Status: Comment to join :) [active]

Studio Madness

When in Rome. . . or Croatia. . .


I stopped smiling as soon as the camera finished flashing. It's so annoying. I hate this. I've always hated Italy, and now I have to do a 'When in Rome' photo-shoot, and be happy about it. Fucking impossible.

"Hey, you okay?' Rubes asked, giving me a little hug. "You know you can tell me if something's wrong."

"Nah, I'm just sick of all this Italian shit," I said, smiling sadly.

"Well then," she said, standing up on a nearby table, posing in her 'declaration' stance. "We shall change it to an Irish photoshoot! Because we all love the Irish!"

"What the fuck is your problem?" I laughed.

I turned around, only to be greeted by Takumi's pedo grin.

"Yes?" I asked, putting my face close to hers.

"I'm going to rape you," she said, simply. And with that, she jumped on me, and I caught her in my arms.

"We are forever in loooooooooovvvveeeeee!!" we sang, while I danced with her in my arms.

"Oh. . ." I heard Luke say. I looked over to him and winked. "Jealous, are we?"

"Just a little," he said, smiling uncomfortably.

I've been noticing this a lot, and it's really starting to bug me. I've been trying to be the ideal girlfriend, but it's really hard to keep the charade up. I mean, there's the ideal girlfriend, who happens to be a model, and then there's me, the COD-playing girlfriend, who happens to be a model.

"So are we up for Call. Of. Duty, tonight?" Takumi asked, obviously ignoring the fact that I was staring at Luke.

"Oh, yeah. . ." I said, shaking my head. Luke walked over and took Takumi out of my arms. "You play C.O.D?" he asked, obviously shocked.

"Yeah!" Ruby butted in. "She kicks arse!"

"Cool," Luke smiled. It really seemed genuine this time. "I'll have to verse you some time."

"That'd be nice," I said, smiling like an idiot.

"Okay, Takumi, Ruby, Hotaru and Arisa, hurry up and get changed so we can continue the shoot!"

I sighed, and walked over to the girl's change-rooms.

"So," Ruby started. "Tell us why you hate Italy?"

"That's where my dad is," I said, shrugging.

Ruby and Takumi went oh and Hotaru and Arisa looked around like they were clueless penguins. And then they continued to get changed.

Once they were done, we all emerged from the change-rooms, and immediately caught the attention of the guys. Because by then, there were only a few girls, and all guys. And by all guys, I mean literally, as in Luke, Steve, Kyo, Kyle, Shawn, Hikaru and Jason. Yes.

"How do I look?" Arisa asked Hikaru, poking her tongue out and twirling for him.

"Like a girl," he replied, and pulled her into a hug. It was clear by now that they were a couple.

"Oi, Kyo, Fuyu. You think this'll be good for a stage performance, or music video?" Takumi asked. I couldn't hear them after that.

"I can't wait to find a girlfriend while wearing this!" Hotaru sang, twirling around with Madoka. It was obvious they were close.

"Hey, you look nice," Meaghin said, grabbing the bottom of Ruby's short sleeve, and tugging it.

"Thanks, lil' one," Ruby said, ruffling her hair.

I sighed, and stood next to the set, which was a giant picture and the words, 'When in Rome'. I really hate Italy.

"Hey," Luke said, coming up and grabbing my waist.

"Hey," I said, kissing his cheek. "You like?"

"I like," he grinned. I could tell he was only being semi-serious. I sighed, and pulled away, then grabbed his hands. "Y'know how later Im having the C.O.D war with Takumi? You wanna join us? We'll order pizza."

"Really?" he said, doubtfully.

"Really," I grinned.

"Okay," Mrs. Oaks, the photographer, announced. "Shooting time."

Arisa, Hotaru, Ruby, Takumi and I headed to the set, where the props were. Ruby sat sideways on the red scooter-thingie, Hotaru was pretending to eat a piece of penne, Takumi had taken off her wig - which displayed her super-super-long black-and-blue hair - and was holding a camera, pertending to be a tourist, Ruby was sipping on coffee, and I just stood there in my clothes, with flower petals in my hands, with me looking at them.

Once the pictures had been taken, I dropped everything, and went and got changed into me 'ready for war' clothes, and so did Takumi.

"You're a really talented model," Mrs. Oaks said, approaching me.

"Thanks," I said, a bit surprised. I've been called good, but never talented. "Modelling is what keeps me alive."

"My sister runs a modelling agency in Croatia, and was looking for a few models, so I reccommended you, even though I hadn't worked with you then. But seeing as talented you are, she'll definately want to hire you. So what do you say, want to become a full-time, class-A model?"

I was dumbfounded. "Um, I-I'll think about it. . ." I replied, my eyes wide.


And with that, she walked off. I turned around and walked over to where Luke stood, talking to Hotaru. Obviously trying to womanize her. Unfortunately, he doesn't know she's gay.

"Luke, I need to tell you something," I said tugging on his shirt.

"Yeah?" he said. Once he had a look at my face, he immediately asked what was wrong.

I did the only thing I could think of. I looked him straight in the eyes, gave him my bravest smile, tried not to cry, and let the words flow from my mouth.

"I'm going to Croatia."