The Mess I Made

Chapter Ten.

I watched as James stood up and looked at the time. He offered a small smile, told me they had to go, thanked Olivia, and left. I looked at Olivia and saw how anxious she looked. Sighing I sat at the table, resting my head on it.

"She's probably fine. I mean, c'mon, she's not stupid enough to go and get lost," I said, trying to ease her mind.

"Sam," she said then threw up.

Rushing to her side, I rubbed her back. My mind pieced things together and I knew what was wrong. My heart raced ,but I kept a calm look. Guiding her to the couch, I helped her sit down. With swift, calm, steps I moved to wet a rag. I had watched where she got everything this morning so I'd be able to find everything.

"You need to calm down. You must've ate recently. If you get too nervous or worked up on a full stomach you'll vomit," I told her.

"Smart kid," Elliot said as he sat beside Olivia, trying to ease her mind.

"I have to be," I said blankly as I put the rag around her neck.

Our eyes met for an instant. I saw what she saw in my. I was a quirky kid who needed to figure out where I was and saw too much. I saw how bad my eyes looked. One was bruised.

"Did Thomas punch you?" she asked.

"No," I said blankly still.

Turning, I looked around the kitchen. My eyes picked everything apart. A hand touched my shoulder and I looked back tensely. It was Elliot. He smiled slightly at me ,but I frowned at him.

"Please don't touch me," I said with a tired tone.

"I want to talk to you about some things," he told me and I nodded.

We walked into another room, it appeared to be the master bedroom. I sat down on the bed and watched him, with tense and guarded eyes.

"How do you feel about this place?" he asked.

"It's hell to me. A bunch of people who think they know who I am. A school of snots and bitches," I told him bitterly.

"Samantha," he started.

"My name is Sam," I said in a sharp and harsh tone.

He flinched as I stood up. Looking up into his eyes, I felt how much he wanted to slap me down for my tone as I spoke in a quiet tone, "I was happy. I was safe in my mind, and I had everything where I wanted it. You people changed my whole life. You took me from my home, dumped me here, and expect me to be grateful and happy."

"Your mother begged us to take you ,Sam. She thought it'd be best for you," he told me as I stepped back.

Everything fell apart in front of me as I shook my head. Turning my body from his I bolted for the door ,but he held it shut. Tears filled my eyes as I collapsed against it. I looked up at him with tear consumed eyes.

"You're lying. She loves me," I whispered.

"She sent you here because she loves you. She told me what all you had to do," he said in a gentle tone.

"I did it because I wanted her to be happy," I whispered up to him.

"I know, Sam. I know," he said as he knelt beside me.

I don't know what came over me ,but I hugged that man. I sat there and cried with him for awhile and when Olivia came in she joined our hug despite being worried to death.