Status: new story(:

Dark Blue


“Juliet!” I heard Lauren and Millie cry in unison as Thomas held the door to the estate open for me.

They rushed forward, arms outstretched. I smiled shakily and set Edmund on his feet. He immediately stuck his thumb in his mouth and clutched onto my skirts with his free hand. I gathered my two dearest friends into a hug, kissing their cheeks.

“Have you heard about Byron and Charlotte?” Lauren asked me excitedly as we broke free from one another.

“No, I have not.” I answered quietly, leading Thomas and Edmund away from the doorway.

“They are getting married!” Millie squealed excitedly. “They made the announcement earlier. Oh, Julie, a spring wedding! How wonderful.” She and Lauren sighed together.

I recognized the haze of love that washed over their faces and silently reminded myself that crying in polite society was improper. I knew they were both reveling in their own wedding memory bliss. At that moment Stephan and Drew magically appeared behind their wives and they both bid me goodbye to go partake in the dancing a few rooms over.

I stood still a few moments, trying to regain my composure. Edmund’s sharp tug on my skirts brought me back to reality however.

“Come along, you two. I am sure there is a room upstairs that you would enjoy more than this one.”

I lifted Edmund onto my hip again and Thomas grasped my hand. I looked down at him tenderly realizing that there were only several more years before he would be presented to society and allowed to participate in the ball itself. I sighed sadly before climbing the spiraling staircase slowly.

It did not take long before I found the children’s playroom. There were already several other children whom I recognized from different functions. The nannies and maids in the room simply nodded at me as I dropped the boys off with a kiss for Edmund and a hug for Thomas. They hardly even noticed as I slipped out of the room.

Father was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. I smiled as he took my hand and led me to the dance floor.

It was just like my day dream. The only missing piece was the other man. I was whirling and twirling as Father’s eyes twinkled. I laughed, lighthearted and happy. Father joined me, kissing my forehead.

“Juliet, my dear, thank you very much for that dance.” Father said, bowing as the music ended.

He kissed my fingertips as I curtsied to him. I watched him walk over to sweep Mother from the side of the room and onto the dance floor. I smiled and drifted away, not wanting to look pathetic when no one came to claim me for another dance. I slowly climbed the stairs, watching the dancers from above.

I sighed and quietly stepped onto an unused balcony. There was a slight breeze in the chilly air and I welcomed it after the heat of the ball. I walked over to the railing and leaned over. The wind picked up and I felt it brush the black ringlets of hair across my cheeks and neck. I leaned my head upon my hand as I gazed at the starlit skies. I longed to join them, beautiful and free, watching the world from the sky. I closed my eyes and sent them a wish for love. I felt tears prick the sides of my eyes and, for once, I did not try to stop them.

From behind me I heard someone clear their throat.