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Studio Madness

Did you say, CHOCOLATE?


"ARGH! THAT IS SO MEAN!" I exclaimed, throwing my copy of the book The Giver against the wall. I just found out what released meant, and if you're at least remotely human, you would not inject an old person with poison and celebrate it. That's just. . . not right.

I got up and picked up the already-tattered book, and placed it on the glass coffee table. I looked at the clock hanging on the wall next to the television. 9:24am it read (yes, it's a digital clock).

I sighed, and walked over to the wardrobe that I shared with Fuyu and Madoka. Scanning through the clothes, I grabbed my Johnny Rotten t-shirt/dress (I decided to wear it as a dress), my purple leather jacket, my only pair of still-intact purple fishnets, my favourite pair of black lace stilettos, one of Fuyu's headband top-hats, and a bunch of Madoka's favourite bracelets. Quickly changing, I sighed when I looked into the mirror. I need to eat more MacDonalds, and put some fat on my body.

Heading out into the hall, I noticed some new people. Just by looking at their hair. I rushed over and wrapped my arms around their neck, in a sort of. . . bromance kind of way.

"And welcome to torture," I cooed happily. "I'm Takumi, and I'm le singing coach. And you new people are?"

The girl with the green and blonde hair spoke for the two. "I'm June, and the guy over on your right is my older brother, Jason."

"Ah," I nodded in an understanding way. "Such boring names. No offense."

I noticed Ruby down the hall. We'd only finished a meeting about twenty-or-so minutes ago, and Ruby was starving by the end. Now, I could see she had stuffed her face.

"Hey, Rubes," I called to her. She looked up and skipped - literally - towards us. "Yeshm?" she said. then she noticed the two newbies. "I'm Ruby DeFayer, and I'm the acting instructor."

"These two are June and Jason," I told her. "Anyway, what's for lunch?"

She grinned at me, mischievously. "Chocolate."

"Chocolate?" I asked.


"Did you say chocolate?"


And that's when I ran towards the cafeteria. I really am like Mello, from Death Note. And that's also when I ran into Luke, kissing Syhona.

"Excuse me? Hone, I am so disappointed in you. You're not wearing the t-shirt I bought you," I mockingly started crying, then giggled when she flipped the bird. Skipping off, I secretly took a picture of the two.

"Heheh, Fuyu will love this," I said aloud, to no-one in particular.
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