The Mess I Made

Chapter Seven

The tardy bell rang before I even made it into the gym, and I cursed under my breath, jogging into the gym and opening the door to the girl's locker room. I hurried to my spot, and sat down, keeping my eyes down. I wasn't the most athletic to begin with, so I didn't make it to the top of Coach's list.

"Benson," She called out loudly. "Nice of you to join us."

Giggles ensued from the girls around me, and I glared at the ones within close distance. A girl next to me rolled her eyes at their childish ways, and I smiled gratefully at her. She went by Kate, though everyone knew her as Kaitlyn. And to think a month of school had passed..yet we had barely said anything to each other. Huh.

"Mind coming up here, girl?" Coach asked with a warm smile on her face, brown eyes gleaming.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, and instead found myself smiling. Damn her for having that effect on people. Don't you just hate people that can get you out of a mood when you want to stay in it?


"Why were you late?" She murmured, barely above a whisper.

"Why weren't you?" I offered, giving her a smile. The smile faltered quickly, however, once her eyes narrowed. Obviously someone didn't like jokes...


"Right, sorry. Some guy bumped into me in the hall."

" were late because you were flirting?" She asked with a smirk, raising an eyebrow.

"No!" I yelled, probably too quickly and loudly. My face was reddening by now, and her smirk continued to stretch once she realized this.

"Don't let it happen again. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am," I got out through gritted teeth, going to sit back down against the lockers next to Kaitlyn. No sooner had I gotten comfortable than I heard her whistle being blown.

"Dress in, ladies!"

I groaned, standing up and finding my locker, and getting dressed into my gym suit. The rest of class went by slow, much to my disdain, but I had gotten through it without any other incidents. As soon as the bell rang for next hour, I couldn't have been happier.

Next hour was Biology, after all.


"So, can I text you sometime?"

"What happened to calling?" Derek laughed, giving me his number.

"I don't know," I laughed, throwing my bookbag over my shoulder.

"Can I at least walk you home?"

"Just friends, Knight!" I called over my shoulder, walking away from him.

"What? Friends can't walk their friends home?"

"My Mom's a cop...Not such a good idea."

He rolled his eyes, falling into step beside me easily. "And my Dad's in the Navy."

I laughed, nudging him softly. "You know, you aren't nearly as intimidating now."

He laughed loudly, a smile coming over his features. "Thanks. And you aren't nearly as scary as everyone claims."


"No problem."

I started walking up my driveway, and saw Mom's car parked outside of the building. I cursed under my breath, realizing that she probably saw that whole scene. "Bye princess!"

I chuckled softly, giving him the one finger salute, and walked into the building, finding our apartment easily. Mom was waiting by the door, as per usual, and looked pissed.

"Thank you so much for waiting on Samantha."

♠ ♠ ♠
Ahaha, she forgot to let Sam walk with her. What will Liv do??