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Studio Madness

Painting Flowers


I stepped into the building of LM Studios. I wasn’t sure if this was the right place, but I had a feeling that I was in the right place. I stood in the lobby of the building for five minutes. I was debating in my head if I should leave or not. Instead, I set my bag beside a chair and pulled out a sketch pad.

The sound of the charcoal pencils scratching on the paper was a sound that I loved, but I soon pulled out my iPod and stuck the buds into my ear. The sounds of The Teenagers filled my ears and I continued my drawing of the lobby.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked up to a middle-aged man. I took one bud out and tapped my pencil on the pad.

“How long have you been sitting here Miss Powell?” He asked me. I looked at my iPod clock and counted how long I had been sitting there.

“About thirty minutes,” I said looking back up at him.

“Hmm, that’s very impressive,” He said motioning to my sketch.

“Erm, thanks,” I replied standing up and taking the other bud out of my ear.

“Well, welcome to LM Studios. I just got off the phone with your father and he seems pleased to have sent you here,” He said with a smile.

“Me too,” I replied closing my pad and putting the things I had out away.

“Well, I’ll give you a quick tour,” He said turning. I quickly picked up my bags and followed him.

I followed him around the building, he showed me the main parts of the studio and where most classes took place. When he was done, he left me at the door for the dorms. I took a breath and stepped in. There were a few people in there, and they looked up at me. I gave them a weak smile.

“Hi, I’m Kairos,” I said setting down a bag and giving a small wave.

“We’ve been getting a lot of new people lately. I’m Trinity,” a girl with dark black hair and dark make-up said to me. I smiled. They must have been getting tired of introductions.

I was quickly introduced to Steve, June, Choi, Kailin and Hikaru. I was then showed where my bunk was and I put my stuff in the places provided.

“So what classes do you have?” Steve asked me as he picked up the paper that was on the bed.

“I don’t know, you tell me,” I said taking all of my art stuff out and putting it on the bed.

“Hmm, well you’ve got art with Eva, the bitch, in an hour,” He said pushing his glasses up on his nose.

“Great,” I said not thrilled that the art teacher was a bitch.

“Thankfully, I have that class too. So, we can go together?” He said leaning on the bed post. Did he want to escort me to class? How cute is that? I felt a smile appear on my face.

“That would be awesome, but I want to get a layout of the place before. So, maybe tomorrow?” I asked with a smile.

“Oh! Yeah, I get it. Yeah, no problem! Go ahead, do whatever,” He said flustered. I grinned.

“Tomorrow,” I said before turning and leaving the dorms. I wandered around for about ten minutes before remembering where the theater was. Steve was ok; I just wanted some time to finish up my drawing in private.

I let myself into the theater and made sure I was being quiet and found a seat near the top and sat. I pulled my legs onto the seat and sat cross legged on the seat. I set the sketch pad on my lap and pulled out the charcoal pencil I was using.

Again I put my ear buds in and let The Teenagers flow into my ears again. I hummed along with the music while I drew on the pad. I quickly finished up the lobby scene and sat in the seat for another ten minutes before the lights brightened more onstage and a woman walked out.

“A little higher Luke,” She yelled and the lights came up more.

“Is that good?” I heard a voice from above me.

“Yeah, perfect!” She said giving the voice a thumbs up.

“I’m coming down now,” He yelled and she nodded.

She disappeared back stage and began to bring out easels and began to set them up. A male, who I assumed was Luke, appeared on stage with easels too and set them up. I stood up and figured this must have been the bitch. I made my way to the stage and got on by the aprons. Eva set an easel up and looked at me. She gave me a smile.

“You must be Kairos,” She said to me. She actually pronounced my name right.

“Yeah, and its Eva, right?” I said politely. She smiled wider and nodded.

“Do you need help?” I asked setting my sketch pad and pencils down and straightening out my shirt.

“Actually, I do,” She said and I followed her.

“Kairos, this is my son Luke,” She said introducing me. I smiled and shook his hand.

“Nice to meet you,” He said picking up another easel and taking it onstage. I picked one up and as did Eva and I lugged it onstage and set it up.

“That’s all of them,” Luke said bringing the last one on.

“You’re awesome kid,” she said hugging him.

“Yeah, yeah,” He said hugging her back. How cute.

“I’ve got modeling to go to,” He said obviously not thrilled to be going. Eva laughed and squeezed his cheek.

“Get going,” She said with a smile. I didn’t understand how she was a bitch. She seemed really nice.

“It was nice meeting you Kairos,” He said to me.

“Yeah, likewise,” I replied and he left the stage. I picked up my sketch pad and pencils.

“So, you draw?” Eva asked me.

“Erm, yeah a little,” I said handing her the sketch book. She flipped through it, smiling here and there.

“You’ve got talent,” She said with a smile. She handed the book back to me.

“Thanks, I think I get it from my grandpa. He was a really great drawer,” I replied thinking of my grandpa.

“Oh, that’s awesome. I liked drawing and painting since I was a teenager. I really helped me get though the troubles I had. Especially when I found out I was carrying Luke,” She said positioning the easels. I smiled and felt as if we had a connection somehow.

“So, you’re like 35, right?” I asked sitting on a stool.

“Thirty-four actually,” She replied before walking off stage and coming back with a vase of flowers.

“Oh! That must be nice,” I said. She laughed and set the vase on a stool in the middle of the semi circle of easels.

“Yeah, it was different, but I don’t regret anything,” she said with a smile. I heard a door open and then the patter of footsteps and about seven people came on stage and took seats. I examined a few and Trinity came and sat by me.

“Welcome to class. I’m going to take roll really quick and we can introduce our new student,” Eva said and I smiled slightly. She took roll and everyone seemed to be here. Eva nodded at me and I stood up and waved to the class.

“Hi, I’m Kairos,” I said before sitting down.

“Ok, today, we’re going to be playing with watercolors. So when you come up, grab a watercolor kit, some water and a flower from the bouquet,” she said as people groaned. I was actually looking forward to it. I was the first to get up and grab the things I need, and I got first pick of the flowers. I picked a red morning glory type and put it on the easel and began to wet my paints.

I popped my buds in and turned it to the Killers and began my painting. I started with the flowers themselves. I made an outline of the flowers I wanted and began with the violet color and making a couple pedals dark at the edges. I then went in with the red; making the edges dark and the center parts more pink. I soon came in with the green and made the stems, vines and leaves. I put the brush in the cup and grabbed a wider brush and dabbed it in the blue and painted the background. I added greens where the leaves were and darker blues in other places.

When I was done, I set the brush in the cup and looked at the painting. I pulled one bud out and stared at it.

“Wow, that’s awesome!” Trinity said from beside me and I looked at her. I heard Eva’s footsteps come around and she stood behind me.

“Very talented indeed,” She said patting my shoulder and moving on. I smiled and stared at the work.

My grandpa would be proud.
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So what do you think of Kairos? :)

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-Liz <3