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Studio Madness

Due Dates


I was having a dream. Of sugarpuff clouds and candy floss cupcakes. I secretly smiled and continued to my dream.
I was running through a forest, wind blowing through my hair. I inhaled deeply into the air, as there was a sweet pine smell. I continued running until I reached the edge of the forest. There, there was a staircase of cotton candy clouds! " Yum! " I screamed!

" Junnie, wake up. "

" What the hell? Jason! " I screamed, throwing my blanket in the air. I twisted my head around, snapping my green and blonde hair around.

" June, we have to leave! " He yelled back. I gave him the middle finger quickly, and pounced up. I pushed him out of my room, and began rummaging through my closet. I finally picked out a blue, purple, and black punk skirt, a blue corset, two purple fingerless lace gloves, and black stitched pumps. I smiled in the mirror at myself and started on my makeup.


" Momo, where are we going? " Jason started complaining. I could clearly see why: he didn't like traveling.

" Jay, does it matter? " My mother sang happily.

" Well, we all packed bags and all that... " He trailed off, as we pulled in front of a blue-green building. It had big white letters across the top. I read it, LMS Studio.

" Um, mom? " I pointed to the sign. She nodded.

" I know... "


" Hello? Hello? " My voice echoed off the walls, as I took a second to adjust my eyes to the surroundings. There was a staircase, with velvet coverings, a desk with a bookcase behind it, two hallways, and a door. It was probably a closet.

" Welcome - " My thoughts were cut off as a middle-aged man appeared, with a smirk on his face.

" Welcome-? To-where? " I thought out loud. My mom smiled as he took a breath.

" Welcome, to the LMS Studio, where all of your fame dreams come true. " He added with a smile.

" M-Mom? " I choked. She continued smiling.

" Here you will be taught wide varieties of talents: art, singing, dancing, acting, modeling, everything. Anything, we are here to help you. " I looked over my shoulder, and saw Jason's jaw dropped. This time I was smiling.

" Ah, Barbara, please go down the hallway to your right. You will find Eva, around your age, Takumi, Ruby, Plum, and Syhona. Those are the other trainers, and you will have your own bathroom, due to privacy. Now June, and Jason... " He trailed off. I felt Jason's hand go on my shoulder.

" Go down the hall to your left. You will find Steve, Kailin, Trinity, Kyo, Kyle, Meaghin, Kourtnii, Shawn, Fuyu, Madoka, Arisa, Hikaru, Karly, Chanel, Marissa, Jung Lee, Yuri, and Omicha. Geesh that is a heapful! To let you know, your mother owes to studio, because due-dates were three days ago. Have a wonderful day! " He skipped merrily away, as the both of us started down the hall. My heels clicked down the hallway, as Jason flipped his phone out, and started texting. I chuckled.

" Kon'ichiwa? " I was guessing the person that said that was either Fuyu, Madoka, Arisa, or Hikaru, because their names were Japanese. We studied Japan in school last year.

" Hi, um, do-you-speak-English? " I asked, waving my hand.

" Yes, I am Arisa. You are? " So it was Arisa.

" I'm June. Nice to meet you, Arisa. " We shook hands and did a little hug-thing.

" I hope you like it here! " She said with a gleeful smile. Suddenly there was a conga-line of people in front of me, all holding out their hands.

" Hi, welcome! " People said stuff like that as we went down the list. One person caught my eye.

" Hi, I'm Luke, nice to meet you! " I brushed a strand of hair behind my ear and looked down; trying to get that nervous look. I know how to get guys. Flirt and Date are my two middle names.

" Hi, um, I'm June. Nice to, er, meet you. " I gave a smile that you get with dumb-headed glee. He chuckled.

" Want a tour? " He grabbed my hand. I nodded.

" Sure! "
♠ ♠ ♠
Woohoo! First chapter!
-Written by Jess
-Edited by Lilly