My gangs behind you

friends, gangs, harpies and coffee shops, oh boy!

5 years later


I gulped down a little uneasily feeling my heart pick up in pace as I stared down the barrel of the specially modified German 9mm Walther, it was easy to tell that this type of gun was a semi-automatic. And it was directed straight at my forehead, I had no chance whatsoever of dodging this shot. I wouldn’t be able move forwards because he stood in front of me and the giant cld wall was plastered against my back stopping me from actually moving anywhere. The losers friends were tailing him from the sides blocking my side exits with satisfied smirks plastered across there ugly mugs.

“Say goodnight sweetheart,” The skuz smirked. His voice was undeniably smug as he tightened his grip on the grip of the gun. “All of your allies are gone…it’s just you now.”

I sneered at the boy narrowing my eyes, “Shut up! You don’t know anything you cheating sleaze!”

“Aww well aren’t you a sweet little thing. To bad it’s going to end right…now.”


“SHIT!” I groaned slamming my fists down on the stupid virtualized arcade game.

The giant sign blinked in front of my face like a stupid neon stripper sign ‘GAME OVER! Player 2 WINS’ Of course this would happen to me and my cheating friend next to me who just Hollister the now plastic red gun. I grumpily did the same as my cheating loser friend and put my plastic blue gun where it belonged.

“Awww don’t be a sore loser Khar, you know I beat you fair and square,” He smirked stuffing his hands in his pockets.

“Y-you shut your big fat trap you idiot! You cheated I suddenly run out of bullets and somehow your just magically right in front of me with your two stupid lackeys.” Ok so maybe this fight wasn’t one of the most mature arguments I had ever had with someone before. But you cant blame me, Chase Bennet was a giant no good rotten cheater when it came to any sort of first person shooter game. And his fat ass would never g easy on anyone no matter the gender or size of that person.

Who am I you may be wondering well I am Tai “Kharma” Miyuzaki, daughter of two abusive parents that are in no way shape or form included in the gang business…that I know of. I was pulled into the gang business a little over five years ago when I had accidentally spray painted a few ‘inappropriate’ words on a wall that jut happened to belong to the gang Devils Rejects; A gang that in more feared in this city then any other gang here. When you see them they mean business and lets just hope your not on there radar.Now back to me I am actually two different people and only a few selective people know about my real name and other life; my friends being a few of those selective few. You could say that it was a big surprise for everyone to know that once high school came along I couldn’t go to the school that all of my friends went to because I lived in the rich part of town that was closer to a certain rich kid private school. I am what you could call a double agent since I am able to keep an eye on the gangs that crawl around this side of the rails. I dress completely differently when I am with my gang and when I am at school so most people cant put two and two together.

For the five years I’ve known the boys they were never really to into the gang until they turned 15 that seemed to be the turn of events. It wasn’t because of the gang really it was because of high school something just seemed to click in there heads and since they were to young at the time to join there fathers and brothers more ‘adult’ like gang they built there own. It wasn’t one that would get us in trouble with the older gangs, but it wasn’t like they ever really messed with the kids ‘playtime’ as they always called it. What does a high school gang do you might ask? Simple, they fight. In our city there are at least 8 different high schools, but in each one there are at least 5 – 9 different sorts of gang. Not clicks, but full on actual gangs. Some are the cliché race gangs, baggie pants included. Then you’ve got your questionable chick gangs that are actually more like gang groupies; these types of girls only ever go after high ranked gang members in all different schools. Then there are your rich boy gangs that use money over everything else, but aren’t exactly wimps when it comes to fighting. Damon, Chase and Terrance to me fall into a completely different category compared to all of these little groups; with the other additions of say half our schools population of 548 students there group is vicious and mean. They take control of everything without even a second guess and I’m sure the boss would be proud of these boys if they were related to him in any way.

Now the last thing about these schools they are all divided just like normal gangs are, you obey the same laws and rules the territory your o has or else your in a whole lot of trouble. For example in you go onto someone elses ‘territory’ and your caught it’s up to the leader what happens to you. It’s something that only recently stated since me and the boys entered high school; though its not like I’m literally in any specific gang for a few reasons. One being I don’t actually go to the boys school because I live in a different part of town and different territory. What keeps me safe? No my father isn’t some gang leader that doesn’t want me hurt. No, I play the good girl during school. I’m completely opposite from what I normally at as when I am out in the open in my town. It also doesn’t help that I live on the territory to the gang that literally hates my boys.

“Oh babe your words wound me.” Chase spoke over dramatically as he put a hand to his chest feigning hurt.

Chase Bennet son of a Mr. Denton Bennet who is the 2nd in command to a certain gang that goes by the name of Devils Rejects. His son however is in one of the mystery leaders to a rather surprisingly large teenager gang that goes by the name of Anarchy’s Advocates. Chase is one of the richest pretty boys in our giant town next to the leader of the Devil Rejects son who is still an unknown person to all of us. Chase stands at an intimidating 6’3, with broad shoulders, blond hair, piercing icy blue eyes, and an attitude that would irritate a nun. Smaller details about Chase Bennet he’s a giant playboy that tries to get into the pants of just about any creature of the female variety. Has been my best friend for over 5 years now. Chase like me is also specialized in bladed weapons from switchblades to classical hospital scalpel or a full on hatchet -Which that has been used before -.

“Shut up,” I giggled like a little girl. “The anything that could hurt your pretty boy ego is a swift kick to the nuts by a hot bimbo.”

Chase’s icy blue eyes lit up at the sound of the opposite sex a slow smirk forming on his perfectly flawless face. “Mmmmm….maybe you would want to be my hot bimbo huh.” He taunted casually snaking one of his muscular arms around my waist.

I raised a brow slightly in amusement, “sure…when you actually grow a pair.” I smirked quickly raising my knee in one swift motion.

“NGH! My nuts!” And down the blond went gripping at the crotch of his sagging black denims as he keeled over like a sack of potato’s. His eyes shut tightly, tears filling his pretty eyes from the increasing pain his junk was going through. This wasn’t actually the first time that Chase Bennet has ever gotten one to the nuts from me before, and it probably wouldn’t be the last time either.

“You’d think he’d learn after it happening so many different times.” A new voice made himself known to me and blonde.

I glanced to my right and grinned at my two other friends that had made there way from across the arcade towards Chase and I. “You’d think, but then again he was never the sharpest screwdriver in the toolbox,” I grinned.

Terrance Crawford brother of a well known drug smuggler that belongs to the Devils Rejects. He is the second mystery leader of the Anarchy’s Advocates. Terrance is your average devilishly good looking kid with his shoulder length brown hair with blond bangs that hung into his eyes - that was dyed from it‘s original black color sometime last year -. He is one of the shyer members to our gang, but is still able to be an even better playboy then Chase. He stands at a similar height of 6’3 just as Chase does, and has amazingly pretty grey eyes that make most girls weak in the knees. Mini info about Terrance Crawford he hates his name, but learned to put up with it over the many years of living with it. He loves scary movies and tends to wear similar clothes everyday existing of a V neck shirt, his gang vest and plaid knee length shorts. Has also been one of my best friends for 5 years since he walked into the interrogation room I was hog tied in with a box of IN-N-OUT. Terrance being the most carefree is extremely good and skilled at gun handling. And would even blink an eye if he was forced to do just that.

Terrance shook his head letting his blond bangs fall into his eyes covering those pretty brown marbles he has. “True, he does only know how to stick his wick into stuff.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at that one.

“It’s 6 and we’ve got a job to do guys.” A serious voice all to familiar voice spoke from my left side.

Damon Jace the son of an average gang member of the Devils Rejects and was mainly only ever at there base/hideout/secret lair whatever you want to call it, because he was ordered to keep an eye on the two other 12 year old boys. Damon is also one of the most serious people I will have ever met next to the boss to DR (A/N: DR is the abbreviation to Devils Rejects). Damon is of course the third and final mystery leader to the boys gang. It was actually never really clear who the real actual leader is so its always assumed that the boys share it since they started it. Damon is a tanned boy that when younger looked Mexican, though now that he’s older he looks more on the islander side With his broad wide shoulders, bulky muscular arms, and a very attractive strong jaw line. Compared to the other boys I could have to say that I felt that I was a bit closer to Damon compared to the other two, because of his serious attitude and overprotective brotherly instincts. He is one that does get a lot of attention from the female variety however it doesn’t help that he has a constant bored almost serious scowl plastered across his features. It’s always a bit difficult to tell what someone like he is feeling but after 5 years of our constant friendship, you end up learn a thing or two about a boy like him. He is 6’4 in height and specializes in hand to hand combat making him a force to be reckoned with when in close combat with someone.

I glanced at Damon grinning always happy to see him. “Damon’s right guys we have a meeting with a certain little group of Dagger boys.”

With that little information Chase ad sobered up pretty damn quick and was on his feet with a deep scowl digging deep into his pale features. “Daggers.. I though we took care of those pretty boys already.”

Terrance smirked darkly putting his hands into his pockets. “You really think the brotherhood would take our warning to heart, then your stupider then I mistook you for.”

“Shut up! At least I didn‘t think T-bagging was supposed to be a bag you make from tea!” Chase hissed.

Terrance’s face turned bright red at Chase’s revelation. “You idiot! You promised to never speak about that!” Terrance spun towards me, who was already leaning against Damon and laughing at my friends embarrassment. “Knock it off Kharma!” Now the idiot was getting frustrated.

Of course Terrance and Chase were the best of friends like Damon and I were so there arguments were always amusing and lenient compared to if Chase and I argued about something of Damon and Terrance argued. Damon shook his head trying extremely hard not to laugh and blow his serious demeanor.

“Alright guys…and Kharma let’s go everyone is waiting for us.” Damon spoke staining his voice still not wanting a chuckle to be let out.

Chase glanced towards Damon with a casual smirk plastered across his face as he tugged the sides of his buttoned up gang vest. The boy never wore anything under his vest like Damon, but Chase liked to add random things to his such as the ‘hello my name is Awesome’ sticker right under the two Anarchy buttons that were pinned to his vest. Though all of us wore two Anarchy buttons, because it was a symbol of who we were to other gangs and people that didn’t know us.

“Well then what are we waiting for dicks an bitch. I have a date tonight with a hot bimbo as Kharma called her and I don’t like to keep her waiting,” Chase joked.

Terrance tugged up his plaid shorts before running his hands in his multicolored hair, “Lets not keep the bimbo waiting then ehh.”

I rolled my eyes at the idiots shaking my head, “God you guys are idiots, lets just go.”


It took us twenty minutes exactly to get ourselves to the meeting place that we had agreed upon for our little meeting with a certain gang that calls themselves the ‘Daggers of brotherhood’ Yeah as lame a name as Anarchy’s Advocates. But for them it was like they weren’t even trying, or just watched a little to much X-men. The thing about a gang like the Daggers are that they are a group of rich pretty boys that decided one day after there school was over taken by Anarchy that “Hey lets make a gang ad give it a lame name” Sure the conversation may not of gone as great as that, but it’s what I like to believe sometimes.

We had agreed to meet up at a local coffee bean since it was neutral territory and lets just face it…no one wants to mess up a delicious starbucks. So here we were walking inside of the shabby run down coffee shop that had been graffitied by other gangs that were trying to rep there pathetic little posse. Sitting on the far left side of the large coffee shop were five of the main guys from the Daggers gang that were at the moment getting clawed on by the “harpies” not there actual ‘gang’ names but that is what they are classified amongst the gang world for slutty chick gangs that jump high ranked gang members nuts just to be noticed; and trust me they dont discriminate on who they want to sink there filthy talons into, if you’ve got something dangly in your pants or shorts and are on the top of the food chain in gang society then those chicks would be crawling all over you.

The little barista girl behind the counter smiled uneasily towards us, “G-good evening. Welcome to the coffee bean.”

“WOOO looks like you boys have already gotten this little party started without us,” Chase spoke out first announcing our entrance and ignoring the barista chick altogether.

All five of the boys sitting down with there arms draped around the live-in skanks all shot up out of there seats. At least they knew when it was time for business and when it was time to play with a man eating harpy. I hung a little back in the gang since I wasn’t exactly as important to the gang as my three counterparts were. I was more of the back-up plan since I was one of our gangs best fighters.

“Glad you guys could finally join us.” The leader of the Daggers drawled out.

Axel Boris Hamington not much information is known about this pretty boy amongst pretty bys, besides he is rich, smart, cunning, and so hot that you could cook an egg on this bys abs. Even I was tempted sometimes when I find myself cornered by that boy. Everything about Axel Boris Hamington screams not only sex but danger as well; and there is nothing more sexy then a pretty boy who loves himself some danger. Now a little known fact abut Axel Hamington is he is the son of one of the richest men in the US, his father owning more top named businesses that makes even the leader of Devils Rejects nervous every now and again. Now to sum up Axels pretty boy looks isn’t as hard as you might think. He has short brown hair that sometimes hangs into those piercing dark grey eyes. Lightly tanned skin, strong squared jaw line, big broad shoulders, an a voice that could make a gi-

Whoa whoa whoa ok got a little carried away there. I’ll put it this way, the guy is sex on legs with an attitude that could curl milk and an ego that would strip a nun.

“Mmmm glad you could bring us a treat…harpies.” Terrance bowed low lifting his head and sending the girls a sly wink causing them to go into fits of giggles; despite the taunting name they were just called. Getting labeled harpy wasn’t exactly an endearing statement if you ask me, but I suppose that’s just me.

Damon kept his cool serious nature while still slapping Terrance across the back of his head. “Shut up! Sit! We have business.”

“Awww where’s your guys little harpy fan girl. Decided she didn’t want to play with a bunch of dickless losers like you guys hmmm.” Axels second spoke up tauntingly.

No. He. Did. Not! I growled loudly clenching my fists at my sides as I stood behind Chase who sent an uneasy glance towards me. I narrowed my eyes dangerously, already hearing the groans of my guys even Damons “Oh no” or “He really had to say it” or Chase’s “Someone’s gonna get neutered” Leave it to Chase to take an angry situation and make a joke about it.

I moved quickly reaching into the pocket of my blue jean short shorts pulling out one of my many little blades. Switch blade was the one that was pulled out of my mystery pockets. I pushed the little button on the side causing the shiny silver blade to pop out, raised my leg I kicked Chase out of the way with a shove, and sent my blade flying through the air like a bullet aimed towards one person. Sadly Axel himself had known me so well he had already been in the process of pushing Darin out of the way of the on coming blade. I watched as the blade barely skimmed that scum Darin’s shoulder, as he was sent into the laps of two Harpies still seated at the coffee table. A couple of sharp loud screams echoed into the room coming from the barista chick who was now playing the ‘I am invisible card and will be in the back room’ card and the harpies that tries to disappear into the wall they were right next to.

Damn it!

“Watch you tongue Darin Desmond or next time I’ll personally make sure Axel wont be around to save your pathetic ass.” I hissed in rage.

Darin sat up blinking in surprise as he stared at me then slowly turned his gaze towards the silver blade embedded into the wall like a personal decoration. “Holy shit” He breathed finally realizing what his situation was at the moment.

“And you guys call me stupid,” Chase whistled lowly. “Not even I have the nuts to insult Kharma.”

Axel stepped forward putting his hands up in surrender as he kept his eyes glued to me. “Calm down Kharma he didn’t mean any harm you know Darin and his big mouth sometimes.”

I clicked my tongue sneering at the Dagger boy slowly getting up from the laps of whores. “He should still learn respect!”

That got Darin’s attention, “For who!”

I wanna kill him now!

He pointed at me with a murderous look in his eyes, “Why should I give you any freakin respect at all!”

Don’t let him draw you in Tai! Don’t let Darin win!

“You’re a grunt in a gang that you only hang out with so these guys can get you a little nibble of fame! Your just as bad as a harpy!”

And that’s all she wrote folks. It was lucky that Damon was by my side in an instant as I made a mad dash towards the skuz that had no manners. Damon had wrapped his arms around my tiny waist, but kept his body an arms length away from me as I made a swing towards him to release me. “Let go! I’ll kill him!” I screeched.

“I’d keep your bitch on a leash Damon and remember to pull that chain.” Darin taunted making a yanking motion with his arms.

Terrance was the one to jump in this time, “Shut you freakin’ mouth little boy if you know what’s good for you.”

“You mess with the boss of the Anarchy’s you mess with everyone in the Anarchy’s!” Chase seethed clenching his jaw.

In an instant the entire coffee bean had been suddenly silenced of any sound, movement, hell it was like if a guy outside decided to yell out “I love Dick” no offence to gays then we probably wouldn’t even have registered it. Because at that moment everyones minds were focused on one little thing, one little bit of information that was news to not only the Dagger of brotherhood but to me Tai “Kharma” Miyuzaki as well.

And all I could think at the moment was: Are you freakin kidding me! I am not the leader of Anarchy’s Advocates!
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok I know this seems a little stupid but I was suddenly inspired to put this story in a different way. And the only way t d that was to restart the first chapter. I actually think this version is gonna end up a it better then how I was originally going to start it. So just bare and grin with it will you! And tell me what you think of the new version t this chapter. I’m just not to used to writing gang stories so sorry if it doesn’t meet your “gang” requirements lol. I’m just going off of what I know (AKA from whatever my friends do or know)
By the way the pics are all the outfits that Kharma and her friends are wearing. Got bored so just had fun with it lol.

~Kriss Paradise