The Mess I Made

Chapter Four.

Sitting at the table, turning my head to Olivia. She set the food on the table and I felt drool build up in my mouth. I hadn't seen real food since last March and now it's November. The smell was like heaven and I begin to wonder if my stomach would be able to handle it since I live on sandwiches and vitamins. I hoped it would because I wanted to eat this badly.

"You look like you've never seen food," Cheyenne commented.

I lifted my eyes to her and let the wound cross my heart as I turned my head from her. Olivia cleared her throat as Cheyenne apologized, but it was empty and meaningless. I closed my eyes, breathing out without a sound.

"I said I'm sorry!" she said louder.

"I heard," I said quietly.

"Cheyenne!" Olivia shouted when she went to say something else.

"It's fine," I said, looking at Cheyenne who seemed satisfied.

We began eating in silence as I smiled at the warmth and taste. It was better then anything I'd eaten in a long time. The flavor absorbed me. Then it came down to one thing, the last roll.

Reaching out for the roll, I take it lightly, but then Cheyenne snatched it away. I looked at her in utter disbelief. A smirk crossed her face and fire lit my eyes. I felt a sort of anger building inside me. I knew she didn't want me ,but it gave her no right to treat me this way. My mother didn't even get away with that.

Without hesitation I took it back and she spat "bitch" in my face as I glared at her. I threw the roll down and turned away bitterly as I made my way to our room. Olivia began screaming at Cheyenne, but I had no pity for her. It was her fault anyways. I collected the few things I had in my bag that weren't one of my two other changes of clothes. It was a locket. It had a picture trapped inside that had been taken before my dad died, the only picture my mom had of him. He was holding mom close while she held me. I put it on and closed my eyes tight.

I wasn't a bitch. I was a survivor. I lasted on the streets. I thrived in the darkness. I was a beast within a female's body. A smile crossed my lips and I thought okay that's a stretch ,but I am fucking awesome!.

The door opened slowly and I turned around to face Cheyenne. She looked like she'd been chewed up and spit back out then dumped down the garbage disposal. With a deep and hateful sigh she began to speak, but I cut her off.

"Don't apologize to me unless you mean it. You can tell your mom I said that, I don't care," I said bitterly, knowing I caught her off guard, "And I know that she's listening to us right now by the door."

I heard Olivia sigh and turned my head away.