Status: Active

Taking a Sad Song and Making It Better


"What do you think our junior year will bring us?" Jude Palmer asked his best friend, Santana Salazar, as he laid on his back in the grass.

"Bad grades and disappointment," Santana replied while her eyes were closed.

"Sounds about right," Jude chuckles.

Jude and Santana were in Jude's backyard, laying in the grass while the stars winked down on them. Santana was Jude's best friend. They've been best friends since they were three years old. when Santana and her family moved in the house next door to them. They went through everything together. When Santana broke her leg and arm after she fell out of a tree, when Jude came out as gay, when Santana's dad left her and her mom, when her mom got remarried. They wouldn't have survived any of this without each other.

Jude intertwined their fingers together and squeezed her hand lightly. "Do you really think this year will be bad?" He asks seriously.

Santana let out a small sigh, opened her eyes and looked to her right where Jude was laying next to her. She stared at him for a minute. Taking in his strong jaw, his brown hair that he had styled into stylish spikes, and the multiple moles on his face that were endearing.

"I feel like this year will bring us surprises,' she finally whispered. "Don't worry to much about it Jude. You're smart, and kind and beautiful. "Te mereces todo el mundo entero."

Jude smiled at that and closed his eyes, thinking how in the world he deserved a best friend like this. "You too Satan." She snorts and punches him in the arm because she hates being called that.

And Jude knew that he would be able to handle the first day of his junior year tomorrow. All he needed was Santana and any worries would fall away.
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I have not written on Mibba in 4 years. I reread how I used to write and cringe so hard. I was literally super embarrassing. I'm here again to practice writing I guess. I don't think my chapters will be this short but then again half way after I start writing I always want to stop. Anyway leave a comment or don't. It doesn't matter.