The Mess I Made

Chapter Fifteen

I sighed softly, scrolling through contacts on my phone before ultimately giving up, and throwing my phone beside me. Coach emerged out of one of the empty interview rooms, shot me a dirty look, and walked out. Munch sat beside me, snapping his cell shut.

"That was Casey. Said she and Sam were at the hospital. They're both fine, though, so don't jump-."

"Oh my god, John, we have to go see them!"

"-to conclusions," He sighed, raising an eyebrow at him. "No need for that, either. Your Mom and Fin are on their way to pick them up."

"Casey's fiance didn't go?"

He looked at me pointedly. "She didn't tell you?"

"Tell me..what?"

"She and Stephen called it quits?"

"They did?" I gaped.

"Yes, they did. She's..not into him as much as she was."

"What do you mean?"

"She bats for the other team?"

"Excuse me?"

"My lord, child, she's gay!"

"Oh," Was my only response.

Hell, if I'd have known she was lesbian, I'd so have tried something earlier. I laughed at my thoughts, and Munch gave me another look. You know, I'd been getting those looks for quite some time now.

"Elliot, is he done?"

Elliot sighed, took a look at me, and motioned for me to follow him. I obviously did, and we came to an open jail cell. In it, sat my father. "Against my better judgment, I'm giving you ten minutes with her."

Jaxon smiled, revealing white teeth. "Thanks, El."

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry bastard."

I sucked in a breath, letting my gaze fall to Jaxon. I had his eyes, I noticed. And while I had gotten most looks from Olivia, there were features that came from him. Like my cheekbones and nose. "Hey honey."

"Don't you honey me," I said, raising an eyebrow at him before sitting in a plastic chair outside of his cell.

"Ten minutes!" Elliot called, going to sit behind his desk.

"He always that much of an ass?"

"You always try to meet your daughter by holding a knife to her?"

"You're just like your mother."

"She raised me, so I would wonder why."

"You know, I wanted us to be a family."

"Well, I think raping her sort of burned that idea."

"It was just a misunderstanding. We were drunk."

"So, you drunkenly raped her?"

"I wouldn't do it in a right state of mind!"

"You still did it."

"I regret it!"

"It doesn't change things, asshole."

"You're right. I'm sorry, look once I get this straightened out, I promise I'll be a better Father for you, Cheyenne."

"Little late for that, Dad," I muttered bitterly.

"Ten minutes is up," Elliot called, walking up.

I walked with him to his desk, and took a last look at my Dad.

I hope that one day his words would have meaning to them, and that he wasn't such a bad guy. But hopes are a waste of time. Especially after getting them up.
♠ ♠ ♠
More of a filler :P
Everything's finally good and drama-free, folks.
Don't expect that to last long.