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Studio Madness

Making Friends (Again)

FIRST OFF: My idea was that once Studio Madness was finished, then we all write sequels about everyone's venture away, starting out in their tracks. Like how my fucking fiancee made my characters go to Korea :P Anywayy, that's my idea. Although, chasing_circles + RoyzKiryu were the first authors, so...


"Hi Chanel!" I ran downstairs, my feet making small; quick movements.

"Sup Karls. Did you hear about the younger one?" I gave her a quizzical look. I was in the foyer discussing the performances with the instructors. I really want to perform with Taylor Swift.

"No, whom might they be?"

"Actually," She put her hand on her hip, "It's one young, one's nineteen."

"Chanel, cut to the chase."

"Lillyann is 12." My mouth dropped.

"Well, Kourtnii is 13, so that's just a one year difference." I snorted.

"June and I sang a song a few days ago, did you hear that?" She narrowed her eyes on me.

"Yea, it's called, 'Your Return' correct?" I asked. She nodded.

"See you later!" I called, walking in the dorm. There was two people, I'm guessing the newer ones.

"Hi, I'm Karly. Who are you?" I asked. The younger faced away.

"Sorry, Lillyann is just shy. I'm Samantha." I shook her hand.

"Pleasure meeting you." She replied. I nodded.

Boop boop boop ba-doop It was the computer ringing. It was from Skype.

I sat down on my knees and opened it up.

"iHola?" I asked. The three girls showed up.

"Hey! How you guys doing at LMS?" The younger one spoke.

"Oh, we're doing great. Just practicing our arses off." I chuckled.

"We're getting ready for the debut for 'IDC' Can we speak to Taku?" I blinked for a second.

"Takumiiiiiiiii!" I screamed. She slowly appeared, almost tripping over her own feet.

"Yea?" She asked. I pointed towards the screen.

"Hey, what is Takumi needed for?" She asked, pushing me out of the way.

"We got a call from the record label you guys are signed to. Apparently they know that we were at LMS with you, and they want to speak with you." Jung Lee said. Takumi nodded.

"Okay, bye!" She said, sprinting back outside.

"Oh god." I said. They all waved bye as I x-ed out Skype.

"Bye, Computer." I said, walking out to find June.
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