Status: Comment to join :) [active]

Studio Madness

Ahem. . . Omigod, Omigod, Omigod, Omigod, Omigod. . . and so forth. . .


Am I dead? I think I'm dead. I'm probably dead. No doubts about it. I'm dead.

I can't believe that I'm actually staring at Taemin, from SHINee. The guy who I've respected since. . . well. . . I first heard of SHINee.

Then I realised I was still in my outfit from the C.O.D war. Even though Syhona decided to go to Croatia, nothing was going to stop me from giving her a good time - if you know what I mean. . . heheheh - until she has to leave in three months. But I could tell Luke was a little upset. As expected, a player does not simply give up his main toy.

I raced back to my room, and got changed into something more presentable. Which isn't that different to something a complete nutcase would wear. I looked at my hair in the mirror and groaned. I need to get it re-dyed.

I rumaged throug hmy closet until I found one of my more expensive wigs. I roughly tied my hair up and placed the hair-net on, then the wig. Once I was satisfied I rushed out again, to where Taemin was standing patiently. You know, because all that took me five minutes.

"Hi," I said, giving him a smile.

"Hello," he grinned. I love his smile. It's so cute, it makes me want to eat him.

"Can I eat you?" I said, not thinking about what was going through my mind.

"I probably don't taste good. . ." he trailed off, laughing.

"You're friends with Omicha, Yuri and Jung Lee, right? They're really talented. I think you should talk to EMI, or SME, or whatever label you're signed to," I said, laughing.

"Ah, I should. If you don't mind me asking, you are you signed to?"

"B.P. Records, same as the band out there, and another band called Kiryu. But we just switched there, so I don't know anyone else. So what's it like, now you're even more famous in Japan?"

"Ah," Taemin grinned, obviously thinking about something. he's so cute. "Good question. I'll answer it sometime. So, it seems like we're staying here?" he looked over at the spare room, which was a private staff room, like mine, but unlike mine - which can fit up to 15 people - the spare one can only fit five.

"So, it seems that you and the other Oppas get the spare private room, and Koudai and all those guys are with me," I said, thinking aloud.

"True, anyway, I guess I better put my things away. Don't want hyung to be mad at me. . ."

"Minho?" I guessed. Taemin nodded.

"2min!" I cooed, smiling like the madhatter. "Enjoy 'putting your things away', if you know what I mean, which I think you do. . ."


When I bumped into Plum, she was dressed up for a photo-shoot, which was for an article for a dancing magazine.

"Hey," she said, smiling, her hair - which was in a high ponytail - flopping to the side. "What's up? Walk with me."

We walked side by side. "Royz are here," I shrugged.

She literally almost choked on her pickle. "Like, as in, J-Rock Royz? Visual Kei Royz?"



Plum looked around for the guy who was in charge of the photography. "Yo," she called over to him. "Get my friend here something to wear, she's officially joining me for the photos!"

He rolled his eyes, then dissappeared for a moment. When he came back, his hands were full of clothes.

"I can choose anything out of these?" I questioned.

Plum nodded, then led me to the change-rooms.

Once I was changed, she then rushed me to the set, then puched a heap of props in my hands.

"thanks for this," she beamed, then posed with one leg up in the air, and her hands above her head.

I rolled my eyes, then bent myself in a weird way, so I was doing the splits, except my legs were raised up off the ground. I know, I'm like a rubber-person, no need to admire me.

Or is there?

Hmm. . .