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Studio Madness

Welcome to your Hell!


I knocked on Syhona's door, and waited. Since there was no answer, I took the key she'd given me out of my pocket, and opened the door myself. Walking in, I heard scurrying, then I saw that guy - Luke - run into the dimly lit hallway. Once he saw me standing there like a confused penguin, he tripped over, obviously shocked. Syhona came out, and then once she saw me, she shrugged.

"Hey," she said, in her usual quiet voice.

"What's this about?" I asked, her, standing on Luke's back. I know it'd cause him some pain, but I'm only 38kg, so it shouldn't be that painful.

"Nothing," she muttered. I rolled my eyes, then went from standing on Luke, to sitting on him. I could feel a slight sting coming up my leg from my ankle, but I ignored it. I've had worse than a twisted ankle.

"Luke," I said, still on top of him. "Do you know what they call me around here?"

"N-no. . ." he said, obviously getting worried.

"They call me an 悪魔 (Akuma). You know, like from D.Gray Man. Akuma means devil. And now, I shall cause you suffering, for messing with my cousin like this."

"Oh..." he murmured.

"Now, here I have pictures of you with Chanel, and with Kailin. And a recording of your talk with mummy about safe sex. I will not have you fucking my cousin. I don't need little Lukes to baby-sit. So, this means, unless you want me to get Taku-kun to kick you and your dear mother out of the studio, I suggest you to what I tell you, starting with. . . leaving."

"But you're sitting on top of me," he said.

"Bitch, I don't give a fuck. Either you fucking lift me up, or you crawl to your goddamn room with me sitting on your bloody fucking boney back!"

"Umm. . ." Syhona started.

"Sy, don't. I don't want you fucking this guy. He's the type of jackass who'll ditch you if you get pregnant. I'd rather you do someone like. . . I dunno. Shawn. Even though you wouldn't, 'cause that'd be fucking gross, but still. At least he respects people's feelings."

I jumped off Luke's back, careful to avoid straining my ankle.

"How did you get those?" he asked, annoyed.

"Bitch," I said, waving my hand at him, like I was the queen. "I'm the niece of the head of security here. Of course I have access to this sort of stuff."

I grinned madly at him, then headed into Sy's kitchen, grabbing the bowl of corn and stuffing my face, leaving Luke and Sy to look at each other like they were the confused penguins.
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Just a filler type thing ^^

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