. We could hear people asking for us. I mean, it's been a fair couple of years since our last show. I was only 13, and Kyo was 10. Yeah, we were young. Good times, good times.

A faint recording of one of our earliest songs started playing, and we took this as out cue to enter stage. Kyo went on first, and walked all calmly over to where the bass was. Then Madoka went, skipping over to the drum set. Next was Hikaru, who walked over to the pink and black electric guitar, and then Arisa, following where her brother had gone, and picking up the One Piece-designed rhythm guitar. They all faced the audience, and calmly waited for us to go. Next, Fuyu went, and sat down onto the chair next to the harp, on the very left of the stage. That only left me. I smirked, then strutted to the microphone, grabbing it and kicking over the stand.

"こんにちは、すべてのお客様日本人。我々は戻って死者の中から、女王様"のお子様です。" I said, over the cheering. I don't know how, but it got even louder. I waited for a few moments, then started singing in my really cute high-pitched voice. I loved doing this, because I could get away with saying anything.



Haters gonna hate,
Haters gonna hate,


Haters gonna hate,
Haters gonna hate,

Haters gonna hate,
Haters gonna hate,

I smiled, and sat down on the double seat, next to Fuyu, and held the microphone to her mouth. She started to sing the first verse, in her calm, relaxing voice, while still playing the harp.



I took the microphone away from her mouth, and got up again, and stood in the middle of the stage, and started growling.

Haters. Gonna. Haaaaate!

I smiled sweetly and picked up one of the bottles of water that were near the front of the stage, took a sip, then said, just to be funny, "この水のボトルは、コンサート後に700円のために販売されます。一度に寿命の機会、人々。"
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah ^^

Translate songs from Japanese to English ^^ Don't steal, I may have to kill you ^^

Back from the dead x3 How did you like the Japanese version??

With the help of my fwiendy Namida, or better known as Sahori o^^o
I wuvs you Sacchan ^3^