The Story of How I Died...

Chapter 1

The weirdest and scariest things happened to me. My name is William Adams and I just turned seventeen. I don’t know if I’ll ever see my family and friends again. I’m scared and I don’t know what to do anymore.

When I woke up one day, that day when everything changed for the worst, I couldn’t remember a thing. I didn’t even know where I was. I blinked a few times so that I could see better, but I still couldn’t tell where I was. I was scared. Something was wrong, really wrong. It wasn’t just the fact that I had no idea where I was at that moment; it was also the fact that when I was scared, my heart used to beat so fast that I could feel it and I could even hear it. But no, not this time. I couldn’t hear, nor feel my heartbeat. In fact, my heart wasn’t beating at all. That’s when I started to remember everything, the reasons why I was like this. I started to remember how I… died…

“I was on my way to school, thinking of all the things that happened in my life. It was the day of my seventeenth birthday. It has been seven years since my parents died. They died on my tenth birthday. I remembered everything. We were laughing and my mother was cutting the cake when we heard noises coming from outside. There was a loud bang, and then another noise, but I couldn’t tell what it was back then. I knew something was wrong because of the look on my parent’s faces. My father just took me by the arm and hid me in the closet that was in the hallway. He told me to not get out of it, but he didn’t tell me why. I just sat there and for a moment there was no sound. Suddenly, the door of the main entrance opened and I heard a voice. I didn’t understand what that voice said. Then, I heard a scream, my mother’s. I could hear the chairs being thrown and a loud thud. There was no sound after that. After a few minutes, I wanted to get out of the closet to see what happened, but I hear footsteps. They were loud and slow. I’ll never forget them. They were walking towards the doors and it closed. After a moment, I got out and saw my parents on the kitchen floor, one next to the other. I just stood there, not really understanding what happened. I waited for them to move, but nothing happened. The day after my aunt came over because she wanted to talk to my mother. The bell rang and I opened the door. She asked me where my mother was and I told her that she was in the kitchen. When I heard her scream, the same scream as my mother the day before, it was then that I understood what had happened. My parents were killed and I survived.

I stopped thinking about this memory when I arrived at school. I went to put my stuff in my locker when my friends came up to me and started talking and wishing me a happy birthday. I was kind of happy. My parent’s weren’t there anymore and I didn’t have any siblings, but as they say:” Friends are God's way of apologizing for your family.” I lived with my aunt, but she didn’t have any children and she was divorced. So then again, I was happy that I had good friends. To be honest, I never really talked about the day that my parents were killed.

They day went on slower than usual and I just wanted to go home. When the last period finished, I hurried to my locker to get my stuff and got out of the building. “Where do you think you’re going?” Julian asked me. But I just replied: “Home”. Julian was my best friend and he was used to it. I’ve always been distant since the incident and he knew I didn’t like to talk about so he never asked. I think that was why we were good friends. He knew when to ask the questions and when not to. But this time he didn’t let me go that easily. “Don’t even try! Not today! It’s your birthday man! Enjoy it at least a little.” I didn’t really feel like it, but I couldn’t say no. he was my best friend and it was my birthday. Any other day I would have said no, but I have to admit that I was sick of always saying no.

So after school, I called my aunt to tell her that I was going to be late so she didn’t freak out. He headed off to the mall. Don’t ask me why. We just spent the evening there Julian, me and a bunch of friends. It was actually fun just sitting in the food court, talking about nothing, laughing at ourselves. We started to run out of things to say, so we went to the theatre. They wanted to watch Fast and Furious. And so we did. We watched the movie and then we talked about it. But all good things come to an end. Even though we didn’t have school the next day, it was getting pretty late, so we headed home. I called my aunt so she could come and pick me up, but she didn’t answer her phone. I guess she was busy. I went to the bus stop and waited a few minutes. I’m not the most patient person in the universe, so I decided to walk instead of waiting.

It was a beautiful night. It was dark, but the weather was good, not too cold, and not too hot. But after a few minutes of walking, I started to feel a little weird. I looked around to make sure that I wasn’t being followed and there was no one to be seen. I just forgot about it and started walking again. I wasn’t comfortable walking alone at night. It made me feel vulnerable, like anything or anyone could hurt me. I was walking again, trying to think about something else when the lights began to turn on and off. I looked up to them and started to feel very nervous and scared. I know I’m seventeen and I shouldn’t be afraid of the dark. But my fear just grew stronger and stronger when I heard a sound coming from the little forest. I stopped and looked where at the sound was coming from and didn’t see anything. How could I, there was no light. I walked faster and faster, almost running. I heard another noise, but this time it was closer. I started to run as fast as I could. When I arrived at a little shop, a few streets from my house, I stopped to catch my breath and looked behind me. I saw a shadow coming my way. I couldn’t take it anymore. I started running again when I heard a loud BANG!

Next thing I knew, I was on the ground trying to catch my breath and finding it hard to breathe. I felt a huge pain behind my back. I put my hand on it and it was wet. I didn’t want to know what it was. I didn’t care if it was sweat or blood anymore. All I knew is that I was scared. I turned myself, with difficulty, so I would lie on my back. I looked at my hand anyway and saw a dark color, blood. I heard a sound that was coming closer to me. There were steps. But they were familiar steps, the same steps that I heard the day that my parents were killed. I’ve never felt so vulnerable and angry at the same time. There I was, lying on my back, on the street, slowly dying with my parent’s murderer. I just wanted to jump on that person and make him or her pay, but I didn’t have the strength to do it. I was week and defenseless. I closed my eyes. I wasn’t scared of dying; I just didn’t want to feel the pain anymore. My breaths grew shorter every time that I tried to take a big one. I opened my eyes and tried to see who my murderer was. Everything seemed darker than before. All I saw was a shadow and I heard a laugh. I didn’t recognize it. I wanted to scream at my murderer, I wanted to scream for help, but I couldn’t. There I was, lying on my back. I couldn’t move nor make a sound. That was it. I was dying and there was nothing I could do about it. I didn’t who was my murderer and I’ll never know.”
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So, this is a story that I started ages ago in french, but I didn't really like it and I never finished it. So now I'm keeping the same ideas and I changed it a little bit
I seriously hope it's for the best

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Thank you and love you :D