The Mess I Made

Chapter Eleven

The aroma of pancakes filled my nose as soon as I woke up, and I sat up, surveying my surroundings. I didn't make it home last night! Fuck, they were going to kill me..

"Morning Cheyenne," A soft voice called from behind me.

I jumped slightly at the sound, picking myself up from the couch. I turned to see my gym teacher dressed in a pair of sweat pants, her gorgeous curls pulled into a ponytail, and a slim-fitting tank top. Somehow, the situation didn't seem at all appropriate to me. "Uh..morning?"

I was slightly confused; why would she have brought me to her apartment? She had my records somewhere..why not bring me home? Did sorry for me or something?"

"I made you pancakes."

"Actually, I'm not that hungry, I should probably go-."

"Please..just eat one?"

I raised an eyebrow at her, shook my head, and pulled my shoes on. No way was I staying here. The whole situation was just..weird. I'm not saying that she's a bad person or anything, but I needed to go home. I just couldn't stay here. Not just for the fact that I had to be home, but also because she was my teacher and being in her apartment just felt fucking weird.

"I'll see you at school on Monday."

Her hand snaked around my wrist, and pulled me to her. My eyes widened, and she spoke softly and urgently. "Listen to me, and listen good. You are not to tell anyone where you were, got it? If I find out you so much as uttered a word about being here, I'll make your life hell."

She let go of me, and it took all I had not to run out the door. Can someone say fucking nuts? Jesus Christ..that woman is a few colors short of a rainbow. I called my mom, but made sure I was in Central Park before doing so.

I explained that my father had run into me last night, and he was shot by someone. Regardless of the threat, I told her that Coach Monceaux had been the one to pull the trigger. I wasn't telling her where I was, not if I could help it.

I didn't know if she was bluffing when she made such a threat, but I wasn't about to find out if she'd make good on it. But I knew, though, that once Elliot, Sam, and Olivia got here..I'd tell them everything they wanted to know.