My gangs behind you



I stared down in defeat at the crappy white table in front of me. Me hands locked tightly behind my back as the irritating metal cuffs cut into my wrists painfully. The stupid chair those people had tied me too was extremely uncomfortable and didn’t seem to really help my already sour mood. My simple black tank top hugged my torso like it was an extra layer of skin since it was raining outside. My black and grey camouflage baggie pants were starting to hang down dangerously low causing me to itch to lift them back up into place before I could embarrass myself any further then I already have.

I mean it isn’t everyday you get put in a situation such as mine. Ok maybe in this town it was a pretty common occurrence, but still the way these guys had treated me since they found me “on there turf” as they told me; you’d think I was being kidnapped for kidnapping there dogs and killed on of them. Not saying I would ever kill a dog, but handcuffing me…ME; A harmless 5foot 5inch 12 year-old girl to a chair for what?! Spray painting a few inappropriate words about my abusive parents who probably haven’t even realized I was even gone yet; despite my two day Houdini act on them.

This was just ridiculous! Why go to so much trouble for a small 12 year-old with a colorful vocabulary? I mean what’s the point anyway, it’s not like I’m some secret government police force agent ninja thing coming to rid the world of gang members and thugs like some lame superhero vigilante of justice or something like that.

I groaned out loud leaning back in the crappy chair staring towards the extremely obvious two wall sized two way mirror that was a cliché to any police gang movie I’ve ever seen.

“Come on guys, I said I was sorry,” I wined. “I swear I didn’t even know I was on your territory to begin with. I mean really I’m freakin’ 12 what do you want from me?” I spoke with a strained tone even for my ears. But I suppose that’s what happens if you are stressed, kidnapped, starved and dehydrated for 2 days straight.


My head shot towards the left side of the big ugly colored white room, my big light brown eyes locked onto the door that was now opening all slow like. Like some stupid scary movie about to reveal a disfigured monstrous evil creature dude that wants to rip out my throat and eat my intestines…ok maybe I’ve just been sneaking into a few to many scary movies lately.

Especially when the door revealed something completely different then what I had imagined. Standing before me were 3 different boys all of which looked to be about my age walk into the room lazily. Ok I was definitely not expecting this, but I liked where it was going so far.

“hi,” I called out a little to enthusiastically to the trio of boys.

All of the boys seemed to jump as if surprised that I was even in this room to begin with. Then two of the boys turned there heads towards the boy that stood between them. My eyes locked onto the middle boy, not because of his cute blond hair, or cute blue eyes and puppy like features, but because of the well-known classic styled cardboard box in his hands that held the world’s greatest American food ever ‘In-N-Out.’ As if on que my stomach decided it wanted a little attention and remembered as it made an embarrassingly loud grumble. ‘Oh shoot me now.’ I thought to myself timidly. I glanced up towards them again under my long lashes to see the boys all looking and glancing towards each other unsurely.

Who could blame them; I would of already turn tailed and left as quickly as I came into the room after seeing someone my age locked and tied to a chair like a dangerous criminal.

“Who are you?” One of the boys asked cautiously.

I slowly raised my head unsurely nibbling nervously on my bottom lip. ‘Should I tell them my real name? Risk everyone I know getting hurt?’ I had seen my fair share gang and mafia movies to know what could happen if I told someone who I was and got on there bad side. ‘But then again who did I have to try and protect? My ma and dad? No, my papa (grandfather) always told me you should never protect the bad people in the world. My big brother was someone to protect…but he didn’t even live with us at the moment since he was sent off to boarding school.’ But then again what did I have to lose telling these boys, even if they would just go run off and tell the adults behind the lame two way mirror.

I breathed out slowly still trying to make my decision, “My name is-” I pause for a moment trying to come up with a new name. Despite how ma and dad always treated me papa always said ‘your family is what is most important never give up on them.’ But I also didn’t want to go back to those people just yet. “Kharma,” I stated confidently and with pride as if my name meant something. Even if it was just a fake name I took from a couple of different character names I stole from one of my favorite Japanese cartoon show I always watched last year before it was cancelled in America for its excessive lewd content and other big words I didn’t quite understand, but I knew that I just knew meant ‘it shouldn’t be watched by little kids.’

“Kharma,” One of the boys called my name softly. “Ummm…w-we brought you food.”

I took in the boys appearance for the first time since the 12 minutes they had entered the room. The one who spoke had messy light brown hair that hung into his pretty bright blue eyes. He looked a little pale compared to the other boys and a bit on the scrawny side unlike his two comrades, but from his face was a dead give away on what my ma would refer to as a soon to be heartbreaker. As if I even understood what that meant.

The boy in the middle who was holding the food a bit uncomfortably had jet black hair that was short and messy but not shaggy or anything. If it wasn’t for his almost completely uncomfortable appearance his eyes would have been able to terrify just about anyone with those dark grey eyes that could pierce through just about anything. He had a slightly bigger build compared to blue eyes.

And the last boy was a little tanned and looked like he may have been Mexican or just out in the sun at the beach a little too long. He had a messy mop top head of hair that reminded me of my older brothers since it was the same shade of dark brown with light mixtures of black in it. His eyes were a light brown color that was emitting his exact feelings coursing through his skinny body.

I glanced at the box of food again, “Thank you?” It came out more as a question then anything else.

Those few questioning words of thanks would be ones that for some reason would draw the small 12 year old girl deep into a world she had never been too.
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Dear Readers,
Ok do how do I explain this. I dont do to many stories like this so I hope it goes alright and you guys actualy ike it. I've been working on it for a while and I enjoyed writing it and I just really want you guys to like it goes nothin. Tell me what you think about it.