The Mess I Made

Chapter Five

To say that the next morning was interesting would be an understatement. If Sam and I weren't trying to put a last word in, Mom and I were arguing, and if we had managed to get out of the rotten mood we were in, we had to wait for the bus, anyway, so..

Needless to say, the morning after held no sentimental meaning for me or for anyone else, for that matter. Upon our arrival at school, I bid Sam goodbye and wished her luck. Okay, so it wasn't my best move by far. But surely someone would help her...right?

The bell rang, dismissing us for third period, and I was brought back to reality for the third time today. Usually, I hadn't been tardy, but today didn't seem like my kind of day to begin with.

I ended up seeing Sam in the hallway with a kid who had to be at least two years older than us. He had a hold on her hand, and though it seemed innocent and caring, I wasn't going to have it. I may be shitty to the girl, but no dumbass was going to take advantage of her.

"Hey! Mind stepping away from the girl, bro?"

"What the-? Cheyenne?"

"James?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at the Senior.

James was no idiot nor was he a dumbass, he was just the boy always caught at the wrong place at the wrong time. His brother was a little shady, but the Jenning pair, for the most part at least, were well known and liked amongst the student body.

"Look, just be careful with my sister, alright?"

"You two are sisters..? I didn't know-."

"I mean Sam, okay? Stay away from her, Jennings, or you'll have me to deal with."

He chuckled softly, whispering something to Sam before she gave me a reassuring smile, and I headed down the hallway, trying to act as if I didn't let the s word slip. I was supposed to hate her, but I had no reason to other than the fact that she was dropped on us. But the more I thought about it, the more I decided that I didn't mind so much anymore.

I suppose that I should have known something would have happened--I was never really graceful, and my inability to watch where I was going should have made something click--but it didn't. I collided into a hard chest with an oomf, and even sooner found myself hitting the floor.

"Hey, are you alright?" A smooth voice called out, bringing my attention to a beautiful teenage boy whom I'd seen many times before, but never got the nerve to talk to.

"Yeah," I said, sitting up and looking into the eyes of Derek Knight. "I'm fine now."

"Could I walk you to class? I mean, seeing as that you can't seem to walk by yourself."

A smirk rested on his lips, and I smiled at him, pushing myself up and onto my feet. "I'm fine now, thanks."

"You know, I never got a thank you!"

"Thank you," I replied sweetly, turning my gaze to him. "Derek."

"Anytime, Cheyenne. See you in Bio?"


"On..?" He probed.

"Whether or not you'll try to knock me over again, Knight."

He laughed, and the sound was dark and alluring, almost like him. "How do I know you didn't want to run into me, Benson?"

"Don't flatter yourself, pretty boy."

"I don't have to, princess."

With that he winked and walked in the other direction, leaving me in the middle of the hallway, utterly dumbfounded. Derek Knight was completely intimidating, and he was obviously misunderstood. For as long as I could remember, I'd wanted nothing to do with boys like him.

Now I felt like it was my job to figure him out, and get to know him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Choppy and horrid.
Ah, well.