Status: Active

Dear Fate


Holly walked up to the deck, not sure what just happened or where she was going. She didn't know what came over her, or why she spoke to Olivia like she had. There really was no excuse, especially not since Olivia was doing exactly what Holly had wanted her to do. Well, besides giving up her future. But Holly honestly couldn't blame her. The whole thing did sound horrible when described by Olivia, and Holly had just been thinking how glad she was that she was not in an arranged marriage. The only thing she was confused about was how Olivia could think she already had these feeling for Mr. Ryan when she had only met him three days ago. Before she'd even finished the thought, James' face came swimming into her mind.

This is madness, she thought, for I do not love James and Olivia cannot possibly love Tommy.

But the more she thought about it, the more she realized that she did, in fact, love James. Maybe she wasn't in love with him, but she certainly loved him a great deal. Which meant that it was very possible for Olivia to love Tommy.

She shook her head and continued walking. She stopped and looked over the railing to stare out over the ocean, marveling at how vast it was.

"Well now, you just left Jamie an hour ago. You couldn't possibly miss him so soon."

Holly turned around to see a man standing behind her, a good natured smile on his face.

"I'm sorry?"

"Aren't you the one he spent the day with?" the man asked, stepping closer.

"Um, yes. Who are you?" Holly questioned, stepping back.

"Oh, I'm Harry. Harry Lowe, Fifth Officer," the man replied, bowing slightly.

"Oh, alright. Yes, James speaks of you often," she smiled back at him.

"I'm sure he does. What happened to your mouth?" he asked, his smile vanishing slightly.

Holly pressed her fingers to her lips and felt a small cut on the bottom one, which was also slightly swollen.

"Oh nothing," she smiled, "What did you mean about missing James?"

He gave her a once over before continuing, "Well, you're almost at the bridge, which is where he is on duty. Didn't you realize?"

"Oh no, I was thinking. I didn't realize where I was going. I must be headed back though. I wouldn't want to distract him from his work," Holly said, turning around to head back to her suite, where she would promptly apologize to both Olivia and Tommy.

"Nonsense, he can spare a few minutes," Harry said, lightly grabbing her wrist and pulling her back.

The pressure on her wrist caused her to wince slightly where Michael Haim had grabbed her and thrown her to the ground, but Harry took no notice.

"Wait right here," he told her when they reached the outside of the bridge.

He walked inside and Holly had half a mind to turn and run back to her cabin. She had even turned around and had taken a few steps when she heard James call out to her. She turned around and stepped back up to him. Immediately, he grabbed her face to look it over.

"What happened?" he asked softly, gently running his thumb over her split lip.

"Nothing. I just had a bit of a tumble. That's all," she lied. No sense in worrying him over nothing.

"Oh? And how did you manage this in a tumble?" he asked, gently taking her arm and holding up her wrist to the light, where a bruise was already starting to form.

So Harry had noticed it.

"It was nothing. Honestly. A slight altercation, but nothing I couldn't handle," she forced a smile.

"I bet the other guy doesn't look like that."

They both turned to see Harry leaning up against the wall behind them.

James turned back around to face Holly, "You have to tell me who did this."

"Honestly, it was nothing. There will be no more trouble from… them," Holly hesitated.

James opened his mouth to argue, but Holly cut him off.

"Honestly, there is nothing to worry about. Now, I am sorry to have disturbed you while you are working but I must be getting back," Holly yanked her arm out of his grasp and started to walk away.

She had barely taken four steps when he caught up with her.

"Please, Holly. I just want to keep you safe, and I can't do that when there is someone running around here hurting you," James pleaded, taking her hand in his.

"James, I promise you there is no need to worry. I got a little bit mouthy when I should have been respectful. It was my own doing," Holly replied, squeezing his hand slightly.

"Did Olivia do this to you?" he asked suddenly.

"Of course not," Holly frowned, "she would never do that. Which reminds me, I do need to go back and apologize for some things that I said. But I swear to you that she would never hurt me. And there will be no future altercations. I will be sure to mind my tongue."

She smiled reassuringly at him, but it looked as if he wasn't buying it.

"I am walking you back to your cabin," he said after a moment's silence.

"Don't be ridiculous. You are working and I am more than capable of walking myself back," Holly replied.

"I don't care. I can't allow you to walk back by yourself," James said, walking back to tell Harry where he was going.

"James, you are on duty. Please put your job before this silly worry of yours," Holly begged him.

"If you want, I could take her back. I am about to get off duty anyway," Harry offered.

James considered him for a moment and then turned to Holly.

"Would you be okay with this?" he asked her.

She sighed but nodded nonetheless. Harry held out his arm to her and she reluctantly linked hers through.

"I hope I will still see you for breakfast?" James asked hopefully.

Holly turned around and smiled radiantly at him.

"Of course. I look forward to it," she replied.

He smiled at her and grabbed her hand, delivering a swift kiss to it. He blushed violently before turning around and walking away quickly. Harry let out a great laugh.

"He is ridiculous, that boy. I've never seen him act like that," he said as they began walking back to Holly's suite.

"Have you known him long?" Holly asked.

"Four years. He came to the White Star Line when he was 18, fresh out of school and looking to make some money for his family back home. Kinda took him under my wing, I did," Harry described proudly.

Holly smiled but said nothing.

"He really cares about you, you know. I don't really understand how or why, because you've only known each other for four days, and you've only been on speaking terms since last night," he explained.

"I don't understand it either, but I care for him deeply as well. He is the first person I've ever felt really comfortable around. I think it's because he was the first person to treat me as a person, and not a maid or someone of lower class. It's nice, to be seen as not someone to serve you, but rather an equal. And he was just so nice when he didn't have to be. He could have just sent me on my way and never thought of me again. I don't know, I can't explain it," Holly prattled on.

"I think you just did, love," Harry smiled down at her.

She looked up at him and returned his warm smile. They reached her suite and she turned to face him.

"Thank you for escorting me back here, even though I think it was completely unnecessary. I like to think we put James' mind at rest," Holly said.

"You are a very nice girl, Holly, and very insightful. I am pleased that Jamie found you. He really needs somebody in his life, and I am glad that it was you," Harry told her.

She blushed slightly and smiled.

"I need someone like him in my life as well. It seems we were lucky to find each other."

"Lucky indeed. Now, can I have your word that you won't leave this cabin by yourself? If only to put Jamie's mind at rest," Harry asked.

"Don't be absurd, Mr. Lowe. I must leave by myself. I am a maid and I will have to fetch things for my mistress," Holly laughed.

Harry looked torn, "Yes, I suppose you do. Well, make sure you don't go out more than you have to."

"I promise not to go out more than I have to," she smiled.

He returned the smile and waited until she was safely inside the suite before turning and leaving. She closed the door softly behind her and looked around. Olivia was nowhere in sight, nor was Tommy. Holly checked Olivia's room and her own, before looking out on their private promenade, and finally the bathroom.

"Where could she be?" Holly asked herself in a puzzled tone.

Then it hit her. Olivia said to make her choice about whether to go with them or not, and she had stormed out. What if that had been taken to mean that she didn't want to go with the two of them? What if she had gone off with Tommy, not to return.

Don't be daft, Holly. She obviously meant to come back. She left everything here. She has to come back to keep up appearances until the end of the trip. Besides, if not, I can always go and look for her in the third class tomorrow.

But the worry and doubt would not leave her mind and so, after sitting for an hour, she broke her promise to Mr. Lowe and headed out the door, in search of her mistress that was no doubt with the third class passengers.