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Studio Madness

The Real Steve Anderson

Steve's POV
I was never like this. What's wrong with a boy and six girls? I paced around the bedroom. The girls had painted them by hand, and they had shown alot of potential. It had rainbows on one side, and a dark, depressing, lake with rain on the other wall. The other two were going to be painted after all coaching. It wasn't very good, but it had potential.

So far my life here is 'The Gross Nerd'. It's not a good nickname to stay with. After this, guess whose going to Yale? Ok, maybe not Yale, but at least Harvard! I barely know Trinity, but she has a nice body. I'm just a guy who likes girls. Simple. Flat out simple.

We were at our last class for the night. All nine of us gathered around in the foyer. "Who wants s'mores?" Ruby giggled. "I didn't know this was summer camp!" Kailin said. We all laughed. Then Tsurgura spoke, "As our first real day, I now call a toast, without drinks!" We all laughed again.

I called my mom while in the shower, I opened the door and stepped into the room. There was a fur rug on the ground. I peered at the doorknob. Locked. Great. Nobody was in here. "Hello?" "Hey Mom." I said. "Oh, Stevie, it's you...uh, it's a little late, why are you calling?" "Just checking in." She chuckled. "Listen, Stevie, I know you miss me, but you have to deal with it. Ok?" I said goodbye, and hopped back in the shower. I closed my eyes, and dreamed of Trinity. I sort-of liked her. Her knocking blew my dream apart like the atom-bomb.

"Steve-o! Hurry up! When I take cold showers, you know I want to pound someone!" I turned off the jets and got dressed. "It's all yours." I grabbed the towel and slapped her butt with it. "You mother-" Kailin shouted, "Would you stop with the cursing! I'm trying to sleep. "You mother-" She whispered. She them jumped in the shower, and I plugged in my iPod. I was listening to Brad Paisley when Trinity bounded out of the shower with soap still in her hair. She had her clothes wrapped around her. not exposing anything. "Hive ke jet dowel!" she shouted. I unplugged my iPod.
"What?" I asked. "Give me the towel!" she screamed. I threw it at her, and fell asleep.

Trinity's POV
Lately I haven't gave a crap about steve. Everyone is trying to keep me from grinding his bones into sand. All girls were getting along. I was with Tsurgura the next afternoon. "You look nice." I smiled. I knew my new outfit was good. I designed it myself. I cleared my throat. "So, what am I going to sing?" I asked. "Start with the major scale." "Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do." She clapped. "Nice job. Now we have to work on breathing. Deep breath in the mouth, exhale nose. Deep breath in the mouth, exhale nose." She repeated five times. "Remember, when singing and dancing, breath through your nose, This will help alot."