One Shots

Patrick Stump - Spaghetti
[Sort of Comedic] Patrick wants his plate of spaghetti more than his date.

William Beckett - Save My Soda
[Inspired by a dream I had where instead of Chuck E. Cheese, it was Will E Beckett's, and there was Will's head instead of the mouse... sort of comedic] Will Bill Beckett takes the advice of Pete Wentz to get to a girl.

Ryan Ross - Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, Diamonds Are Just Broken Glass Since I Don't Have You
[Serious-ish; inspired by my epiphany from Northern Downpour] Ryan and this girl only meet in dreams... but wish to be something more.
  1. Patrick Stump in Spaghetti
    Warning: It's weird.
  2. William Beckett in Save My Soda
    Warning: This one's weird too.
  3. Ryan Ross in Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, Diam
    This one is actually serious... sort of bittersweet.