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Studio Madness

Pranking...not what you expect


Kailin and I were tossing a ball around in the foyer. She was at ground level, and I was at the top of the staircase. Then Syhona walked in. "Hey guys, the Defayers and Tsurguras wanted to know if we all pull a prank on Steve. Plum probably won't participate, because she is sick at the moment." Kailin and I looked at eachother and nodded. "What's the plan, man?''

I threw the ball to Kyo as all of us entered a dark room at the end of the hallway. He smacked me. "Hey, you do not want to get sassy with me." Kyo giggled. He was cute, but two years younger than me. He's also really talented.

"Trinity, could you please stop doing that to my brother?" Takumi sounded as if we were dating. "Believe me, it's impossible for me to stop." Shawn and Kourtnii started laughing. In fact, all of us were laughing.

"Okay, I have a prank in mind. But it's a clean prank." Kailin announced. "I'm listening." I replied. "I think that whenever Steve asks us something, mouth words you want to say, and any noise happening needs to be 100% silent, so it'll seem like he's deaf." I literally started snoring. "That's good, if you're in middleschool. I think we should spraypaint his glasses pink and paint, "MOMMA'S BOY." Across the frames. Then take a picture, and post it to Facebook." I simply implied. Everyone started laughing. "Okay, now where do we get the spraypaint?" Meaghin announced. "Easy. Outside the Polo Field, some skater shop sells it." He all shook hands and deemed that would be possible.


Today I couldn't find anyone. Only Plum was around, but she was sick. Apparently with the flu, which she got from nursing a baby bird. I think she really cares about nature.

"Plum, where did they go? I haven't seen Takumi, Ruby, anyone!" Plum stared at me. "Why are you in my room?" "Oh, sorry. Have you seen them?" Plum nodded no. "Check the Polo Field and the Breakfast Table." I nodded and walked out of her room.

It was early morning and I was searching for my glasses. "Glasses, Glasses, where are you? So stylish, black and blue." I repeated in my head. That always helped me find my glasses. Only this time they weren't black and blue, they were pink and green. "MOMMA'S BOY," It read. I scowled. "Trinity!" I yelled. She bounded down the stairs, and tripped over a gym bag. "Fuck!" She yelled, as Kyo stepped in the room. "I'll pretend I never heard that." He backed out slowly.

"How do you explain this?" I pointed to it. "What, it's the truth!" She yelled. I slapped her face. "The hell?" She kicked me in the stomach and ran up the stairs. "I'll get you!" I grabbed my stomach and lugged myself up the stairs.

I heard rustling in the nearby closet. "I've got you!" I opend it and found Shawn showing Kyle a bunch of pictures. "This is when I was 1 and first saw you." They faced me. "Get out!" "What way did Trinity go?" "Like I care. I thought I heard running near the shower room." "Can you tell me what gender?" "I think woman. I don't know. Their at the same corner, only the stretch to different sides." I nodded and closed the door. I heard giggling from another room, close to the showerroom.

I saw Kailin and Kyo watching a video on this huge TV. "So that was you?" She asked Kyo. He nodded. "Yes. I was only 13 and I was in Japan. Notice all the manga and anime characters." "That's amazing." "Have you guys seen Trinity?" They shook yes. "She ran down in the basement. That's what she told me."

I started running. It was surprisingly cold down there. I shuddered and heard noises down there, like heels clicking. The only thing was- Trinity didn't wear heels. She thought they were girly. I then saw a pale figure step out. She was wearing a pink dress with black hair.

"Takumi?" I asked. She faced me with a blank expression, like she couldn't see me. "Takumi? It's me, Steve. Where did Trinity go?" Takumi faced me. "Where did the Spelling Bee go? Oh, it's scheduled in the modeling section. Trinity was heading there." I nodded and ran up the stairs.


Judging by all of their texts, he only had to stop by Syhona, Kourtnii, and Ruby. I knew that he would find me soon. I hid in the easiest place- The bathroom. I heard footsteps running close, and then dart past. He was heading to the Modeling Walkway. I crossed my fingers and waited. I held onto the spray paint and sillystring, fused in one. Man, I love that skater shop.


The Modeling walkway came into view, as I saw a banner saying, "SPELLING BEE." Syhona was sitting there, reading a novel. There were only 2nd and 3rd place trophies set up. "Syhona, what happened to the 1st trophy?" "Oh, Trinity won it. Want to know where she went? Go up two floors, and enter the elevator on the left. It's broken. Ruby is up there. She probably knows where to go next." I nodded and started running.

Soon, after sweating a bunch, I came across a broken elevator, to find Ruby DeFayer standing there. "Trinity goose chase? Go see Kourtnii. She's in the girls' shower room." I nodded and flew off again. Shortly, I came upon Kourtnii. "Where did she go?"


I finally got a text from Syhona and Ruby. He was coming. I zipped up my shorts and stood in the shower as the black curtain hung loosely. I left a trail of dirt from the polo field there to help guide Steve. Now I just focused on breathing. I steadied my hand on the cans and waited. My hair was put up in a messy bun. I was wearing jean shorts and an orange tee shirt. My flip-flops made noises every time I moved. I had black fingerless gloves on. This would be hilarious.


I headed towards the bathroom. I just should have checked that first. I think it was ridiculous that I had to walk down two flights of stairs, across that flight, and down another flight of stairs. There appeared to be mud on the ground, leading to the shower. Oh god!


The nerd just gulped and opened the curtain! I started spraying him as the whole crowd lumbered inside the bathroom. After all, this bathroom was huge. Steve starting screaming, as red and blue silly string/paint spewed all over him. He was so disheartened that he threw himself onto his bed, staining his blanket.

"Hey Guys," He started. "F my life."
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