Status: Active

Dear Fate


"And then I made her climb the tree, and the poor girl couldn't get up it with her dress on, so I made her strip down to her undergarments and climb it. Well, as soon as she was up the tree, mind you, she was still small at that age, so I had to give her a boost up, but anyway, as soon as she was up the tree, my mother called for me, and I couldn't very well ignore her, so I left Holly up in the tree. I figured she could get down by herself. Well, a few hours later, she came into the house, soaked from head to toe. It had started to rain, and she was still stuck up in the tree. Luckily, a stable boy had heard her crying and came and helped her down. Oh, I had never heard her scolded by her parents before, but she got it that night. I actually felt bad that night," Olivia explained to Tommy as they walked around the steerage deck.

"So you were ordering her around before she was even officially your maid," Tommy said, but with a smile so Olivia knew he was kidding.

"The poor girl. She's always done exactly as I've said from the day we met," Olivia giggled, thinking back to the time when she was six and Holly was merely five.

"You said she was scolded by her parents that night?" Tommy asked carefully, knowing full well that Holly's parents weren't around anymore.

"Yes. That was only a few months before they passed away," Olivia said, a sad tone taking over her voice.

"How did they die?" Tommy asked, voice low.

"Her mother got sick that winter and passed. Apparently her father couldn't take living without her, for he took his own life not a week later. Poor Holly was beside herself with grief. She was the one to find her father, you see. At first, she wouldn't do anything but lie in bed. She wouldn't eat, wouldn't speak, nothing. A few weeks after they passed, my parents were trying to figure out what to do with her, and almost sent her to the orphanage, but I wouldn't allow it. I begged and cried and threw probably the biggest tantrum of my life. She was only girl my age that I got on with, as she did everything I told her to. They finally appeased to my wants, and they made her my own personal maid. I fear her parents are the reason she doesn't say much," Olivia explained sadly.

Tommy finally understood some of the reasons behind the demeanor of the small girl he'd grown to like over the past few days, and honestly he felt horrible for her.

"It sounds like you really loved her, even then," he replied finally.

"I did. Even though I mostly thought I just wanted a life-sized doll to order around, I really do think I loved her then even. And now, she's become my closest, and only, friend," Olivia said.

Tommy smiled as he realized just how close of a relationship the two girls had. It seemed as if Holly would die for Olivia, and although only three days ago it would have seemed that Olivia would not do the same, he was slowly realizing, that she would in fact.

"It's getting late," he said, leaning down and whispering into her ear.

"Yes, I suppose I should be heading back. Lord knows Holly will be going insane at my absence," Olivia laughed lightly.

Tommy smiled at her and the two of them made their way back up the steps and away from the steerage area.

"It's such a clear night," Olivia said, pulling Tommy over to the railing to look out at the ocean.

She could feel his eyes on her, so she turned to see him smiling down at her.

"What?" she asked with a small smile, self-consciously patting her hair.

"You are so strange," he replied absentmindedly.

She wrinkled her nose in distaste, obviously offended. Tommy quickly tried to amend himself.

"Not in a bad way, of course. At first, I thought you were just like all the other first class girls around, perhaps even a little more snooty and spoiled. But you've certainly proved me wrong. Never in a million years would I have thought that we would be here together in this point in time. The whole situation is rather strange," he replied.

Olivia smiled, agreeing with his sentiments wholeheartedly. He grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the railing, walking back to her suite. They didn't drop each other's hands, as it was late and no one would be out to see them anyway.

They finally arrived outside of the suite and Olivia looked around quickly before opening the door and pulling Tommy inside after her. He looked surprised at the action, but followed her nonetheless.

"I couldn't give you a proper goodbye out there where anyone could see," she smiled, noticing his expression.

"What kind of goodbye?" he asked, smirking.

"This kind," she smiled back.

She stood on her tiptoes and pulled him down to meet her halfway. She planted a soft kiss on his lips, holding on to his shirt to keep herself balanced. He immediately placed his hands on her waist and pulled her against him. Her hands left his shirt and snaked to the back of his neck. She gently nibbled on his lip and he pulled away, smiling. She made a soft noise of protest as he leaned down to peck her on the forehead.

"Getting a little anxious, are we?" he asked, smirking at her.

She frowned at him before pulling away. He laughed at her and walked towards the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow, love," he smiled, opening the door and looking out to make sure no one was around before carefully sliding out, pulling it shut softly behind him.

She smiled at the door and turned to go to bed, completely forgetting to check on her maid as she had planned.