My gangs behind you


I gulped down a little uneasily feeling my heart pick up in pace as I stared down the barrel of the specially modified German 9mm Walther, it was easy to tell that this type of gun was a semi-automatic. And it was directed straight at my forehead, I had no chance whatsoever of dodging this shot. I wouldn’t be able move forwards because he stood in front of me and the giant cld wall was plastered against my back stopping me from actually moving anywhere. The losers friends were tailing him from the sides blocking my side exits with satisfied smirks plastered across there ugly mugs.

“Say goodnight sweetheart,” The skuz smirked. His voice was undeniably smug as he tightened his grip on the grip of the gun. “All of your allies are gone…it’s just you now.”

I sneered at the boy narrowing my eyes, “Shut up! You don’t know anything you cheating sleaze!”

“Aww well aren’t you a sweet little thing. To bad it’s going to end right…now.”
