This Superhero Is a Chick?

how it all started


5 years ago

My breath was coming out in short gasps, sweat running down my face, my legs were aching and in so much pain it was almost unbearable but I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t stop or else they would catch me. I could still hear there heavy lidded footsteps, the profanities being called out at me from biting one of the big men that had grabbed me earlier. My legs pumped under me, my skirt brushing against my thighs with each step. My long brown hair flying behind me like a flag blowing in the wind, all I was focusing on were the soft thudding noise coming from my combat boots as they collided with the pavement.

‘must run! Cant stop! Don’t stop Tally!’ I repeated to myself in my mind.

I quickly took a sharp left, my boots sliding a little causing me to almost fall. I stumbled at the turn, my hands landing on the ground before I pushed off and continued running now down an alleyway.

‘Don’t you dare stop running Tally!’ My mind shouted to me, ‘run! Run! Run!’

I gasped for air, my throat hurting from my lack of oxygen and my solid 20 minute run at 2 o’clock in the morning. Why couldn’t I of just stayed the night at Sara’s place?! Why did I insist on walking home even though it was all the way across town?! But how was I supposed to know that thugs would be lurking in the corner of town ready to pounce on any unsuspecting victim they could find?! And why did it have to be me?! Did I have some sort of sign on me that read out ‘Attack me, Rape me, I’m a Victim’?!

I had been running so much I couldn’t even figure out where I was anymore. I took another sharp turn in the alley, only to let out a gasp as I slid to a stop. Three of them had cut me off! I turned on my heels to go the other way; my face paled. Two more were standing a few feet away from me blocking my only other exit. I turned my head around seeing the two giant walls that probably were two giant office buildings, even if it was an apartment building it would be rare for someone to actually try to save me. People didn’t like to get involved.

‘Some help me! Please! Anyone!’ I yelled to myself hoping some sort of telepathic message would e sent to anyone.

I couldn’t even find my own voice right now as I yelled into my mind. I gulped down in a panic looking around quickly trying to find some way to get me out of this situation even a little bit. ‘Come on Tally your smart! Figure it out! Your top of your class and already a student that can get into any college of your dreams and your only in Junior high Do something!’ My mind tried to convince me. My big brown eyes scanned the dark shadowed walls for something anything.

“Come on girlly, you don’t got anywhere else to run.” One of the guys spoke out in a deep creepy voice.

I gulped down not liking how these guys were calling me girlly, my body was shaking in fear as the group that blocked my only exits started to slowly advance on me. I could feel the lump in my throat growing bigger as I found myself backing up towards the right wall. My butt touched the wall first, I moved my legs back more trying to form my body into the wall. As I tried to lean my back into it more I stumbled a little feeling my back hit something cool. I spun my head back seeing my own scared panicked reflection staring back at me.


I quickly moved my hands back behind me trying to find the latch area and hopefully lift it up. My eyes turned back to the five guys seeing all of the satisfied looks on there faces; even if it was dark the glints in all of there eyes was evident. ‘open, open, open’ My fingers continued to look for the edge of the window something to open it. I leaned my back towards it even more, I was now pretty much sitting on the window ledge trying to secretly open a window I didn’t even know if it was locked or not.


My eyes widened as I suddenly found myself falling backwards with a yelp. My back and head had smashed against the ground rather hard. I winced in pain feeling my head starting to spin in protest as I quickly scrambled to my feet while hearing the curses and shouts of anger as well as irritation. I got to my feet and darted across the dark unknown room I was in. I could see the door across the room, but I could also hear the guys already trying to jump into the room as well. I collided with the door in my rush and quickly searched for the knob. Once my hand landed on the cool metal handle I turned it feeling my body stumble forward.

‘Thank god!’

I glanced down the new area I was in, it was a giant door filled hall. Adrenaline kicked up into my body as I turned right hoping I could find a new way out of this place as soon as possible. My fit picked up from under me, but I could still hear the guys behind me because of there shoes contacting with the tiled flooring in the halls. I came to an end at the hall and took a left seeing more doors littering the new hall. I took off again not letting my legs stop for anything, about halfway down the hall a slid to a slippery turn seeing a long side of stairs going up. I smiled to myself as I took them two at a time as quickly as possible.

“Damn it! Where did girlly go!” I heard one of the guys growl from down the stairs.

I could hear more rushed footsteps echoing down the halls until another one spoke up, “Try upstairs!”

‘Damn it!’ I shouted in my mind hearing there footsteps coming up the stairs.

I pursed my lips and turn towards the first door I could find towards the end of the hall. I pushed the door open thankful that it wasn’t locked, I tried shutting it as quietly as possible. Once I heard the soft click of the door closing I kept my back plastered against it holding my breath as best I could as to not give away my position. I closed my eyes and bit down on my bottom lip roughly almost tasting my own blood on my tongue.

“how could she just freakin disappear!?” A voice shouted in anger. A loud thump echoed down the hall, “Pick a door and search the rooms! Now!”

My eyes shot open wide hearing that command; I quickly looked around the room. My eyes landed on a table filled with shadowed bottles of stuff and books as well as random papers across it. There were at least four long tables in the room just like the first one, towards the right of the room were cupboards that lined up a wall some with metal looking doors, others with glass doors showing some slender looking glass beaker things or whatever they were called. Towards the left was one long closet looking thing and a long bar styled table leading along the whole wall with random stuff across it.

I clenched my fists as I headed towards the metal cupboards first as quickly and quietly as possible trying not to bump into anything. I tried to open the first one I reached out to.


Another one.


Two others.

Still nothing.

“Come on….come on.” I mumbled to myself softly.

None of the cupboards were unlocked, I couldn’t use any of those to hide in. I glanced back towards the closet looking door across the room and quickly headed for that one. The sound of doors opening and slamming shut were starting to sound a lot closer then they should be. I winced in panic as I tugged on the closet doors but was only answered with a loud rattling sound.

“Shit.” I cursed feeling the tears wanting to pour down my face.

I was in trouble now, stuck in a room that didn’t have any windows or a place to hide, and a bunch of crazy lunatics just on the other side of that door. I rested my head against the closet doors finding myself now hyperventilating. ‘Breath Tally. Breath do something.’ I thought to myself.


I jumped and spun towards the door my face instantly paling at my idiot move of just standing here.

“Mmmm what a bad girl you’ve been girlly. I finally found you.” The thug announced.

The sound of hurried footsteps echoed closer to the room revealing the four others standing behind the one that just found me. I backed up slowly in fear not wanting what was about to happen to actually occur.

“Now that wasn’t nice of you girlly.” One spoke out in a taunting tone

Another one nodded as he advanced into the room, “I think we should teach little girlly here a lesson. Don’t you think guys.”

I shook my head quickly, “p-p-please don’t…d-d-don’t do this.” I pleaded.

All of the guys chuckled, “awww she said ‘don’t do this’” one spoke in a teasing high pitch tone trying to mimic me.

“Why does that seem to turn me on so much?!” One of them spoke laughing.

Oh great! Now I know for sure that I’m going to be raped. I backed up even more slowly in fear.

“Grab her!” One shouted

All of the guys rushed forward, I spun around to rush back. Because of the dark I collided against one of the tables in the room causing me to yelp out in pain and fall onto the floor. A few of the bottles on top of the table all clattered and fell down one smashing onto the floor near my head. I groaned out in pain wrapping my arms around my stomach not caring that something warm was pouring down onto my head. My long sleeved shirt had sucked up a lot of the liquid that was on the floor around me from the smashed container.

“Well would you look at that, now your all a mess.” A voice spoke out.

Another chuckle, “I say we should get you out of these wet clothes now.”

The voices were close, but something inside of me was tingling. My body aches were disappearing, but something was happening. It was a weird feeling I didn’t understand. My eyes were shut tightly as I felt a lurch in my stomach the pleasant feeling vanishing in an instant and being replaced with a great deal of pain.

“Dude what going on with her?”

“Who knows.” One scoffed, “She’s probably just faking it trying to get out of the ‘fun’ we’re going to have.”

My gut tightened as a loud gut wrenching scream left my mouth. My body was in pain, it was like something reached deep into my chest and gripped onto everything inside of me. I groaned out loud kicking out my legs as I clawed at my stomach.

“Dude something’s really wrong now.”

My heart was pounding inside my chest hammering against my ribcage like a horse kicking out against someone standing behind it. My eyes opened and felt like they were rolling into the back of my head. I felt my fists clench tightly, I raised my hands up and slammed it against the ground unconsciously. Something felt good inside of me once I did it. I pounded my fist against the ground again, the ground shook a little under me. Something inside of me stopped the sudden pain.

I panted heavily gasping for air. The spinning of my head was finally easing itself, my body deep inside was now moving on its own accord. My legs forced themselves to rise up, I stood up on my shaky legs. I raised my head slowly seeing the five guys in front of me staring at me in confusion and shock. My hair fell into my face as I glared towards the guys in front of me.

“Wasn’t her hair brown a few minutes ago?” The guy on my left muttered, “Why is it white now?”

I growled loudly feeling my fists clench tightly against my palms, “Shut up!” My voice spoke out even surprising me.

All of the guys look taken back for a moment, “what did you just say girlly?”

I felt my left eye twitch in irritation. My body reacted of it’s own accord, “I said-“ I raised my arm up with a speed I didn’t even know I had, “Shut. The. Hell. UP!” And swung forward.

My first smashed into the guys face so hard I could feel something snap under it, my eyes widened as I suddenly watched him fly across the room and land against the wall on the other side of the room. My head snapped down towards my hands.

“What the?” I paused

“You little bitch!” A different guy spoke up.

And with that each guy leapt towards me in anger.

~End Dream~

My eyes snapped open, my body shot up in a sitting position in a panic. I gripped onto my head and groaned softly at the horrible memory of my past. I shakily took my hands away from my head and stared down at my hands like I had done 5 years ago. Gulping down in a nervous way I stared at my black glove covered hands. I jumped when I heard someone cleared there throat. My head shot up just as my body reacted just as quickly. I was up and had the unknown person pinned down to the floor under me, one hand wrapped tightly around his neck, my other raised up above my head.

“Who are you? What are you doing here?” I growled out.

The guy gasped out, “g-g-guys a-a little he-help.”

My mind whirled at that statement, my head shot up and my brows furrowed in confusion. Standing around me were a group of 3 guys not including the one I had pinned down were all standing around a bed with there hands up in a surrender position. My eyes quickly scanned to the room around me seeing the unfamiliar surrounds. The room had a giant messy king sized bed in the middle against a wall, the walls were a pale white color. Random posters of sports teams and bikini clad girls were plastered against the wall over the headboard. A few other decorations that didn’t seem to make this group dangerous at all.

“c-cant breath!” The boy under me panted.

I glared down towards him, my arm dragging him to his feet, my hand not letting up on his throat.

“Where am I?” I spoke out narrowing my eyes on the boys around the room, “Who are you all? Why am I here?” I growled adrenaline coursing through my veins.

My attention was diverted towards a guy on the right side of the room. He looked vaguely familiar to me, to be honest staring at all of these guys they all seemed familiar. I just couldn’t put my finger on what it was. The boy who had my attention had; was well built, muscular and big with broad shoulders that were flexed from tension. He had shaggy blond hair that barely brushed his shoulders, his bangs falling into his grayish blue eyes. He was tall probably the tallest guy in the room at an intimidating 6’5 inches, if it wasn’t for who I was I’d probably be intimidated myself.

Wait who I was? My eyes shot down to myself seeing an unfamiliar giant blue Abercrombie and finch shirt. My hand released the guy I was holding who quickly shuffled away. I reached to the shirt on my body and gripped onto it, my eyes widening feeling my own breasts instead of flatness. I reached up to my hair and tugged because of the gloves I had on, a flash of silver fell into my face. I lifted the giant shirt a little as I looked down seeing Xros’s leather pants still attached to me as well as my combat boots. My eyes widened in realization as I lifted my head back up and shifted my gaze around the room. My eyes landed on a giant closet mirror that stood tall near two of the other boys in the room. I rushed over to the mirror, both boys jumped out of my way with hands up not wanting to touch me. I turned my gaze to the mirror I was standing in front of and paled even more.

“No” I shook my head, “no no no”

Staring back at me wasn’t who I normally look at; Xros. No this was a Xros that no one ever knew about, this was me. And the guy that were standing around me with confused expression knew my greatest fear.

Xros is a girl.