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Studio Madness

if You're Rehearsing, You're Outfit Can't be Considered Inappropriate...


I sighed and went through my wardrobe, trying to find something comfortable I could wear to rehearsal. I swear, if I can't find anything, I'm going to punch someone. Probably Shawn. I finally decided on a very ripped white sweater, my Sex Pistols tank top, my black dancing shorts, my grey fishnet tights, and my black ballet pointe shoes with ribbons.

I quickly tied my hair - which was now down to my waist - into a messy bun, the blue sticking out like hell. Now, I think it's time to let the cat out of the bag. the scene hair had always been a wig, really. I mean, it was only up to my chest, and there was no blue. Seriously, I've been putting blue in my hair since I was like, what, nine. Seriously.

Anyway, I grabbed my bottle of water and energy bars, and headed down to the theatre, where Fuyu, Madoka, Arisa and the guys were waiting. We had decided to choreograph a dance for our new song, 'the Black Ballet'.

Just as we were setting up the equipment we needed, Eva entered with her acting class, followed by Ruby. I smirked, and secretly glared at Ruby. She just shrugged, and pretended her fingers were a gun, and put them to her head.

I rolled my eyes and continued to set up, even though the others had stopped. "Sorry Eves, we need the theatre more than you," I said, not bothering to look at her.

"Well, I need it for my acting class," she retorted.

"And we need it to choreograph the dance for our new album. Don't you think that's a little more important than learning why it was considered bad luck to say the name of the play MacBeth?"

"How do you know about that?" she asked, suspiciously.

"Oh, you know, you taking over my sister's class and all, even though she has her class, and you have yours. I do like to hear what happens to her, even though she's older and can take care of herself."

"Shut up," Eva murmured.

"So," I said, stating my conclusion. "Seeing as you're too dense to use a classroom for acting needs, I suggest you get your arse out of my sister's class, and go drink your coffee and drown in the sorrow of losing your son, now that he has a girl to be with in his spare time."

"What?!" she hissed.

"Whadya expect? I'm the one and only Everseeing Takumi, or as they call me in Japan, the Shinigami Queen. I know everything."

Eva scoffed, then exited on her own. Ruby shrugged and looked at her class consisting of Steve, Trinity, Kyle, Meaghin, Chanel and Marissa. "You guys want to see my dude of a sister dance around singing about a weird ballet? It involves using mobiles and checking facebook as you endure the torture of ballet," she said.

They all nodded, and sat on the red seats that stood in front of the stage.

"Whatever," I said, finishing the set up. "Shall we start?"

They all nodded, and Hikaru, Arisa and Kyo got started on the music, as Fuyu and I discussed for a couple of minutes. Once we agreed, we told the others to start the music. Arisa - who was controlling the lights - made the theatre pitch-black, except for where I stood.

I took a deep breath and started singing in a low-but-not-too-low voice, being as naturally harmonic as I could, as well as dancing classical ballet, but in a way that would express sadness.



I paused in my position, as the light on my blacked out, moving to Fuyu. She started singing in a frail, faint-but-strong voice, and also walked from the back-left of the stage to the front-right.

"Welcome to the Black Ballet,
Welcome to the Black Ballet,

The light stayed on her, and another light showed me, as I walked up to a high-rising beam.

"Welcome to your nightmare,
Full of pain and sorrow."

I reached the beam - which stood at 7"2 - and jumped gracefully, grabbing hold of the bar - pretty easy for someone who stands at 6"7 - and swinging myself so I was sitting on the top of it.

"Welcome to your nightmare," I sang, in a really deep and feminine voice. "Where it seems there's no tomorrow."

The light once again blacked out on me, only showing Fuyu, who was now doing what I did for the first part, singing in a harmonic voice and prancing around and whatnot.



She did her end pose, and the light on me popped up. I was now off the rails, and looking evil, like a psychopath. I sang as I walked up to Fuyu, acting like I was torturing her with dance.

"Welcome to the Black Ballet,
Welcome to the Black Ballet,

That's when we started singing together, for the last bit of the song.

"Welcome to the Black Ballet,
full of pain and sorrow.
Welcome to the Black Ballet,
where it seems there's no tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow."

Arisa blacked out the lights again, then all of a sudden all of them turned on at once, I winced, obviously used to the darkness.

I looked to where Ruby had sat her class, only to realise that the other classes had come in, too.

I grinned madly and bowed. "Thank you, thank you," I said, immitating an M.C. "Make sure to by our new album, the first one to be released here in America, 'Death so Beautiful'!"

Everyone applauded, and just for the heck of it, I did a little back flip, which showed off my bones. Now, a lot of the girls here are slim, but I'm like a natural version of anorexic. I eat and eat and eat like hell, but I remain this tiny worm-like thing. I'm like a praying mantis.

But seriously, my figure is weird. My face and neck are normal, my collar bones stick out a lot, I have a regular sized chest, my arms are sticks - strong, strong sticks, my stomach is anorexic like - you can see the outline of almost all my bones, and my spine sticks out like a dinosaurs - and my legs are similar to my arms. But my feet are huge and boney. I mean, seriously, you'd expect me to be a size 7 or something, but no. I'm a freakin' size 13. In Australian sizes. And that makes my foot massive.

I turned around, and looked over my shoulder and blew the audience a kiss, then headed off stage, inwardly going awwwww yeaaaaaaahh.
♠ ♠ ♠
Translate from Japanese -> English (meanings might not be the same)


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