Status: In the works :]

This Could Be Love

Narcoleptic Youth: The Bitch Needs a Muzzle

Hello Universe,

Have you ever seen the movie SLC Punk? If not, you need to. It really is amazing. So there is this scene where Sean goes running through the sprinklers at school, trying to get away from the cops since he has like 30 tabs of acid in his pocket. So since the sprinklers are on and acid is also trans-dermal, it soaks into his skin; effectively making him trippy. As. Fuck. I mean whoa man. Have you ever wanted to really get tripped out? For any reason: escape the mundane life of high school, barricade your parents from your mind, or even to just have a good time? If so, message me. Maybe we could partake in that activity together :) . Lord knows I need it…

Sinfully yours….

11.11.11 12am
♠ ♠ ♠
The chapters will get longer. In case you missed it on the summary page, all of the chapters are going to be written as a blog :) enjoy!