Status: I am working on it, hope you enjoy this.

The Glass Heart

Chapter 3

"So why were you in America, Rhett? You have a British accent, and I didn't see any of your relatives come to greet you at the airport." I asked. Rhett and I were pushing our carts, and our way through the train station.

"Well, my mother is British, while my father is American," Rhett explained, "My parents divorced when I was 13, so I visit my dad during the summer months and my mum during the winter or school breaks," Rhett stuck his arm out to stop me, and I did, looking for our train, "Elise, hop into your cart,"

I gave him a very questioning look, not sure of what he meant.

"Just do it," Rhett rolled his eyes at me, I did as I was told though, and before I knew it, Rhett was pushing me, my cart and his cart towards the wall. I froze, unable to scream, but the scenery changed, as I soon as I realized that the wall was magic. We were in Platform 9 3/4 and the Hogwarts Express was in sight.

"Oh. My. God."

Rhett laughed, "Oh, you Americans," I was unable to move. At all, it was like I was paralyzed in my whole body, I had never had seen anything like a magical wall, ever. I felt hands wrap around my backside and the back of my knees. Rhett was lifting me out of my cart.

"You okay Elise? Jesus, I've never seen even a first year react this way!" He was in hysteria with laughter.

I finally made my body move out of Rhett's warming arms, "Yeah, well, in America, we just get on a plane and fly the the damn school!" I said embarrassed from all the looks I was getting from everyone on the Platform. All Rhett did in response was laugh at me.

"Rhett, dear!: A lady in the distance was waving at us, pushing through the crowd, and Rhett waved back.

"Who's that?" I asked smiling at the lady coming towards us.

"My mum."

The woman finally reached us and immediately flung her arms around her son, giving him a kiss on the cheek, receiving one in return.

"Mum, I'd like to meet my new American friend, Elise," Rhett said, smiling proudly.

"Nice to meet you Elise, you can call me Grace!" She smiled at me. She was so beautiful, she had long, flowing dark hair, hazel eyes, and a tiny, pale face. I almost envied her beauty.

"Nice to meet you too, Grace, Rhett here is my new best friend, he has been a huge help to me," I said, trying to make a good impression of me.

Grace laughed, she had Rhett's amazing laugh, "Oh, I'm so glad to hear that! Well, let's get you too on board!"

With Grace's kind help, Rhett and I had a booth on the train with our things safely packed away. We came back for final goodbyes.

Rhett kissed and hugged his mother tenderly goodbye. Grace gave me a comforting hug as a lovely farewell. And before you knew it, the whole Hogwarts School Body was on it's way to another year of school.

"So, tell about your family," Rhett said curiously.

I sighed, "Well, there's me, and my 17 year old brother, Zak, not a wizard, my clinically depressed mother, not a witch, and my Grandmother, not a witch, and that's it."

Rhett raised an eyebrow.

I sighed again, "My dad abandoned our family at the wrong time and he came back when I was 11, then died when I was 14, he was killed by a brain tumor," I explained, "I really didn't know him, but I do believe that he loved Zak and me."

"Why did he leave? You don't have to tell me if I'm crossing a line here,"

"Well, my dad had been on drugs and had been a drunk for a long time and when I was 2, he was scared of his future and left and didn't return.

"My mom was cautious when he came back, and we slowly started to trust him, then 3 years later, he was dead of a brain tumor. We weren't close, he wasn't protective of him family, he was just scared of what he had I guess,"

Rhett's eyes were very sad but comfroting.

"My mom had gotten anxiety when my dad abandoned us, and it got worse when he died. She got so depressed that she wasn't able to function. She finally quit her job, and is now going to a rehab facility, but we have made her room like our home, and basically, my grandma takes care of Zak and me."

Rhett put a hand on my knee, trying to make things seem better, "Oh, Elise, I am so sorry!" he cried. He was really compassionate.

I smiled, "Hey, I"m honestly cool with it," I pulled my phone out, "Oh, crap," my mom had called me 5 times.

"What?" Rhett took his hand off my knee..

"I gotta call my mom, she's probabling freaking," Rhett nodded as my phone dialed my mother.

She almost picked up instantly, "Elise?"

"Hi mom, I'm on the train to Hogwarts now!" I said.

"Why didn't you call me? I've been worried sick about you all day!" She was almost in hysterics.

"Sorry, mom, things were hectic over here, but I have a new friend here who's gotten me this far along the journey," I said, smiling at Rhett. He blushed.

"Oh really now? What's their name?"

"His name is Rhett, and he is absolutly awesome!" I said.

"Just be careful, don't let him do anything that you aren't willing to do..." She was going to start a rant.

"Relax mom, he's gay," I sighed. Rhett snorted.

"Oh, " She said embarrassed. I heard another female voice at the other end of the line, "Sweetie, I have to go now, but we will talk again soon,"

"Okay, mom, take it easy, okay?" I said.

"Mhmm, bye now, and remember I love you, she said warmly.

I smiled gently, "I love you too, bye," and I hung up. My mother may have been in rehab, but I still loved her dearly. She had always taken care of Zak and me when we needed her.

"Oh, Elise, you have the most beautiful smile I have ever seen!" Rhett suddenly said.

I blushed, "Aw, thanks, Rhett,"

"You're welcome! I just wanted to say something about it!"

I laughed, it was the smallest things about Rhett that I loved and cherished a lot. And that is what our friendship would be. Loved and Cherished.