My gangs behind you

The Parentals

The long pause that had washed across the entire room was so silent that even the harpies were now staring at me with shock written across there faces. I mean how in the bloody hell was I even capable of becoming a leader of a gang let alone a gang that I didn’t even start! I don’t even live on the same border that the Anarchy’s live on, I don’t go to there school, and I’m only apart of there gang because these three boys are my best friends. There was no way! No. It’s impossible for someone like me that doesn’t have any authoritive bone in my body to be a leader of a gang like this.

“What?” I suddenly found my voice. Chase’s face had paled after his reveal, Terrance was staring at Chase disbelief clear across his handsome features, and Damon’s normally calm cool features were now wide and tensed. Did all of these guys believe what Chase voiced out? Was this like a secret that not even I knew about?

As my mind was running with questions and confusion I couldn’t stop the startled jump I made when a group of loud obnoxious chuckles started up. It was coming from the stupid Dagger boys, even Axel himself didn’t believe I was some sort of secret leader; and I wasn’t. Devin himself was laughing a bit too much I was already wanting to stab him in the throat with a dirty nail. That is the first boy on my list that if we were ever in a zombie attack I wouldn’t even use ‘he’s a zombie’ as an excuse to kill his dumbass. This one boy knew more about getting under my skin and actually worked on doing it more times then anyone I have ever met and I was slowly starting to realize that I would probably shoot him one day. But I just didn’t want to be the reason to start a gang war because I killed the second to the daggers.

“Ah that’s priceless! Good one Bennet, great way to retract the anger. Now lets get on with this meeting shall we.” Axel smirked amusement still lingering in his beautiful eyes grey eyes.

Damon’s arm length suddenly shorted leaving my back plastered against his big broad chest, and his arms tightly around my waist causing his hands that were resting on my waist to turn into his arms. I glanced up confused knowing there was something bugging Damon; he only ever hugs me when he is upset or angry. I wasn’t sure what was causing my friend to act like this but from the looks coming from not only Damon’s strained features but Chase’s and Terrance’s as well a talk between all of us was a need…and soon.

I turned my gaze towards Axel and straightened my back, Damon tightening his grip on me and tensing a bit. “Sorry boys, I’d say it’s been fun….but then I’d be lying. Looks like your little dagger boy put mine in a bad move. Next time keep your pussy locked up Axel. We’re leaving.” I announced.

Damon’s tight grip on me seemed to loosen immediately and drop from my waist, I glanced towards him to see my tensed friend nodding. Chase and Terrance were already turned and making there ways towards the door to the coffee bean with fists clenched tightly that you could almost see there knuckles turning white from there grip. Damon gave a quick glance to the Daggers before a low threatening growl erupted from his throat, he narrowed his eyes towards them.

“Don’t,” I ordered not wanting Damon to blow up and regret his actions later.

His dark eyes flickered to me, he stared for a long moment my eyes meeting his before he sighed in exasperation, nodded, then turned and headed to the door where Chase and Terrance waited outside.

“Wait!” Axel called out, “You guys cant just leave like that! We had business to talk!”

I stayed silent for a moment watching Damon open the door, he stood in the doorway keeping it open and waited for me. “Hold on a minute guys.” I called out.

Turning towards Axel and the rest of the brotherhood I narrowed my eyes on them and slowly closed the distance between us. Axel stood his ground while the other 4 even Devin took a few uneasy steps back. Clicking my tongue in irritation I sneered passing Axel as if he wasn’t even standing in my way. I wasn’t worried about them Axel thought he was the shit and probably thought we would change our minds about the meeting since he was the one who set it up. I walked to the wall that had my switch blade dug deep into it, reaching out I dragged the blade out of it easily, and with that chore resolved I turned back around and left with my boys.


So here we were now sitting in Chase’s giant room, not talking, not making a sound, all we were doing was pretty much just staring at one another. Ok well more like the guys staring at me, and me staring at all of them. This silence was making everyone nervous, but it didn’t seem like anyone really wanted to break it because that would mean questions and explanations would be in order. I had no answers so I would be put in the question category, and I did want answers.

So here goes. “Is anyone gonna explain anything to me?”

Chase pursed his lips and put his head in his hands; so he was useless at the moment. Damon stayed silent his form still tense; meaning he didn’t have enough energy to speak yet. Leaving a panicking Terrance and as much as I knew getting answers from him would be easier then the other two it still seemed odd to have to ask him about this. It wasn’t his fault that I was now more confused then a hooker on the wrong street corner.

“Why would you say that Chase?” I asked narrowing in on the cause of the problem.

Chase lifted his head slightly peeking only his eyes out from over his hands. His piercing blue eyes bored into mine. I could see the mental war going on in those marbles of his debating if he should lie or tell me the truth. And that scared me. Why would Chase need to lie to me about something? Especially if it was something ridiculous like this. I didn’t like liars, but I knew lying is sometimes needed to keep others safe.

“Its true you know.”

I blinked in surprise turning towards Terrance. “What?” The other two boys also had there eyes directed towards there friend.

Terrance shook his head, “It true. It was like-” He paused, lips pursed as if trying to find the right words. “An…unspoken thing. We all knew it, just never…voiced it out. You don’t realize it like all of us do Tai.”

I flinched when he used my real name. If Terrance wasn’t using the name he had called me for five years then I knew this was a serious matter at the moment. I gulped in nervousness and shook my head. “No!” I shook my head again standing up from my spot on Chase’s bean bag chair. “No no no!” I shook my head more now pacing back and forth in the room. “You guys are crazy! I’m not and I repeat not-” I paused now facing the three boys seated on Chase’s bed and pointed towards them. “I am NOT the leader of this gang! I didn’t even start it! You guys cant do this to me! I don’t act or do anything like a gang leader would.”

“Your wrong” Damon spoke up this time.

I glared at him. “Excuse me!” I spoke through gritted teeth. I didn’t like being pointed out that I was wrong especially in this type of stupid freakin situation.

Damon stood up, “You don’t think your like a leader, but you are. You do everything you just said you don’t do. Tell us Kharma who’s the first person to jump at a chance when someone is on our terrify?”

“Me” I grumbled not seeing his point.

“Who’s the person that comes up with all the plans in taking care of enemy gangs?”

I rolled my eyes still not seeing where this was going, “Me.”

Terrance jumped up this time, “Who deals with or orders someone else to deal with traitors in our gang?”

I crossed my arms not liking how this was going, “Me” I answered again.

Chase must of seen where this was going because he jumped up as well. “Kharma, who’s the babe behind every badass thing,, or secret plan to take over more territory?”

Oh shit! This was not good! Not good at all. “Me.” I could feel it in the pit of my stomach that they were right; and by the looks from there eyes they knew I was starting to understand the situation.

“Who bosses even us around?” Damon asked putting his arms out motioning towards the others.

I couldn’t help but let a small smirk form on my face at that one, “me.”

Terrance grinned seeing my face, “And who can kick our asses without even breaking a sweat.”

“ME” Chase interrupted him raising his hand like a five year old. Terrance smacked him on the back of his head, “Ow!”

I rolled my eyes, “Ok ok I get that. But guys no, my mind is set on this. I am not the leader of the Anarchy’s Advocates. I refuse!”

Damon crossed his arms a sly smirk forming across his features. “That my dear friend is not your choice anymore Kharma. It’s been this way since we started high school and like it our not you became the leader of the Anarchy’s years before now. Years before even we knew it. And every member in this gang know that YOU are the leader of this gang not us. Other gangs are just to stupid to realize that you are in fact the only chick leader besides a skanky harpie. Your our leader Kharma an you cant refuse it.”

I opened my mouth to argue back, but I paused not knowing how to argue the situation. But I couldn’t find a way to retort back. I mean how the f*ck do you argue with logic like that. I was the leader of a gang before anyone even realized I was.

And I couldn’t get out of it unless I quit. Like hell was that gonna happen! “I hate you guys.” I muttered grudgingly.



My head shot up from my pillow in confusion, my mind racing as I quickly scanned the room I was in. The TV was still on from yesterday but instead of it being on the awesome action movie it was on last; now it was some weird morning kid show. I blinked a few times and glanced towards my window seeing it open from when I opened it last night to get rid of some jank smell in the room I was in; probably some old pizza I left somewhere. I groaned groggily feeling my face fall back into my pillow with a thump. It was probably just Jube my dad waking up and just about to leave for work after some stupid fight he had with Karin my ma. Now before you start asking questions on why I refer to my parents as Karin and Jube it’s simple…these people I live with may of given birth to me, but they were far from ‘parental’ towards me. Even my older brother thought the same thing however unlike him; I was most of the time stuck with these people. Ok that’s a lie, this house is just used so I don’t get the cops called on me for ‘disappearing’ but that only happens if I’m gone for at least 2 – 3 weeks at a time. But that rarely happens.

I rolled over in bed ready to shut my eyes again and fall back asleep for another couple of hours. I needed the sleep after what I had to go through and talk about yesterday. It was a crazy thought to think that I had been the boss of a strong gang for a little over four years instead of being just a backup plan. To bad no one else was thinking the same thing I was thinking. My bedroom door swung open crashing into my wall with a loud ‘THUD’ I jumped up taking a sitting position in my bed staring towards my door.

I winced a little seeing Jube dressed in his work clothes; a collared long sleeved black button up shirt, a navy blue tie and a pair of casual dress pants. His brown hair seemed mussed and dishelmed on top of his head, those dark eyes held a hard glare directed at one person…me. I swallowed the lump in my throat knowing already what was coming.

“Lazy as always.” The man hissed venom, “get you damn ass up! Do you think this is some kind of hotel for you to come and go as you damn please!” He growled.

I shook my head quickly, I may be a gang member errr leader but I could do anything to this man. “N-no sir.”

He took a threatening step into my room. “Then why is it that when I come into you room every morning YOU are gone!” his fists were clenched tightly at his sides.

“I-I h-h-ha-have just been…busy s-sir.” It wasn’t a lie, just not the full truth.

He got to the edge of the bed, “You have nothing important going on in your pathetic life little girl. Your useless!” His fists raise up.

‘Oh god here it comes.’

His big fist came down with a painful whack across my cheek I felt like my head was spinning. My head had whipped to the side causing me to fall back down onto the bed. My eyes teared up from the pain that shot through my face, my hand was now cradling my sore jaw.

‘Shit! Shit! Shit!’ I know I am normally able to take a punch and give them back, but this was a different case. This was something I had been going through since I was a little kid and it didn’t help that Jube was a lot stronger then I am no matter mine or his age.

“You stupid little whore!” He shouted, “Always running off to spread your legs, I cant believe I ever helped give birth to an ungrateful bitch like you” BAM! I groaned both of my arms instantly left my face and gripped onto my stomach.

I coughed, s-st-op.” I pleaded. My heart felt like it was in the pit of my stomach.

It disgusted me to have to beg to this scum, it made me feel dirty and pathetic to know that I could do anything against this one man. I could take down a group of Dagger boys, a handful of the ‘White Dragons’, hell I could single handedly take down those druggy scum ‘Warrior’ gang and there pussy whipped leader; which is a bull name and totally ripped off of an awesome movie that they will never live up to. But with this man I could do anything and I didn’t know why. My body never wanted to move against him, my heart was always in my stomach, and oddly I could only hear my papa’s voice in my head telling me the same things over and over. ‘your family is what is most important never give up on them’ I don’t know if that was the reason I couldn’t find myself even trying to fight back, but I just knew I couldn’t do it. 'thanks papa, I love you too' I thought as I felt another blow to my face.

“Stop! Stop! Did you tell me to Stop!” That earned me another blow to my gut.

“ugh” I gasped.

His anger seemed to of been spiked by my plea. His arm lashed out quickly grabbing a handful of my short brown hair dragging me out of my bed. “Is your lazy ass just gonna stay in bed all day! Get up you ugly cow!” He shouted forcing my head back to look up at him.

I could already feel the tears streaking down my pale cheeks, my knees rubbing against the carpet on the floor. My eyes were slightly opened as I stared up at him, fear evident in my body. I was afraid of this man when I was 12 and I was afraid of him even after five years. I hated this feeling, hated this man, but he was and always will be my own flesh and blood. His fist raised again, hand tightly dug into my hair, my eye shut tightly waiting for the impact. I felt his body shift meaning he was going to hit me causing my eyes to tighten even more.


I felt his body freeze next to me, I slowly opened one of my eyes seeing him standing with his fist mere inches away from my face. The impact probably would of broken my nose from the angle he was aiming towards. My heart fluttered, my body trembled, my eyes wide with panic.


I shot a look towards his trousers knowing that what had just saved me from facial reconstruction was coming from one of those pockets on his neatly pressed pants. I swallowed the lump in my throat seeing him retract the hand aimed for my face and reach into his pocket. He stared at it for a moment before growling and clicking his tongue in irritation, the hand that was in my hair tightened it’s grip. I let out a soft whimper in protest.

“Damn it! I’m late again.” He grumbled turning the deeply placed scowl on his face towards me, “You got lucky today little girl.” He jerked his hand to the right causing me to lose my balance and slam into the ground with a painful THUD! I stayed on the floor letting my tears stream down my face. My body trembled in realization that I may fear that one man, I may hate his guts and wish he would die a painful death, but because of my papa’s heartfelt words I would never be able to go against THAT MAN!

I ended up staying on the floor for probably a good thirty minutes before my violent trembling had finally come to an end. My body was in pain, I didn’t want to move, but if I didn’t…I glanced at the clock seeing it was still early 6:38...then it would be HER turn at me. I groaned in agony as my muscles protested against any movement I made to get up. ‘Shit this hurt like a motha-’ I shook my head quickly once I finally got to my feet. I needed to hurry up already and get ready for school before Karin came. I moved - well waddled towards my bathroom, I took a hot shower wincing every now and again when my hands would run across one of my many bruises or recent scars all from either my so called father or mother or from someone I ended up in a gang fight with.

Once finished I quickly pulled on some clothes I had left in the bathroom for a quick dress and dash situation like this one. I had on my hot pink dance step skinny jeans, a white zip up onesee, a black belt that rested on my hips, and a light blue jean wash dress jacket. I was definitely not dressed like I would normally dress but because I was a in a different gang, and even the leader of that gang I was now even more cautious with my dressing. I put on some light make-up, black eyeliner, pink and black eye shadow for a bright yet smokey look. I walked out of my room seeing that I had made great time in getting ready seeing as it was only 7:15 at the moment. I grabbed my backpack, IPOD, cell, wallet, and a few other ‘necessities’ and shoved it all into my bag besides my IPOD and cell.

I peeked out my door and tried to listen carefully if Karin was up and about, thankfully not a peep could be heard from that women. I slowly and uneasily left my room, gently closing the door, and silently but quickly made my way down the stairs and out the front door. I sighed heavily only to wince in pain from the exhale my stomach protesting at the motion.

“That bastard.” I grumbled softly rubbing my belly gently.

Shaking my head I put my headphones in letting the sound of Billy Idol flow into my ears, with my cell in hand I sent out a massive text to my loser friends making sure to wake them up. It had become a bit of a ritual that no matter what I would always wake those guys up even a few other members of the gang. An getting injured or beaten by THAT man wouldn’t change my mind. At least I knew that someone in this world still cared about me. I grinned to myself as my phone was suddenly flooded with random complaints of messages some coming in with so many vulgar words that the pope would probably want to exercise the demon within Terrance’s body, or Chase’s “Bitch go back to bed” comment, Damon however was always the calmer one telling me that he was already at school.

At least I have a couple of people to rely on.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dear Readers,

Guys I'm so sory about not updating faster. It's just a bit difficult to write, watch a 1 born, work, and help my husband get into the army all at the same time. Blah Difficult!!! But I finally got it done and my next chapter will be up sooner then this one lol. I hope you guys liked it. I made it into a slightly more serious chapter. I hope you like it and tell me what you guys think please. I love you fans. And tell me what you guys think of my character choices on the side.

Love you all

Kriss Paradise