This Superhero Is a Chick?

Peanut butter SMACK!

Shit! Shit! Shit! I’m late again! My mind yelled at me as I rushed down the locker filled halls. I didn’t even bother stopping at my locker knowing I’d be even later then I already was if I did. I couldn’t risk my dad finding out I skipped 1 whole period because not only was I late, but I took my sweet time at my locker like a slacker. God that would get me more then grounded and that lame ass is never even home unless I did something to get me in trouble.

It wasn’t even my fault for being late, if it wasn’t for that group of crazy knife wielding robbers last night I probably would of made it home in time and actually gotten some sleep instead of needing to stay up and force my healing abilities to kick in a bit faster and fix my bleeding body. No I’m not some fantasy werewolf, nor am I some gang affiliated fighter. But if my dad found out what I do or who I really am, well to put it simply he would throw a fit if he ever found out my little secrets. As for mom…well mom would die of a heart attack like literally. Not one person knew who I was at night. Not one person knew who I during that day; I was invisible to the eye during the times I’m at school and only popular at night when I dress up and disguise myself as a boy.

Well to be honest it’s more like I dress up as a girl, since Xros’s silvery white hair was my actual hair, and this long silky messy brownish red rat on my head was just a wig. Now before you go all ‘is she some weird transvestite or something’ I’ll clear this up real quick. I’m a super HERO. Yep hero not heroine, why you may ask well simple…if there was super hero in your town wanted for being a vigilante would you search a girl, or a boy…exactly. But you’d think running two lives was difficult but I was able to pull it off with my ‘secret identity’ Right now I was none other then the invisible girl Tally Rodgers.

“Ms. Rodgers your late…again.” My English teacher growled loudly.

I stood in the doorway forcing up a dark shade of red something I’ve practiced to do, “I-I’m sorry Mr. Hough. I just…woke up late.” I mumbled pushing for a fake shy embarrassed tone.

“Take your seat. You have another detention for your 3rd tardy just this week.”

I nodded slowly a feeling of dread and shame coming over me. I knew better then to argue with a teacher, I couldn’t risk getting questioned to much. In this disguise I was a helpless little nerdy dork girl that got picked on by teachers and ignored by everyone else. I didn’t want to be like this in reality but I couldn’t risk being surrounded by to many people and constantly disappearing on them to go out and ‘do justice’ as a comic book once told me to. Sure being a male super hero may not be smart, but it threw people off of Xros being a girl. To make it even better I even flirt with girls I save sometimes just to put up a bigger front. But trust me I’m not lesbian. I’m a gay boy trapped in a chick’s body.

“Yes sir.” I mumbled before I quickly took my normal seat in the middle far side of the room.

Not one person looked at me, or snickered at me, not one person actually knew who Tally Rodgers was. I couldn’t blame them I preferred to stay low profile out of spot light. I didn’t want to be like those popular Barbie’s and Ken’s. I liked being unmarked in everyone’s eyes, someone no one would ever notice because well because no one wants to get to close to an unknown outcast.

The mornings ran by quickly, and I seriously didn’t care. Sitting at my lone lunch table listening to my IPhone touch; I sat on the table as OhEMGEE’s sexsexsex song rang in my ears through my purple headphones. I took a bite out of my sandwich and bobbed my head a little as the singer sang to me about tight jeans and piercings. I was so focused on my sandwich and music that I didn’t even notice people sit around my table until a tap on my shoulder caused my eyes to shoot up in surprise. It was strange I normally keep my surroundings surveyed, but it was probably because after 5 years of being alone I just stopped surveying at school.

I gulped down a little nervously staring at the people in front of me who were all also staring back at me. It was strange to think this small group of 3 guys and 1 girl caused me to be nervous when I’ve come across people who tried to blow me up, an arch enemy that just wants to gut me and make me watch my intestines leak out of my orifice’s (a bit graphic but true), and even just last night was stabbed by some petty whack job. And just sitting near these people teenagers to be exact that couldn’t harm a fly made me nervous.

Slowly reaching out I cut off OhEMGEE’s voice by tugging my headphones out and put on my shy girl act, “Ummm…I-I’m sorry…I normally ummm…sit at this table. Is…”I paused for a moment watching each one of them, “something wrong?” I asked in a soft whisper.

“No, actually we were all curious about something really.” The first boy across from me spoke.

Looking at him he was definitely a classified jock, tall maybe around 6’3. His messy black hair fell into his eyes as he leaned forward and rested his head on his hand that rested against the table. He was extremely gorgeous with those piercing grey eyes, that sharp defined chin, slightly crooked nose. And those rather large arms defined as only muscle this guy made my knees week and I was already sitting down.

I swallowed a nervous lump, “Curious?” Did they know something about me?! About Xrost?!

He nodded tilting his head slightly, “Very.”

Another voice jumped in, a sexy deep tone that made me want to bite down on my bottom lip. But I held it in “Yes…we were wondering if you were new here?”

I blinked in surprise, was I really that invisible. Ok so they didn’t know about me and Xros because these people are idiots. I wanted to laugh for even thinking that these people knew my secret. I thought maybe people ignored me because I was a creepy weirdo loner not because no one really noticed me. But Mr. deep and sexy voice wouldn’t have noticed me normally anyways. His broad shoulders I would love to put my hands on, that sloppy mop of brown hair I want to run my fingers threw. I clenched my fists under the table to keep myself in check, I couldn’t do what I wanted to it’s creepy.

“No?” it came out more of a question to me.

Each person seemed surprised by my answer, “really? I’ve never noticed you before.” The one girl spoke up.

Typical sexy bimbo spoke up. Looking at her I felt a mix of envy and disgust run through me.
She was really a typical bimbo with a tube top barely covering those giant boulders on her chest. And of course can’t forget the skirt that rose a bit too high. She had long blond hair that hung over her shoulders and those oddly out of placed colored blue eyes that stared at me judgmentally. And that horrible amount of overdone make-up, it made me was to gag just sitting next to her.

“Really.” I stated simply sticking to one word answers. How do you communicate with people like this anyways?!

“Interesting. So what’s your name girlly?” The last guy asked.

Girlly?! I shuddered at the nickname that got me into this mess. Girlly I mean seriously did this guy really just call me girlly! I gripped my firsts tighter in my lap, feeling my knuckles turn white at the grip. Keep your mind calm Tally; don’t do anything that’ll give you away. Just be calm. My mind tried to sooth my rising anger. I took a shaky breath and glanced at the boy who spoke.

He was good looking, but not like thing 1 & 2. He also wasn’t as muscular as them either but was still had a little muscle. He had cute pale features, black hair slicked to the side. Piercing bright blue eyes that under normal circumstances would make girls fawn over him.

This…wasn’t a normal situation.

“Tally Rodgers.”

The girl spoke up first, “Well Tally! We would like to formally invite you to hang out with us. I’m sure it’ll be loads of fun and you’ll get to-“

I had to cut off Malibu Barbie’s little rant, “No.”

“What?” She stopped staring at me blankly as if I just told her I killed her dog, “Did you just say…no.”


“Why not girlly?” The third guy asked.

I gritted my teeth and glanced down towards my PB&J sandwich a slow grin forming on my insides. I pulled it apart slowly and glanced next to me at Girlly boy who looked confused at my actions. “My name isn’t girlly.” I spoke softly, “It’s Tally.” And with that my hands moved out quickly taking each person by surprise as I smeared my sandwich across the girlly boys face, “And I don’t do ‘hang-out’s’ I’m a busy person.”

And with that I stood up and left