Status: I've been writing this story of a different website and thought what the heck Mibba deserves this awesome story!!!

Adopted by a pack of wild animals

he's a wolf

It’s been two days since my little episode encounter with Malic Wulfrith, who seems to be somehow leader of this little Wulfrith clan. Needless to say I did finally get my glasses back. It was interesting if you ask me, the way they treated each other it was as if they were a pack of wild animals most of the time. Malic being leader with his weird demanding aura, and strong personality; yet actually being the son of Mr. Wulfrith’s brother. Then again Daphne did say that this house was kind of referred to as ‘the pack house’ whatever that means. All I know is that for a few weeks only a few people are still in the house and I would meet everyone else later. And for some reason no one thought a 19 year old boss of…well everyone was strange. Since mine and Malic’s little encounter he has only been ‘keeping an eye on me’ lately as if trying to figure out a puzzle. It was actually really uncomfortable to me, feeling someone stare at me or constantly glance at me whenever I entered a room. It was also lot more than intimidating to just be in the same room as him, let alone being near him. It was as if you could feel the demanding authority that oozed off of his body. I wont deny that it was attractive, but he was extremely scary to me. Seth continued to refer to Malic for some reason as ‘Alffy’ it was a cute nickname, but I wasn’t to sure how he got that name since Malic and Alffy don’t sound familiar at all.

“I dunno Clementine…maybe I should try to just hide out in this room for a while, and hope he forgets I’m even here.” I mutter to my pet spider jars.

Clementine was my pet wolf spider I had caught while living in the orphanage a full month before I moved here with the Wulfrith’s. I couldn’t just leave him behind since it was like leaving an actual pet and Clementine was a real pet to me, even if he is a wild spider after 3 weeks of keeping him he actually allowed me to hold him in my hands. Of course that doesn’t mean anyone else gets that privilege, I feed and give him water as well as a mini terrarium. Though being in such a big clean house it was a bit difficult to get outside without someone noticing me and asking why I was going outside or what I was holding in my hands when I find grasshoppers for him. I remembered gently stashing him in my suitcase as to not forget him and putting his jar under my bed so I wouldn’t need to get rid of him. To be honest I didn’t really know if the Wulfrith’s would even let me keep him, I know the nuns would have freaked out if they ever found out I kept Clementine.

I sighed wistfully as I lifted up his jar a little with of my hands to peer inside of it to look at him only to pause and gasp, “Clementine?!” his jar was empty say for sand, a lone rock I put it in and a small stick with a water bottle cap next to it filled with water. I sat up quickly off of my bed and rotating the jar quickly hoping he was just blending in with the sand.

“AAAAHHHHHH!!!!” A loud high pitched scream echoed down the halls of the Wulfrith estate.

Oh-no! My heart dropped as I quickly jumped up off of my bed and darting towards the door Clementine’s jar still in hand. I gulped down as I pushed my glass up on my up the bridge of my nose as I shifted my head from side to side hoping that whoever was behind the scream didn’t have anything to do with Clementine. Turning my head to the left I spotted a small little crumpled up form shaking in a corner. I gasped quickly setting Clementine’s jar down and rushing down the hall to the poor little boy shaking and crying in fear. I slid to a stop and dropped down to my knees wrapping my arms around the poor little boy Kayne.

Kayne was a cute little 10 year old boy the belonged to the Wulfrith couple that adopted me. He had shaggy brown hair mixed with random black streaks through it, he had amazingly beautiful hazel colored eyes hidden behind cute long eyelashes that probably made all other little 10 year old girls jealous. Kayne was a sweet little kid, I had met right after Malic’s little ‘meeting’ with me; he had returned my glasses. But seeing him crumpled up and shaking right now was heartbreaking seeing those big tears streak down his face as he clung onto me for dear life.

“Kayne…what’s wrong? What happened buddy?” I asked smoothing my hand through his hair. I could hear him sniffle and mumble into my chest where he had buried his face into my chest. I couldn’t stop the sad smile that formed on my face as I pulled back a little and gently putting my hand under his chin so he could look at me, “You got to calm down Kayne, tell me again alright?”

He stared up at me with his big pretty eyes and finally nodded. I smiled sweetly towards him as he took a deep shaky breath and glanced towards the other corner a few feet away from us and pointed, “I-I-I-I-I’m a-a-a-a-af-f-fraid of….of sp-spi-spiders.” He muttered as he quickly buried his face into my chest again.

My face paled as I gulped down and glanced towards the corner he had pointed towards, my heart dropping into the deepest pits of my stomach seeing in fact that that type of spider was normally found in these parts. It was a light brown color, with black lines and patterns lined up across it, it was attached to the wall with only 7 legs, because his 8th one was a bit limp. It was without a doubt my spider, “Clementine” I muttered softly.

“hey! What the heck did you do to him!?” A loud all to familiar angry voice shouted from behind me.

I kept on holding Kayne in my arms, I slowly stood up causing Kayne to wrap his legs around my waist trying to cling onto me. I looked up towards Malic and the hateful cold glare that I was becoming to get used to. Don’t get me wrong I may be getting used to his glares, but I was still terrified of him like no other. I turned my eyes down towards the floor and bit down on my bottom lip trying to stop my nervously fast beating heart. This guy just being in my vicinity always seemed to have this effect on me, sending my body into a mixture of fear and strange attraction. At the moment fear was taking me over.

I cleared my throat, “I-I’m sorry it was my fault. You see I-“ I didn’t even get to finish my sentence.

“What. Did. You. Do?” Malic growled narrowing his eye on me at my admission.

I tightened my hold on the slowly calming Kayne and nodded my head a little, “I….” I paused unsure how to explain my situation with Clementine.


“Ok ok.” I mumbled and sighed using my one free hand to rub my temples, but while holding a heavy 10 year old it looked a little awkward. I shifted my arm back towards Kayne to hold him more correctly, “OK so I didn’t know I swear I didn’t” I started out, “I didn’t know he was afraid of spider’s.” I finished off with guilt written all over my face.

“That it?” Malic asked sounding dubious. I lifted my head up a little with an apologetic look plastered across my face, before I nodded my head, “Soooo…you forced him near a spider?” Malic asked sounding irritated with the situation.

My eyes widened, I quickly shook my head, “NO! no no, I didn’t mean it like that. I meant…” I sighed loudly, “I didn’t know he got out of his jar, normally he really good about it…and like I always keep it closed I swear I didn’t know he got out and I just realized it, then I heard Kayne scream so I rushed out here and asked…and…” I groaned a little exasperatedly, “he scared Kayne…I’m so sorry Malic. I really am. I just found out that-“

“Shut up for a minute.” Malic announced abruptly cutting me off again. I obeyed and shut my mouth glancing at Kayne in my arms seeing that he had cried himself to sleep. “So your telling me that you had a pet spider? And that…It somehow got out of it’s jar?”

I glanced back towards Malic and nodded, “Yes, and I’m so sorry Malic.”

“Oh for the love of! this is ridiculous…where is your spider now Cruz?” he groaned rubbing his temple in irritation.

I glanced towards the corner Kayne had pointed out before and spotted said topic slowly climbing up the wall, “Please Malic…don’t make me kill him.” I mumbled turning back towards him with a pleasing look.

Malic stared at me with hard eyes as if debating on what to do, “Fine, give me Kayne. I’ll talk to you once I put him down. Do you understand?! Get you stupid spider and hurry up.”

I suddenly brightened, guilt still in me, but not having to kill Clementine seemed to keep me from feeling down.

* * * * *

My talk with Malic yesterday was the first thing I remembered as I woke up this morning. Staring up at the ceiling it was amazing how easily Malic took everything, he didn’t yell at me, didn’t scream, or growl. He actually took me having Clementine a lot better then I realized. He did however scold me about having Clementine in a jar and not an actual tank or something, which brought me to reality. Malic had ordered like literally ordered one of the Wulfrith’s to take me to the pet store today. I didn’t know who was taking me today, and I only knew a few of the Wulfrith member’s since he ordered whoever over the phone.

I smiled to myself a little, it was strange for him to order someone to take me to a pet store to buy a new cage for my pet spider, but it was nice to not get yelled at by him and actually want to help me with Clementine. Mrs. Wulfrith on the other hand was a bit jumpy hearing about Clementine, guess now I know where Kayne gets his fear. This new family I was staying with may seem a little odd about there order and how a 19 year old guy is technically in charge of everything, Mr. And Mrs. Wulfrith even obey any and every order he barked out. It was weird…but interesting.

I sat up in my bed, crawled out of it, grabbing some of my few clothes, and headed towards the bathroom to do a morning routine. Standing in the shower I smiled to myself feeling the warm water cascade down my body. It was such a nice feeling of not being rushed to take a shower like at the orphanage so everyone had some hot water. Just standing under the water after washing my body and hair it felt a little comforting to me just being able to stand under it.


“Cruz?!” A masculine voice called out from the other side of the other side of the bathroom door. “Ummm…it’s Nyx…we ummm…we met 2 days ago. Malic told me I was ummm…going to take you to the pet store today.” I could hear the nervousness in the poor guys voice.

I did remember meeting Nyx Wulfrith though. The poor boy was for some reason picked on by everyone but Kayne, Seth, Daphne and Jared. It was really sad. And I actually rarely ever saw him at diner or breakfast. It was like if he was in a room and you walked in, he vacated it as if automatically. When Daphne introduced us poor Nyx was scared and completely nervous.

~~Flash Back~~

2 days ago

Standing before me was Daphne Wulfrith, looking as pretty as ever, but what threw me off a little was the boy she had under her arm. He seemed to be completely and utterly uncomfortable standing in the same room as Mr. and Mrs. Wulfrith’s two younger sons, and Malic staring at the television watching some odd kids movie. Malic though seemed to turn his head slightly a disgusted look crossing his face as he spotted the poor scared boy under Daphne’s arms. I gulped a little uneasily as he glanced towards me with an unreadable expression and catching me staring at him…again. He smirked a little as if trying to send a secret message and shifted so he was now facing us a little more resting his head in his cupped hand that leaned on the back of the giant couch he was sitting in.

“Cruz I’d like you meet a dear member of our family, This is Nyx” Daphne gushed bringing my attention back towards her and boy with her.

Glancing at Nyx he was actually really cute, I even found myself giving off a bashful flustered smile towards him. His hair was multicolored almost exactly like mine, though his was mainly black, with brown and blonde streaks littered all through it. His hair fanned just bellow his ears in a cute sort of skater cut. He was actually pretty muscled as well, but not as muscled as Malic looked. This boy was wearing a black V neck shirt that gave me a full view of a chest wide tattoo with a wolf in the middle standing in front of a full moon and two wide wings coming out of the moon but not touching it. It was amazing to look at; the chest under it wasn’t bad to look at either. He had a wide chest, browed squared shoulders, and amazingly tanned skin. His facial features would make any girl swoon; his features weren’t as defined as Malic’s but they were pretty dang close. With his long eyelashes, beautiful sad bright green eyes that wanted to look anywhere but at me, a slightly crooked noise, and a masculine squared chin.

“ummm…h-hi.” I mumbled softly feeling my face heat up realizing that I had been staring at Nyx for a while now. I quickly found my shoes to be the most interesting things in the entire room. Even Malic’s eyes boring holes into my side couldn’t stop my flustered behavior, “I-It’s umm…nice to meet you.” I said slowly moving my eyes up peeking out from under my hair through my glasses and putting my hand out for him.

I watched clearly as Nyx glanced towards the couch for a moment before turning right back to me and nervously taking my hand, “It’s nice too…meet you too Cruz. I’m Nyx.” He spoke in a sexy deep voice that rumbled through his chest. His eyes widened a little as stared at our hands for a moment and found himself quickly retracting his hand as if I was some sort of plague. “Ummm…s-sorry I’ve…got to go now.”

And with that Nyx disappeared out of the room.

~End FlashBack~

“Cruz? You alright?” Nyx called out bringing me out of my wandering thoughts.

I felt my face flush as I realized I just blanked out in the shower forgetting Nyx was on the other side of the bed. I turned the water to the shower off and reached out pulling the towel around my body, “I’m sorry Nyx, hold on a moment and I’ll be out in a few minutes alright.” I called out as I stepped out of the shower.

“Oh alright! I’m sorry I’ll wait out here.”

I smiled a little just picturing him blushing and getting flustered on the other side of the door. It was a new feeling having a guy wait for me and being me somewhere that wasn’t a bus driver taking me to school. I pulled on my black and white buffalo check suspenders ruffle skirt I bought from my part time job being a waitress at a Denis while living in the orphanage. Then I tugged on a black tight fitted short sleeved black shirt that had a small heart on the side that said “Be Friends” in the middle of the heart. I liked the shirt as it hugged me perfectly, it was one of the only shirts I was able to get from the orphanage that didn’t make me look like a total loser. I put on my black waterproof eyeliner and eye shadow. I brushed my hair quickly, pushed my glasses back up closer to my eyes and smiled a little before walking out of the bathroom to see Nyx standing at near my dresser.

He was standing in a pair of denim pants and another V neck though this one was white. He was bent down at the waist, hands in his pockets, and gazing into Clementine’s jar. I grinned a little walking closer to my bed and slipping on my only other shoes being black ballet style flats. Once I slipped them on I quietly made my way over to Nyx who was staring intently into Clementine’s little jar.

“he’s a wolf.” I stated simply

Nyx jumped in surprise facing me, a look of panic crossing his features, “wh-what’s a wolf?!” he asked, I could see his Adams apple bob a little.

I tilted my head in wonder and pointed at the jar, “Clementine…he’s a wolf spider.” I explained.

He blinked in surprise and glanced back towards the jar, then back towards me, “O-Oh really.” He smiled a little a little nervously rubbing the back of his neck, “Th-that’s cool. So I’m taking you…to get a new cage for him then?”

I smiled a little putting my hands behind my back, “Yep” I said popping the ‘p’

He gave me a short curt nod, before his eyes traveled down. I could feel my face suddenly heat up and little parts of me start to tingle as if he were actually touching me and not just looking at me. I watched as the sides of his mouth lifted a little, causing him to bite down on his bottom lip. “You look good.” He spoke scratching the side of his cheek like he was nervous.

I felt my face heat up even more at the compliment, “Ummm…thank you…that’s sweet of you to say.” I smiled shyly not at all used to someone complimenting me.

Nyx nodded again before turning and heading for my open door, “come on. Don’t want to get Malic upset for not leaving already…he’s having a few ‘guests’ over if you know what I mean.” Nyx spoke the last sentence in a whisper moving a bit closer to me to speak into my ear and use air quotes for the word ‘guests’. It came out husky causing me to tense up and a shudder move down my spine.

But oddly hearing about Malic’s guests caused an odd reaction from me, something inside of me was whimpering in protest at the idea of it. I wasn’t sure why I felt the way I did seeing as I was actually more afraid of Malic then anything else. But something deep inside of me just didn’t like it and was angry for some reason. I couldn’t seem to explain the feeling inside of me, my heart sputtering as if I was rejected when I didn’t even like him. I shook my head a little trying to pull my thoughts away from Malic, I sighed softly turning my head down and trailing after Nyx.

A couple of loud obnoxious giggles echoed down the halls, causing me to glance up at the unfamiliar sound. I suppose it got Nyx’s attention to since both of us stopped our walk and turned around to see who it was. My heart seemed to drop down into the deepest pits of my stomach at the sight before us, seeing two girls…dressed utterly and completely slutty might I add were clinging onto Malic like a coats on a coat rack. And he loved every minute of it.

“Cruz…come on we got to go.” Nyx’s voice spoke softly to me out to me trying to get my attention.

I felt his warm hand land on my shoulder and the oddest thing happened, it felt like when Malic had touched me before. A small wave of tingles and sparks shot through me cause a shiver to move throughout my body. I glanced up towards him taking my eyes off of Malic who seemed oblivious to us even being in the same vicinity as him. It seemed like Nyx himself had felt the same thing as I did seeing as he was now staring at his hand on my shoulder with a strange look of intent in his eyes. I opened my mouth to say something, but a loud animal like growl caught our attention. Both us shot our heads back towards the hall Malic was down and saw that he was standing in front of an opened door glaring down towards Nyx and I. I felt my heart drop seeing that strange directed hateful glare aimed at not only me but Nyx as well. I didn’t even know what I did to make him not like me so much.

I awkwardly raised one of my hands, “hey Malic.” I called out in a shaky normal tone.

I could feel from Nyx’s hand on my shoulder that he had tensed up quite a bit behind me. The grip on my shoulder seemed to tighten causing me to grimace a little and glance up towards Nyx seeing a pained look plastered across his face.

“Nyx? Ummmm your hand is kind of hurting me…your gripping to tight.” I muttered.

As if suddenly realizing what he was doing Nyx seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in, his eyes widening in surprise. He lifted his hands up in a sort of surrender pose, “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m so so-“ Nyx didn’t even get to finish his sentence when a lightning fast black mass rushed passed me and straight into Nyx.

I yelped out, my hands moving to my mouth in horror seeing Malic towering over Nyx on the ground. Both of his big hands wrapped tightly around Nyx’s neck; while Nyx gasped and gagged on the ground trying to pry Malic’s hands off of him. I stood frozen in the exact same spot I started in when we turned around, I didn’t know what to do. I was scared. Not for me, but for Nyx. I quickly found my voice when I saw poor Nyx’s face turning purple.

“Malic!” I screeched rushing towards the two, “Stop it!” I demanded putting my arms out trying to push Malic as best I could off of Nyx, “Your hurting him!”

Malic turned his hardened eyes towards me, I flinched. “So what if I hurt this mutt! He deserves it for hurting you!” Malic growled causing me to shrink back.

I could feel my eyes tearing up as I stared down at the two boys, “Please Malic! You have to stop! Your going to kill him!” I pleaded.

Malic’s hard glare seemed to soften as he continued to stare at me, his hands loosening from Nyx’s neck. I could hear Nyx gasp taking in a big giant gulp of much needed air. I felt so much pity for poor Nyx. I felt completely at fault. I shouldn’t have spoke out saying that he had hurt me. I felt my hands move to my hair in panic; my legs were giving out under me.

“I’m sorry! I’m so so so so sorry!” I said in a shaky panic filed voice. “I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m sorry!” I could feel the tears already pouring down my cheeks in a frenzy as I felt my legs give out on me causing me to fall to my knees. I couldn’t see Nyx get hurt over me, something so trivial like this, “Please don’t blame Nyx, Malic.” I sobbed.

Malic was by my side in a second after my knees hit the ground. His arms quickly wrapping around me and huddling me up closer towards him. I could hear him muttering reassurances to me, but all I could think about was hurting poor Nyx. I didn’t even know Malic was able to hear me.

“Luna…look at me…look at me Cruz.” I heard Malic call to me.

Slowly ever so slowly I pulled my face away from his shirt only to see a big wet spot on it from my tears, “I’m sorry Malic…I messed up your shir-“

I blinked a few times feeling his hand suddenly cover my mouth, “Luna…you need to ‘sh’ for a moment so I can talk to you. Do you understand?” Malic asked searching my face. I nodded my head, “Alright one: forget about my shirt you cried on it, you didn’t vomit on it or throw paint on it. So forget about it. Two: Don’t blame yourself for what happened, I already warned Nyx not to touch you, and seeing that he broke my rules and hurt you at the same time caused me to loose it. And three: If Nyx does something to you, you come to me immediately do you understand.” I nodded again, his warm spark tingling hand still plastered across my mouth, “Good…now don’t worry about me hurting Nyx…he’s a big boy he can handle it, it’s something we’ve grown up with. Do you understand?” I took a shaky breath then nodded since his hand was still over my mouth.

“Good. Now be a good girl and just wait for Nyx to wake up.” Malic stood up, “I have a few ‘guests’ I need to entertain anyways.”

I looked up watching Malic as he casually strolled down the hall, “Malic?” I called out. He paused glancing back towards me, “ummm…who are those two…ummm girls?” I asked a little unsure of myself.

A certain look crossed in Malic’s eyes, but as fast as it was there it was gone. It was as if I was just imagined the look, it was strange. He smirked a little lazily sending a shudder through my body, something inside of me just wanted me to run over and jump onto him. “No one you need to worry about Luna. Just some people that I need assist during this time of the month.” He spoke in a matter of fact tone. I blinked in confusion as he continued back on his way to the room I was just guessing was his. I didn’t understand his words or what he meant, but I guess it wasn’t something I could fight against.

“Cruz…are you ready to go?”

I spun around to see Nyx now standing tall watching me closely. I bit down on my bottom lip and nodded, “Yeah…lets go.” I said as I stood up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dear readers,

heeeeeey!!! I'm back! sorry this chapter took so next chapter for sure wont be as dramatic. lol It'll have some fun in it and probably more characters. I hope you guys like it and all that whatnot. Love you guys!!! Sorry I dont gots much to say I may have my next chapter up tomorrow or the next day. You know having a kid makes it a little difficult to update on a regular bassis but I'm at least trying lol. hope you guys like it.

Song of the Day - how to kill a monster ~ Turn on her radio (Because I just liked the song and listened to it whil typing this chapter)

Love you ALL!!!

Kriss Paradise