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Studio Madness

Our first Coaching

Kailin's POV
"Who was that dude? Mr. Leo Stains? Was he just someone to trick us?" I asked Tsurgura. She burst out laughing. "Yes, Mr. Stains is one of our most developed characters. He has been here for many years. He is one of us." I smiled, almost sarcastacally. The smell of pancakes and bacon filled the air. Tsurgura, clipboard in hand, turned to walk away. "By the way, the mess hall is down the hall, third door on your left." I nodded, and faced Trinity.

"Wake up." I urged. She smacked my face. I never really had a chance to learn alot about her. All I know is that she has black hair and a pale face. "Go away. Is that...bacon?" She mumbled, eyes closed. I replied an enthusiatstic, "No, it's just your dream!" She immediatly sat up, and bunked her head on mine. "Oh, mother-" I covered her mouth.

Forks clinked against the plates. The tiled floor patterns made my eyes go crazy. "I found Steve." Plum sat at the edge of the table. I haven't noticed her this morning. I guess she was a heavy sleeper. "How was everyone's night?" We all nodded. Steve sat next to Ruby and Plum. Ruby's red hair had been perfectly straightened.

After the bacon and breakfast had been finished, they gave us an hour to get ready. We all took showers and got our hygene done. I sat on my bunk and plugged in my iPod. I blasted Nicki Minaj. From below, Trinity's sound was faint, but I could tell it was Hollywood Undead.


All three of us split up. Apparentaly Mr. Leo Stains was wrong. We were the only three here. I went with Turgura, Trinity went with Ruby, and Steve went with Plum. I explained to Tsurgura that I wasn't the best singer, but she just said that was what we needed to work on.

"Repeat after me,"Tsurgura instructed. "Do, Re, Me, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do." The scale was simple. The right notes for pitches was harder. "Do, Re, Me." I cleared my throat. My voice was shaky. I had to hold the nervous in the newspaper before it could drip into my shoes.
"Good, Good. Continue." "Me, Fa, Sol, La, Ti-" I can't believe there was a scream. I was almsot finished.

"Steve!" I yelled. He had told Plum he was using the bathroom, and spied on a changing Trinity. She had slapped him red. "Good," Ruby checked off her clipboard. "You have the 'Crazy Lady who Hits Everyone,' part." I gave a crazed look to Ruby.

I didn't understand the shcemey.


It was lunchtime and we were outside the studio. It had a lovely backyard full of dasies, Roses, and honeysuckles. The air was fresh and sweet. We lied a picnic blanket down. We had worked hard for coaching, and had made a lovely lunch. "I think it is weird." Steve said. "Weird what?" I asked. "Being the only boy here." We shrugged. "It's not like you're gonig to score or anything." We all laughed, except Steve. "You just remember when I'm married to a model, who is also a scientist!" I laughed. "Yea, that'll be the day!"