Sequel: after the Apocalypse

Spirt flock

u may reconize some of the names in this story. thats because for some caracters i ued their nick names. all of them are based off actual people. our nicknames are from the book "the sight" though now our nick names have kinda replaced our real names. for example: we barely call Kipcha by his real name in real life, though we have shortened it to just Kip :) ari is kip's brother. he prefers his middle name-ari- over his frist name. witch you might see. (its david btw.)
another thing is it sounds a lot like maximum ride only my characters are vampires, werewolves, skinwalkers, ect. no. my vapires dont sparkle. they burn >:D they fly more than anything tho. they only shift when they cant fly. plus its awkward to shif in front of guys.... even if you have know them for ever....
ok well that that.