This Superhero Is a Chick?

Do I freakin' look make believe to you!

I lay out on my bed lazily, one leg propped up on my bed the other hanging down on the floor. My eyes glued to the Television in amusement while waiting for the sun to set completely. I grinned lazily listening to the news broadcast about yet another bogus story involving Xros’s identity and how people can find out who he really is. It was always amusing listening the news people as they would blow up stories about who they believe Xros really is, or that because of Xros’s super strength that he’s actually a danger to the people, or that Xros is really evil and just trying to get on everyone’s good sides to hide his ulterior motives.

“Five years have passed since our cities Super hero Vigilante Xros made his first appearance in our little city and still no one has figured out who Xros really is.” The news lady spoke behind a desk with a picture of Xros and his black clothed mask covered his eyes like an old school bandit, his silvery white hair falling into his face almost covering his grayish green eyes. The picture wasn’t to clear to actually reveal Xros’s actual eye color but I knew the color all to well. “It’s a wonder as to why this mysterious teenage boy has yet to come forward and involve himself directly with the police force and assist them directly instead of hiding behind some sort of mask.”

I rolled my eyes laughing, “Yeah lets see you be a girl and dress as a dude and go up to the police people and be all ‘Yo I’m Xros Super hero vigilante extraordinaire. Fifty bucks says that from all the broken noses and internal injuries I’ve caused hasn’t put me on police’s number one awesome list.” I clicked my tongue and glanced out my window seeing the sun start setting. “Time to get ready.”

I grinned to myself as I jumped off of my bed and walked to my closet silently still listening to the television talk about my alter-ego. I walked into my walk-in closet and wandered down to the back area; I ducked under my lined up pants and pulled out a small ladder, moving it to the middle of the closet and setting it up. Lifting myself up I removed apart of the ceiling panel I purposely cut out. I grinned and gripped onto the sides of it as I pulled myself up into the attack glancing around for a second before placing the ceiling panel back into place. It’s not like anyone ever really walks into my room let alone my closet or even notice the almost invisible cut out in my ceiling.

Lifting myself up onto my feet I walked to the side wall and flipped the switch against it causing light to flood into the room I discovered one random day a few years back. The room had an eerie feel to it and wasn’t like most of those cliché behind the bookcase secret rooms. Nope mine was in the attack, at least only I ever go into it.

The lit up room didn’t have any big super computer or high-tech devices that can find just about anything. No my secret room was simple…kind of. Three laptops lined together with maps decorated across it taking up different parts of the city. A normal sized flat screen TV I took from one of the guest rooms and posted it up on a wall that I was able to hack into the video surveillance cameras littered across town. It wasn’t like anyone else ever really used them; most of them were already broken or dead when I hacked into them causing me to go Xros and fix them so I could keep an eye on the more open streets. A new styled radio transition I did actually steal out of a cop car and set up so I could listen to it directly, even making it so it would be able to transmit certain important information into my IPhone.

Walking over to a chest I carried up into the attic, I lifted the top off of it revealing Xros’s costume. Grinning to myself I slid off my long sleeved baggie shirt and skinny jeans, then first wrapped some tight bandages around my chest to keep the girls down. And even tugged on a tight vest that made sure my D sized breasts looked a bit more like a male flat chest. Patting it a little I grinned to myself and started up my disguise. I tugged on a black and white striped shirt, then pulled on a black sleeveless trench coat that hung down to my ankles, and finally pulled on a pair of boxers just for a more guyish effect and slightly baggie pants. I wrapped a studded black and silver belt around my waist allowing the boxers to show off at the waist band. I tugged off my long haired wig revealing my silvery white hair and ran my hands threw it like I’ve watched thousands of other guys do. Grinning to myself I walked over to the desk with my laptops on it and slid on my black gloves as well as the black bandit cloth I had.

“Xros is up and rarin’ to go people.” I laughed to myself changing into a bit deeper tone as I flipped on the police monitor device.


The wind against my skin, the street lights I zoomed by, the adrenaline from driving past car after car zigzagging by each person. The feel of my trench coat flapping behind me from my speed like a cape from an old school comic book. But this wasn’t a comic book, this was my life whenever the sun would set. This is what I would be doing. Speeding down on my custom made black Ducati I was Xros the vigilante.

A staticy voice echoed into my ears from my headphones as I listened the police monitors I set up to my Iphone “All police officers report! A report sighting of a group of teenage boys being held by gunpoint at 385 Geriumas Ave warehouse. Back-up needed!” The voice sounded calm as if whoever was speaking about a petty purse thief.

‘god these idiots shouldn’t be so calm about a life or death situation.’ I thought. I kicked up my speed up and took a sharp right towards the destination of the report. I grinned to myself as I turned again my sharp turns putting me almost completely vertical with the street before I was able to sit back up on it and move faster ignoring the world around me.

It took me 5 minutes to get to my destination, thanks to all of my broken traffic laws and speed violations. It wasn’t like anyone else cared what I did. Most of these people knew who I was just on sight of either me or my bike. I parked my baby across the street in a public parking garage, at least this pathetic city is good for one thing and not putting security guards at these parking places. Yep a great place for a raping. I parked at the highest level and swung my leg over it letting my knee high boots collide with the cement under my feet. I walked towards the edge of the parking garage and glanced down.

I jumped up onto the ledge of the garage and smirked seeing so many openings for me to get over to the other side without drawing to much attention to myself. Rushing to the left I ran across the narrow ledge seeing the corner coming to an end and jumped. Throwing my arms out I focused hard as I wrapped one of my hands around an emergency window exit stairway and swung my body on it so my other hand gripped onto the cold metal that I could feel even through my gloves. My boots hooked in between a few bars as I climbed down the three floor stairwell. Thanks to so much exercise and intense practice of parkour climbing these sorts of things became second nature.

Once my feet were on the ground I stretched my arms out the sirens finally a good distance closer, “Better make this quick. Cant be caught yet.” I mumbled.

I took off across the street towards the well lit building down the small alley next to it and grinned seeing the oddly uneven bricks and windows lined up. Taking my grip on a brick I started my climb up towards the roof making sure my body was at perfect angles. Climbing up the building my feet only ever now and again slipping, thankfully my arms were able to hold myself up. I thank my super strength for those saves. Climbing up onto the roof of the warehouse I walked towards the middle top window thing.

“Man bad guys are so cliché these days. Warehouses…and even a warehouse with this sort of middle glass stuff.” I chuckled to myself as I looked down into the building seeing a group of men talking amongst themselves, while the kidnapped teenage boys were all tied up in separate places of the room. “Ooooh guys got a little smarter and separated them. Interesting.” I leaned against the glass letting my eyes scan everything.

“Well Well Well look at who we have here. If it isn’t Xros.” A dark voice spoke out.

I froze in my spoke, ‘how did this guy get behind me?!’ I spun around keeping my face cool, “Well hey there.” I let my eyes scan the guy and smirked coolly, “Don’t I know you?” I asked.

The guy looked to be around 30 – 35 years old, his hair was a light shade of brown that was slicked back only allowing a few strands to fall forward. He was wearing a lame looking Armani suit like some lame looking mafia loser.

“Mmmm So you’ve heard of me then?!” The guy seemed prideful about actually being known.

I snorted, “I meant more like haven’t I kicked your ass before.” I taunted him.

His face turned an ugly shade of red; “Shut up punk!” he reached towards his belt, no doubt trying to get his gun.

“No time for you pretty boy.”

I smirked and jumped back at the same time I reached towards my belt and pulled out a long metal looking rope out. I tossed my hand out just as the sounds of gun shots started. I smirked as I felt my boots smash through the glass, my weight getting sent hurling down. I tugged on the rope tightly hoping luck was on my side as it yanked back stopping me from hurling to my death. I slid the rest of the way down the rope and smirked towards the surprised men a few feet in front of me as well as the panicked teenagers.

“Awww it’s Xros better get your guns.” I teased in my deep voice.

As if my words just reminded them there situations each one started reaching for there weapons. I grinned as I charged forward clenching my fists and slamming my first blow into the closest guy. A low groan echoed in the room from my fist slamming into his stomach hold some of my strength back as to not kill anyone. The guy hunched forward, causing me to quickly lift my leg and kick out sending the guy flying back and into one of his groups members. My eyes focused on the next guy who clocked his gun ready to shoot me.

“Son of a bitch! DIE!” he shouted and pulled the trigger.

I Dived down feeling the air of the bullet barely miss me, I slid forward from my dive. I switched my position on the ground and kicked out both of my legs sending the guy down himself into the splits. I used my arms and smashed my leg down into the guys face. I smirked as I jumped up and rushed towards the other two who were already starting to shoot at me. ‘Good thing these guys are idiots and suck at aiming.’ I reached out wrapping both of my hands around the guys guns and forced there arms up quickly aiming the guns at there own chins with there hands still on the trigger.

“I dare you.” I smirked darkly.

Each one dropped there own guns allowing me control of them, I smirked raising both of my arms up and slamming the butts of the guns into the guys heads pistol whipping both of them before they fell to the ground. I used my strength and snapped the two guns in half and tossed them across the room.

“Tough luck boys, Sucks to be you.” I laughed harshly.

I spun around on my heels and jogged towards the surprised looking freaked out boys on the ground across the room. I untied each one easily and smirked.

“Nice saving you guys.” I did an over exaggerated bow, “But I got to go.” I stated and spun around.


A gun shot echoed in the room a hollers of panicked boys sounded out all calling my name, “XROS!”

I spun around seeing the guy from the roof pointing a gun at me and now on this floor get tackled by the teenage guys. I watched as the guys wailed on the gun wielding dude until he passed out. I staggered a little feeling my eyes start getting blurry, I gulped down gripping my side. I could feel the warm liquid draining out of my body even through the gloves.

“Fuck.” I groaned and winced in pain.

“Xros! Dude are you alright?” I heard the stampede of footsteps coming towards me.

I lifted my head up a little, my face paled. “I-I n-n-need to get out of…here.” I muttered more to myself.

I turned around to leave, “Dude your bleeding!”

“I’m fine.” I muttered softly, feeling my eyes starting to become blurry.

I needed to get home now and sleep to get my healing ability to take over. I limped towards the rope I used earlier and froze seeing the red and blue lights flashing around the building. “Fuck me.” I groaned feeling exasperated.

“We have the building surrounded! Come out with your hands up!” An annoying police officer announced.

“Dude Xros is going to get caught.” I heard one of the guys say to his group.

I heard the rush of footsteps again and felt a jerk on my arm, I growled as I glared up towards one of the guys. “I’m sorry Xros, don’t want you getting caught like this.” The guy mumbled as I felt a giant punch land across my face. My head snapped to the side as I fell back barely conscious. “Guys switch clothes with him.” I heard the guy shout out.

I felt my body being lifted and moved around a bit until I heard a loud group gasp, “DUDE!” “No way!” “Xros is a-“ There was a long pause before each one shouted out, “GIRL!”

And then the world around me went black.