A Love That's So Demanding


"Andrea! Wake up!" I shouted.

"Fuck! Can I get another five minutes? If you're on my position, you'll be requesting for another five minutes too!" she shouted back. "Back off! Come on! Back the fuck off!"

"Gah, I'm going to leave you! It's seven thirty already! Our classes will start at 8:05! Come on!"

I got no answer. I pulled her feet and then she fell on the floor.

"What the Frank!!?!" she shouted and kicked me in the place where I don't want to be kicked.

"Fuck! Andrea!" I said, with rage, but I'm really not angry with her.

She ran to the bathroom and locked herself in. Maybe she went straight taking a bath. I'm used to this, she's always waking up late, so I ended up being late too. She's my best friend since I was born. Her mom and my mom were best friends too, until her mom died when we're 10. So my mom, took good care of Andrea, and now she's living with us for many years.

"Not yet finished?" I asked.

"Not yet."

"Andrea! Will you please hurry up? We will miss the school bus!"

"Let's just walk."

"No! We'll be late."


Andrea is really like that. She's really strong and brave. There's no day that you will not hear the word 'fuck' or 'what the frank' coming from her mouth. That's what I like of her. Yes, I like her. I love her, but I'm afraid that if I'll confess it to her, she will just say, 'what the frank', and stuff. She can really defend herself. Sometimes, if you pissed her off, she will just give you a black eye. Yet, she's so funny and caring. Oh, she loves art. Yeah.

"The two of you are gonna be late," said mom.

"Yeah, I know, because of this girl beside me," I said, turning my head to see her.

"Oh well, let's just go and get the party started," she said. "Bye Linda."

"Bye mom, see you later." I said.

"Great, we missed the school bus. It's all because of you!" I shouted.

"Yeah, me, me, me. Always me. What if let's just strt walking, right?"

"Okay fine."

We walked for fifteen minutes and when we arrived, there are no student in the hallway already. They are all in their respective classes already. I looked at the time, 8:22 am, we're very late. Good thing we have the same schedule. She will not be humiliated alone, but with me.

"Come on, Math." she whispered.

We went inside the class room and the students were all surprised. I want to run but Andrea walked straight inside the classroom.

"Good morning, new student?" the teacher asked. I looked at my schedule and looked for his name. Mr. Cook.

"Students," Andrea smiled. How can she manage to smile? We're late!

"Oh, okay." he looked at something. "So, I guess you're Andrea Phillips and... Frank Iero?"

"That's us!" she said cheerfully.

"Yeah," I said.

"Don't you know that the class starts at 8:05? And it's almost 8:25."

"We're very sorry," I said.

"Being new here in this school is not an excuse, Mr. Iero." he said. "Now, take a seat the two of you and pay attention!"

We took a seat at the back beside a guy who had a long hair. I find him weird so I took another seat after his seat. Andrea sat beside between me and the weird guy.

"Hi!" she said.

"Hey! I'm Gerard."

"I guess you know me after Frank and I got humiliated a while ago" she chuckled.

"Yeah, Andrea." he smiled. "Dating with him?"

"No! Oh, God. Best friends."

"Yeah, we're best friends, she's living with me," I said.

"Oh, I see. The two of you must meet my other friends and even my brother," he smiled. "Come with me during the break."

"Kay." I said.

"Can I see your schedule, Andrea?" he asked.

"Sure," Andrea handed her the schedule.

"Great, we're the same," he laughed.

"Well, Fank and I too."

"Even more great!"

"Way! Phillips! Iero! Could you please shut your mouths!?" Mr Cook said.

"You shut up, you fucking asshole," Andrea murmured.

Gerard went bug-eyed, "What?"

"Gah, don't mind her, she's really liek that," I smiled

"I don't like him," Andrea whispered.

"Well, I've been experiencing his fucking lessons over the last two years," Gerard explained.

"I bet he sucks," Andrea said.

"He really do,"

"And will always do," I laughed.

"Iero! What's the laugh all about?"

We're laughing about you, dumb ass.

"Nothing, sir."

"Last one, you're out."

"You get out." Andrea whispered again.
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What do you think? It's different from I love you but I can't have you.... it's not an incest... not frerard... Thanks for reading. hope you like it. Just subscribe if you want.. and don't forget to comment, alright?