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Studio Madness

Meeting Newbies

[Takumi POV]

I walked down the long corridor, accompanied by my half-sister, Ruby. While eating a Paddle Pop. For breakfast. Yum, yum.

"So, what do you think they're gonna be like?" Ruby asked me, not looking up from her iPhone. I rolled my eyes. "I bet only a couple of them have true talent. Remember last year? The only one with talent was Plum."

"I see I'm being talked about! You off to see the newbies? These bunch are a handful!" Plum wrapped her arms around our necks. "Really? That's gonna be such a hassle," I said, sighing.

I hate hassles.
When we arrived at the small room - where the beds for the newbies were - we took a deep breath, and mentally prepared ourselves. Then, without a second thought, we burst through the door.

"Welcome to Larrie's Magical Studio, where all your fame dreams come true," announced Ruby. "I'm Ruby DeFayer, and I'll be the acting coach."

I heard one person whisper, "Oh em gee. That's Ruby DeFayer!"

Then it was my turn. "I'm Tsuruga Takumi. I'll be coach of singing, and I'll be helping wth the acting classes too."

Thirdly, Plum had her go. "I'm Plum Garratt, I'll be you choreographer and coach in the dancing department. I'll also be helping in the modelling section."

Lastly, a figure stepped from the shadows. "I'm Syhona Willams, and I'll be the modelling coach and photographer," she whispered.

Everyone looked at us, and I got irritated. "Um, you know. . . you could introduce us. I mean, you will be appearing in commercial, music videos, shows, movies, paintings, broadways, musicals and photographs with us. It's only natural."

One girl spoke up. "I'm Trinity."

"Good. Thank you. God. Next?"

"Kailin. You seem a little conceited now, don't you?"

"Seriously? I wouldn't be like this if you were like the last group to come in. Compared to you guys, they were legendary. Who's next?"

"Well," Trinity said. "We're kinda looking for a guy named Steve. . ."

"Sir Nerdalot?" I said.

"Yeah, him! Have you seen 'im?"

"Yeah. He was wondering down the dancer's hall, then waltzed into the girl changeroom. He's probably unconcious somewhere," Plum noted.

"Oh. . ." Trinity trailed off.

"Well, actually. . ." Syhona jumped in. "I saw him headed to the model's girl's changerooms."

"Yep." Ruby said, sounding official. "He is definately Sir Nerdalot the Perv XVII!!'
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