California Waiting

One of One

Rock music floated out of the speakers placed strategically throughout the dimly lit bar, quietly find it's way to each of the patrons ears. Some listened to the song, maybe mouthing the words every once in awhile, some didn't even seem to notice the sound, too distracted by conversations or what was showing on the televisions behind the bar; currently, it was the 11 o'clock news.

Though the bar was busy, not many people noticed the alarming number of out of town hockey players scattered around. Two of the most talented players in the NHL seemed to fly underneath everyone radar, talking to themselves in a booth, both their wives not able to travel with them on this road trip.

Another group sat at a table a few yards from the bar. Close enough to get new drinks when theirs ran dry or turned warm, but not close enough to hear the low mumbles of the televisions.

The most noticeable group seemed to be the couple joined by two women at the bar. Cory Emmerton had been distracted by the brunette joining his two teammates since they had walked in the bar, taking a seat at the bar together. He had no idea who either girl was, but it was the brunette with short hair who had captured his attention through the two and a half beers he had treated himself to in celebration of the win earlier that night.

"Who's the chick with Abby?" Cory asked, finally deciding to figure out if the man he was sitting with had any idea.

"Why the hell are you asking me?" Mike asked, shooting the younger man a look as he took a sip of his beer, returning his gaze out the window, to the busy California street outside.

"Figured you might have known," Cory mumbled, taking a sip of his own beer, his eyes lingering on the brunette, slowly traveling down to her ass before returning them to Mike and Brendan, who had just sat down after going to get himself another drink.

"What are you talking about?" Brendan asked curiously, looking from Cory to Mike.

"He's wondering if Abby's dating the brunette over there," Mike said, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder, not bothering to look at either Brendan, nor the group he was pointing at.

"I never said that!" Cory said quickly, defensively.

"Why else would you have asked?" Mike deadpanned and Brendan laughed.

"If I'm not mistaken, she's friends with Justin's sister, Amy."

"...I didn't even know Justin had a sister.."

"Yep. She's the blonde that's sitting next to Helmer. Pretty sure they're dating. Or about to be. No clue with Abby and her friend." Cory nodded before finishing his beer.

"Need another one?" He asked Mike, standing up to make his way to the bar. Mike took a second before shaking his head slightly and looking up at Cory.

"Nah, I'm good." Cory nodded and made his way to the bar, noticing Justin walking away; in the direction of the bathrooms, Cory noted. He stood at the bar, waiting for the bartender, while trying to work up the courage to talk to the girl to his right. He glanced out of the corner of his eye to see Justin's sister and Darren, well, distracted by each other. He saw the brunette turn to him before he quickly turned his gaze to the bartender again.

"You're Cory, right?" He turned wide eyed to see the brunette looking at him.


Emily watched as Cory wheeled around to look at her upon hearing his name. Amused at the action, she wasn't sure if it was genuine or not. Though she found it cute non the less. Tapping her nails on the bar along to the song floating out of the speakers absentmindedly, she waited for his answer.

"Uh. Uhm, yeah. Yeah, that's me." Chuckling at his response, Emily decided the awkwardness was genuine. Cocking her head to the side, she stuck her hand out.

"I'm Emily. Good game tonight."

"Thanks," He said, seeming to relax a bit. He seemed to zone out for a second, probably remembering the assist and two goals he had scored.

"Wanna do me a favor?" Emily asked suddenly, feeling a little flirty. She had been to another bar with Amy before meeting up with Justin and Darren to come to the bar their teammates had told them they would be at.

"What's that?" Cory asked, feeling a little nervous. This wasn't normal for him. Usually Cory was the one making girls feel nervous, wondering if he was going to like them or not. There just seemed to be something about this girl. Maybe the way she held herself, she couldn't be bothered with anything that didn't interest her. However, Cory seemed to be something she could find herself interested in. Oh yes, quite interested.

"Buy me a drink so I have a reason to ditch these two?" She suggested, throwing her thumb over her shoulder at Darren and Amy, knowing they wouldn't even notice if she were to leave with a certain Red Wing. "I'll pay you back too, I just don't have any money on me."

"You don't have to pay me back...will Justin mind?" Emily cringed noticeably at this, causing Cory's eyes to widen for a second.

"No. He won't."


"I've known Abby for years. He's more of a brother than anything... So I guess in that respect he may mine," Emily mused quietly to herself before returning her full attention to the tall Canadian in front of her.

"Oh. Alright." It looked like a wave of relief washed over his face and Emily bit her lip to keep from grinning as he got distracted by the bartender. "What'll you have?"

"Hm. Jack and coke?"

"Make that two," He said, holding up two fingers for the bartender. After the drinks were made and Cory handed over a bill to the older man, Emily grabbed the young mans hand, pulling him away from the bar.


"So you've known Justin for awhile?" Cory asked as they both leaned against the worn metal railing of the balcony Emily had led them to. The sounds of the city buzzing below them, the glow of lights giving them all the light they needed.

"Yeah. I've been friends with Amy since high school. They're like a package deal." Emily sipped her drink before glancing at Cory for a second, wondering where to take the conversation.

"What are you doing out in California?" He asked, looking down at the busy city life below them, happy that he wasn't trying to navigate his way through it by himself. Ever since the last time the Wings had played in LA, he refused to go anywhere by himself.

"I moved out here a year ago. Amy came with me, but she goes back and forth between Michigan and California all the time."

"So that's where Darren sneaks off to," Cory mused and Emily let out a laugh.

"Yeah, most likely. But would you like to continue discussing your teammates escapades or would you rather talk about something else?"

"Depends on what the subject would be, I guess," Cory responded cooly, surprising both himself and Emily.

"Do you have anything in mind?" Emily asked, watching him as she sipped the cool drink in her hand. Cory gave a thoughtful look, as if tossing ideas around in his head.

"Possibly," He said simply.


The following hour consisted of clothes carelessly being tossed around the small bedroom, completely forgotten as the two quickly found themselves crashing onto the bed, seemingly not able to get enough of the other.

Sweat slicked skin was soon rubbing and slapping obscenely against each other, moans of pleasure resounding throughout the otherwise empty apartment. The bed started to rock as fingers gripped whatever they could find purchase in. Nails scratched long, uneven marks down one another's backs.

Then, almost too quickly it seemed, the pleasure was over. Both helping the other come to their peak. Riding it out to the end, Cory finally collapsed next to Emily, breathless with hair clinging to his sweaty forehead.

As he tried to think of something to say, she curled into his side, letting out a sigh of content. She brushed the hair off his forehead before cuddling closer into him, almost resembling an innocent young girl. Clearing his throat slightly, Cory looked at her to voice what he wanted to say before realizing that she had already fallen asleep. Letting out a slight sigh, Cory relaxed more into the bed, wrapping his arm around her small frame before letting the sleep overcome him.


Waking up, Cory glanced around the room he was in. Disorientation took over for a moment as he realized it wasn't the hotel room he knew he was staying in. Then the events of the night before came flooding back to his memory as a dull throbbing in his head reminded him where he got the courage to actually make the moves he had made the previous night.

Laying still in he bed, he replayed the previous nights events, slowly, as if they were all a dream and the moment he began doing something, getting up to get dressed or find something to eat, they would fly away; just a distant, vague memory.

But the dark maroon walls of the room begged to differ. Never had he seen a hotel with walls that color. They were almost always a boring beige. And the room didn't resemble a hotel room at all; the little knicknacks and pictures on the walls were far too personal. Along with the fact that the door was wide open, leading into a short hallway, then a living room.

Stumbling out of the bed, Cory searched around the room with bleary eyes, searching for an acceptable form of clothing. Upon locating the boxers he had worn the night before, he quickly slipped them on, glancing once around the room again for good measure before stumbling out the door. Stopping in the hallway, he glanced to his left to see another room with the door shut and a bathroom.

Slipping in, he took care of his business then quietly searched the cabinet. Not finding the aspirin he was looking for, he took the bottle of mouthwash instead, rinsing his mouth out to the best of his abilities; eyes watering at the slight burn in it caused.

As he left the bathroom, he took note that the living room was also empty, TV off. No signs of anyone. Thoughts that had Cory wondering if Emily had just left without the slightest goodbye were stopped once he reached the middle of the living room. His toes meeting the shag rug in the middle of the room at the same time the scent of coffee tickled his senses. Breathing deep and following the scent to the kitchen, Cory was relieved to see Emily sitting there in a pair of shorts and the t-shirt he had on before their escapades rid him of it the night before.

Looking up at the sound of feet on hardwood, Emily smiled softly at Cory before taking another sip of her warm coffee. She nodded her head over to the counter and Cory turned to see a steaming pot of the inviting, brown liquid and an empty mug, sugar and creamer next to it with a spoon in the sugar.

"So," Cory cleared his throat, speaking his first words since the night before. "Is this pretty much what happens when Darren sneaks away?"

"Pretty much," Emily said over the rim of her mug.

"I could get used to this."
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, here it is Emily. I really hope you like it! :D

If there are spelling mistakes, excuse them. Sorry :/