The Mess I Made

Chapter Twelve.

Hours passed after I'd finally laid in our bed. I can't believe I'm still awake. I can't believe I'm still waiting for her to come back. Finally, I sat up, it clicked I wasn't going to sleep. Crawling to the window, I sat there looking out of it with curious eyes. Cars weren't sweeping the streets anymore. It was rare one would pass, that's how late it was.

"I can't take it anymore," I whispered to myself as I stood.

Pulling on my black t-shirt with two glittered silver wings on the back and my dark blue jeans, I made my way to the door. My heart didn't pound like a normal teens would, nor was there a rush. It was second nature for me to slip outside at night. Allowing my long fingers to clasp the door knob and twist it was hard though. I saw how scared Olivia was. Then I remembered she was on the couch. Fuck!

"Sam?" she questioned, then I jerked the door open.

When I lurched forward she tackled me. The wind rushed from my lungs and I threw myself to the side rolling her, then snaked out of her grip. I stared at her with wild eyes and glared. That was the glared she smacked off my face. That's when we both froze in a stiff and still silence.

I turned my face back to her, slowly standing. Slow steps carried me back to our room. Olivia didn't budge as I carried myself back out of her sight. Slipping my shoes off, I dropped myself by the window. More sleepless hours passed bringing dawns light to color the room with it's refreshing presence. The presence I ignored.

The door creaked open as the woman once again decided she need to check on me. She would see I hadn't moved. Hearing her approach me made my body go tense.

"Would you like some breakfast?" she asked in a soft tone, it told me she heard of my episodes.

When I didn't respond she sat down beside me and went to pull me to her. I moved away to the bed's side, staring at her. She hurt me, I thought to myself, If someone can hurt you once then they can easily hurt you again.

"Olivia!" Elliot shouted as he dashed into the room," Cheyenne is calling your cell!"

He fumbled to get it out of his hands and into hers fast enough. Once she had the cell she raced to the living room leaving Elliot to deal with me. He jumped when he saw me staring at him and knelt down to look at me.

"Are you still with us?" he asked as he would a person who just fell asleep, he smiled when I nodded," She told me what happened."

"I was going to look for her," I croaked.

"Figured that. You're not scared of much," he said with a soft smile," Olivia can be the same way."

"I'm scared of being hurt," I choked, but I swallowed my tears and the after thought.

He nodded, but the conversation vanished when Olivia raced into the room, she looked pissed and overjoyed all at once. People like that annoy me. Before I was allowed a word she packed us into the car and floored it to a park. I'd been here before. It's near my neck of the woods. The one I got in more trouble then anyone ever should. Some of it was fun. Others, a quick way to make money. Money for my mom's drugs, I thought with a sigh.
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O.O Sorry about all the talk scenes guys