10 Reasons Why I Can't Love You

Reason 10: You're a trouble maker

He loves danger.

He loves adrenaline.

He loves to be five minutes away from being in trouble.

He loves causing trouble.

He loves to destroy nearly everything.

He loves to push people to the edge.

He loves to drive people insane.

He loves to make people think they've gone crazy.

He loves everything I hate.


-Faith's Point Of View-

"I can't believe you are just going to let this go." Stacy told me.

"What am I letting go? I'm not letting anything go." I said quickly.

Stacy shook her head at me while Olivia slapped her hand to her forehead.

"You're letting him go." Stacy said as she pointed in Colin, Logan, and Aaron's direction.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm not letting him go if he isn't reaching for me."

"But he is reaching for you." Olivia said.

"If he is reaching for me then why can't I see it?" I asked.

"Because-" Olivia started, but stopped herself when she didn't know how to word it.

"Because he's not sure of himself." Stacy answered for Olivia.

"What are you talking about?! He's the most sure of himself person I've ever seen." I said.

"That is true." Olivia said as she nodded.

Stacy groaned before she slapped Olivia on the arm, "You're not helping!"

"Owwww!" Olivia whined, "Hey! That hurt! Violence is never the answer!" she cried out.

"Whatever." Stacy said as she shook her head, ". . .He is usually very sure of himself, but with you. . .but with you he's not very sure of what to do. He needs you, but he doesn't know how to obtain you." she explained.

"Yeah, I highly doubt that." I mumbled as I watched Destiny and Colin make out.

Olivia and Stacy are wrong.

He doesn't need me.

He's got her. . .and she's perfect.

Soon they'll see.

He and I are not meant to be.